mocking and quoting bigots I've seen so far
:liberalism: turns to “you know it’s hexbear when the tankie pronoun parade shows up to force pictures of pigshit in front of you!”* real quick
[*this is paraphrased, I can’t remember the exact original quote]
Or “so suddenly I’m Hitler because i think people calling themselves Fae gender is dumb”
Or “why should i need to learn a new set of different pronouns for every person I meet?” (this followed two comments after “I’m literally not a transphobe, I work with plenty of trans colleagues who feel safe around me” (average lib being scratched in real time by having to acknowledge neopronouns))
All of these shitheads claimed to be allies when they started interacting but our brilliant pronoun tags immediately made them out themselves as the bigots they are who only pretend to be allies because it looks bad to be openly and proudly transphobic
I literally just got more people in my notifs fucking malding over neopronouns in fucking 196
What a surprise. The community named after a subreddit that openly fetishizes trans people is actually full of transphobes.
The trap has been laid
Edit: here’s the link
No, that’s impossible, neopronouns were invented in 2015 by George Soros
In English records go back at least to 1858.
I was joking but this is cool to learn!
Hey everyone we should de-federate from hexbear! They’re still using this terminology!
hahaha god damn i love that PPB is our VFD (for the childhood Snickett readers out there)
transmedicalist dingus proving once more that is the worst instance we now get to interact with
so you’re telling me hexbear is more radically inclusive of trans people than the instance who’s whole raison de etre is trans people? unironic
In fairness to blahaj it got deleted after about an hour but idk if the user is banned or not
Edit: I checked, they’re not. blahaj mods need to crack down way harder on bigotry like that imo
we have the best mods, folks. many people are saying it.
who wouldve thought
It was one of our first struggle sessions. It didn’t kill unfederated Hexbear, did they think it would kill us?
“pronoun parade” lmao yeah fuck-o we do in fact have parades…
^the parade
Makes me think of those polls where people think that like 30% of America is trans. Don’t like 1% or so of trans people use neopronouns?
From my sample size all of my friends and most of the people I meet are trans because of social things I attend, and I’ve only met one person in real life who uses neopronouns. Really cool ze/zir.
The only one I’ve run into is they/them and they’re not even that upset when people slip up. Just don’t like when people slip up and refuse to at least try.
Wild, I feel like one out of every three people I know irl uses they/them
I do live in the south and am not really part of any big LGBT community irl. The local leftist orgs tend to have a higher concentration, but I was just talking about people who I personally am close with.
There are a good amount of trans people I know, but they tend to use gendered pronouns
Southern queers gang
We have a local group of old lesbians here that drive around main Street in their trucks at the end of each pride month honking horns and flying flags and are generally well received. We also have one of the gayest downtown service industries in the region and I love it
hell yeah
Hey i’m not even from Hexbear and I’ve decided to adopt them 😘
Also about new pronouns, it might be pretty easy to remember them in English but goddamn Polish would be something else. And I’ve seen queer people make lists of all their pronouns and declinations, which is fucking based, but by god I would need a reference from every person I type to who uses neopronouns.
In writing it only is a slight incovienience but in talking it would destroy the flow of conversation unless I’m already familiar with said person. So good on you anglos only having 2 pronouns that need to be set.
EDIT: For those interested in our little shitshow, here have a wikipedia link lel:
EDIT 2: You can also speak in Polish using a genderless passive way (don’t know how to tranlate it properly) by refraining from using pronouns at all. Or I use other sentence steuctures as to avoid using pronouns. It sounds funny at best and unnatural at worst. I use it when talking to trans people in public, as to maintain their safety and give them proper respect by refusing to use wrong pronouns.
“Chciałbyś/Chciałabyś (already genered words have been used) napić się herbaty?”
Would you like to drink some tea?
“Może napilibyśmy się herbaty?”
How about we drink some tea? (We just specifiy that we are talking about us togerher)
“Przydałoby się wypić trochę herbaty.”
I/We should drink some tea. (EDIT 3: After a bit of thinking I came to a realization that this sentence can refer to ourselves alone or us with the other person, but it depends on the context to know whether plural or singular is emphasized.)
“Wypiłoby się herbaty?”
Would we/you drink tea? (In this sentence we completely omit not only the gender. But also the singluar and plural. But we also give context that we don’t talk about ourselves alone by making this a question. The only uncertain thing is wether we talk about us together or them alone)
Polish is funky.
Superior mandarin Ta pronoun for everything.
We love an nb inclusive language
Polish can also use a third pronoun that is rather rarely used nowadays.
Ono, which is genderless or shares male declinations. Most often used for children and animals so many people find it dehumanizing or just insulting. But it’s so rare I’ve never really heard anyone use it…
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Yes, but a bit more broad I’d say. But that’s rather vauge… Don’t know how to explain it really.
Interesting, that’s a really neat perspective, thank you!
Yeah, it doesn’t fully hold up when written which is a shame.
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Yea I’m pretty sure they only made 她 because westerners’ lil brainettes couldn’t handle not thinking about someone’s genitals as soon as they’re referred to in passing
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Wow, I had no idea.
Possibility of no pronouns is good enough for me lmao
Róża my beloved… You know what. Fuck it! I’ll show off!
These prints are from 2008, you will not find any Marx or Engles or anyone else have prints after 1989. And yet these exist. I snatched them up instantly.
Those are awesome! Thanks for sharing.
I’m still waiting on the gender-neutral pronoun of sir or ma’am so I can tip my ten-gallon hat at friendly enbies
gender-neutral pronoun of sir or ma’am
well howdy pardner!
EDIT: For those interested in our little shitshow, here have a wikipedia link lel:
Holly shit, it’s actually worst than french 💀
You mean better 😉
that’s one way of seeing it 🤷♂️
Hey did you have to do anything special to make your displayname show up properly on instances besides your own?
Mine don’t work, not sure what to do about it.
The change has federated now and shows up on other instances.
No clue, just chaned my display name and it works fine!
Sorry I can’t help much.
No worries just trying to look for info
The way out pronoun tags are federated is just by appending them to your display name. Before the update they were a totally different system, but now you can emulate it by hand
Our instance just does that for you with a dropdown
I was originally a fence-sitter when the original struggle session happened. I didn’t argue against it, I was just a contrarian and left my pronouns as none/usename. My “argument” was not wanting to give away personal information lmao
But guess what? I did some minimal self-crit, realized there are four billion males on the planet, and selected he/him from a drop down menu - ONCE, TWO YEARS AGO.
I haven’t thought about it since - and honestly, that’s such a privilege to be able to do. Some of us here have to argue for their right to exist every single day.
If it helps my comrades, I trust when they say I am not being inclusive or supportive. It costs nothing! In the rare instance that I actually need to refer to another commenter, I look at their pronouns and that’s it!!
I feel the same way. Originally i was sort of ambivalent, because it frankly didn’t matter to me, but it really makes it a lot easier when you’re talking to someone and it didn’t seem like much trouble to go through.
I have no pronouns (do not refer to me)
thanks‘me’ is a pronoun ಠ_ಠ
not including I lmao
In fact, it would be ideal if you did not perceive me
pls do not observe
why do i have to learn a unique, possibly unfamiliar name for every person i meet!? i’m just going to continue calling everyone either kyle or karen, the two names.
this was basically England until 1500.
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Bit idea: someone who is otherwise entirely unproblematic and stable, but always calls you Kyle, Karen, or Detective.
You have no idea how much I want someone to follow me around, call me Detective, and act mildly annoyed with my antics
why do people keep calling me racist for saying their weird made up names are weird and made up?
you right now:
all names are made up!
sure, kyle. anyone can just “make up a name at any time”
They’re just jealous because enbies get all the cool names.
i call all white people kyle, that’s just their culture’s name
I name all the spiders in my house “Frank.” I dunno why but it makes me laugh.
You rang?
hi karen!
Nice cat!
I called it! I knew the
brain would shut down when presented with some actual progressive thought!
it would be depressing, but i’ve seen it happen often enough, through history and sadly in my personal life
I copied your pronoun sharing… Format? Whatever you wanna call it.
All I ever feel about my own pronouns is disinterest and apathy but I might as well join in with the declaring solidarity by declaring pronouns.
No pronouns (none/use name) is an option if that’s more your vibe.
I made a hexbear account to see the options for you all, and I set “pronouns” to any and “additional pronouns” to none/use name, but it seemed to shorten that to just any.
It doesn’t bother me in the slightest, so I have it that way on this account too (if anyone can see it…). My best description for myself is “gender apathetic”, the only thing that a pronoun in reference to me has ever made me feel was a mild sense of novelty, when someone uses one that has never been used to refer to me before.
Big mood. Welcome, fellow agender.
Cool, good on you <3, just FYI, for some reason the [any] doesn’t show up on hexbear for me, but it does seem to show up on your instance, idk why
DANGIT idk how to fix it lol
Any pronoun gang rise up
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Uhhh, actually, if you have pronoun tags that means you’re a bot, it’s just logical.
trans people don’t want to be around me, so many of them being in one place is very suspicious
concerned about new pronouns? think it’s unfair to have to learn new pronouns??
bestie we’ve dealt with this near-site breaking struggle sessions before and won, so gl with that
NGL I was mildly against the pronoun thing when it started, but I was humble enough not to get involved in the struggle sessions. So literally thanks to Hexbear posters for putting me on the right side of history.
I had a moment of “I’m not sure I want to be obviously female on the internet,” then I remembered I chose a feminine username and realized I was being real dumb. Also it’s Hexbear, so misogyny just isn’t a problem anyway.
My stance on the pronouns was always:
- I have nothing to gain if these aren’t added, and lose nothing if they are
- Queer comrades gain wider acceptance if they are, and a more inclusive environment is a better environment
Seemed like a pretty easy choice
Today i saw a guy from claim that
CW: transphobia, world's most clueless cissie
we must be Russian bots because we have so many different pronouns. I’d link to the comment, but it has obviously been removed by the mods for the transphobia. I still can’t get over how much of a cisdude shitfest your surroundings must be that it throws you off when the people replying to you have exotic pronouns like “he/him” and “she/her” - these were literally two of his examples, the others being “they /them” and “none / use name” and a grand total of one actual neopronoun. Made that dipshit think that our botnet “sets pronouns to shuffle”, as if that would result in something as tame as the selction of pronouns he’s given.
screenshot (cw: transphobia)
“Any tankie space would obviously be like 98% he/him neckbeards only.”
such a complete dingus, you can tell he’s never consciously talked to a trans person in their entire life, has no idea what trans spaces look like, has no bloody clue how radicalizing it is to grow up as trans in our society and how absurdly large the number of trans anarchists and communists is or how much we concentrate in the few spaces that actually care for our safety. i actually kinda pitty them for that.
Yes, at one point they admitted “I’ve never met a trans person” which 1, you definitely have but you’re off-putting enough that no one trusts you, and 2, that was obvious from the other comments. Sad.
That midwest user needs to touch grass and give the social a break IMO. Why allow yourself to get that worked up over pronouns?
Do they think Blahaj is a botnet too?
Blåhaj is a botnet run by Big Shark to market plush huggables because they get a cut and spend it on shark drugs.
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There are some fish that are like sharknip, cocaine, and meth mostly.
According to Hird, this powder is known to trigger a dopamine hit in the shark’s brain.
the cocaine suppressed their movements. “You’d think that a shark on cocaine is going to be swimming around all over the place at 1,000 miles an hour,” Hird says. “But that is us taking our human brains and putting it into the shark’s head.”
recent research illustrates that aquatic animals can involuntarily fall under the influence of narcotics. In 2021 a team studying the impact of methamphetamine pollution […] found that in the lab, the fish appeared to become hooked by only small amounts of meth in the water. They even exhibited signs of withdrawal when moved to a new tank.
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the cocaine suppressed their movements. “You’d think that a shark on cocaine is going to be swimming around all over the place at 1,000 miles an hour,” Hird says. “But that is us taking our human brains and putting it into the shark’s head.”
Let me tell you about bullshark testosterone :brucie:
A normal person would interpret a wide variety of pronouns as evidence of a community that encouraged trans people to feel comfortable
Instead we’re a James Bond plot
Capitalist Russia, famous for being tolerant of trans people and neopronouns
It’s like the globohomo conspiracy theory but in reverse
Here’s a terrible take I saw today from a user:
[Hexbear’s] they/them tags are a blantant mockery of trans people.
I guess my pronouns are a joke??
no, they aren’t pro trans or pro lgbtq. They purposely pick those pronouns and go around to post racist stuff, bigotry, chinese propaganda and all the accompanying junk. Typical online terrorism.
Hexbear is so good at being GSRM inclusive that they literally think it’s satirical or something. Which basically outs them as having never been a part of a truly inclusive space, since they expect that most people should use “normal” pronouns, and that spaces shouldn’t be visibly queer.
Imagine being so sheltered from the queer community that you think they/them pronouns are satire?
[He/Him/Chinese Propagandist]
that is so insane lmao
i use they/them pronouns for fucking everything because my brain is too small to remember everyones pronouns, ive met many hundreds of people at our local lgbt place, so i default to they/them when im not sure what they are. the transphobes are getting so inventive with their nonsensical takes