Essentially, I want us to sound like cavemen.
I’ll start:
HomesliceAbe was playing Mario kart and HomesliceAbe’s dad couldn’t think of name of one of courses (HomesliceAbe thinks name was "Moonview Highway?). HomesliceAbe’s dad called course “Homeslice Highway” and HomesliceAbe thought new name was hilarious. Also, HomesliceAbe is big fan of Abraham Lincoln.
am girl
Lies. Girls myth. Me never seen.
“Me” not allowed.
Me not allowed either.
Though girl might send. Girl might be horny too.
no, didn’t ask for this just by existing as girl, fuck off
pizza like pizza
lol like pizza too
pizza like lol too
Look down.
No see. What supposed to see?
Kinda cold.
Password Generator
Just name. Boring. Add magik! No more boring
Name funny. Many Y.
Eat siewyuk. Love siewyuk. Cook siewyuk. Want eat more siewyuk. Siewyuk love. Siewyuk life. Siewyuk means roast pork belly here.
From Venture Bro’s
Left bagel in kitchen Go upstairs Where bagel
Cat die. Username commemorate
Your username and server combo plus this comment.
I’m not looking at your account because there is no way you can live up to what just happened in my brain.
Chicken best animal
What get called in professional environments.
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Instance name lol thought would be funny.