Let’s discuss!
I’m thinking melee weapons that have some kind of overt gimmick, or otherwise unusual properties. Examples:
- Keratinos grows and gains +2~3m range when you do a 12x heavy
- Ghoulsaw has 100% followthrough
- Caustacyst globs force enemies open to finishers
- Gazal machete gains Corrosive damage after Djinn casts Fatal Attraction
- Sarofang has a vortex on heavy slam
That said, I don’t want to consider signature passives, as they’re already documented. Incarnons are also well-documented, so I don’t think they’re as interesting to document or discuss.
Whether they’re “good” or not is irrelevant.
Edit: while it throws all equip slots into the same page, the wiki page “Passives” (https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Passives/Weapon) lists all weapons with a passive effect.
Still, worth documenting other standout weapons, like the mentioned Ghoulsaw.
Kestrel inflicts a forced ragdoll on enemies when thrown, a fact I relied heavily upon in my very early Warframe days (you could even use it to kill some bosses by ragdolling them into insta kill pits)
If you’re fine with gimmick for a class of weapons, Daggers are able to open enemies up to finishers with heavy attacks.
The Dark Split Sword is interesting in that depending on the stance used, it’s either a Heavy Blade or Dual Swords. I wish you could toggle between the two modes mid mission though.
Good catch with the Dark Split Sword! And yeah being able to swap it mid-mission would be great, given each form has its own specialisation.
The duviri melees all have weird gimmicks like heavy slam beams on the hammer or a combo burst on the heavy nikana.
Archon weapons have similar gimmicks, like the tox projectile on the whip and fireball on the daggers.
Xoris can 1hKO granum specters on detonation.
Rakta Dark Dagger recovers shields and builds overshields on hit against irradiated enemies
The rakta dark dagger regains shields by 5% when you strike an enemy with radiation. I like pairing it with hildryn for infinite shields
Arca Titron charges up bonus damage on kills that is released on a slam attack, combo slams included.
The Vaykor Sydon includes a radial blind as an alternate heavy attack. Charge it up by blocking hits, then block-heavy attack to release the blind.
Only read if you completed New War
The 3 Archon weapons all have their gimmicks, Verdillac, Nephari, and Korumm