Let’s discuss!
I’m thinking melee weapons that have some kind of overt gimmick, or otherwise unusual properties. Examples:
- Keratinos grows and gains +2~3m range when you do a 12x heavy
- Ghoulsaw has 100% followthrough
- Caustacyst globs force enemies open to finishers
- Gazal machete gains Corrosive damage after Djinn casts Fatal Attraction
- Sarofang has a vortex on heavy slam
That said, I don’t want to consider signature passives, as they’re already documented. Incarnons are also well-documented, so I don’t think they’re as interesting to document or discuss.
Whether they’re “good” or not is irrelevant.
Edit: while it throws all equip slots into the same page, the wiki page “Passives” (https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Passives/Weapon) lists all weapons with a passive effect.
Still, worth documenting other standout weapons, like the mentioned Ghoulsaw.
The Vaykor Sydon includes a radial blind as an alternate heavy attack. Charge it up by blocking hits, then block-heavy attack to release the blind.