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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I spend less than before. I used to not buy keys from third party stores, but now I do. I always bought on release, full prices, but now I don’t care any longer if they get my money. The few indie devs that care, sell for less and with less greedy tactics, they get the full money on release or early access.

    Everything from Ubisoft/EA/Blizzard is pirated because they deserve no money anymore, they are shit companies that should go bankruptcy.

    And even for the few I bought, I might go gamepass now. I regret that I bought a key for Starfield and Cities Skylines 2, should’ve not trusted them. I’ll not pay for their next games/dlcs as I first have to get my money back I spend on them.

    I also started to give way more negative press to friends and online, now that games got more expensive I expect better quality. It’s an easy deal.

  • Damit ist es quasi besiegelt, diese Informationen werden früher oder später vollständig im Netz zu finden sein. Wer was anderes glaubt lebt in einer rosa Wolke. Aus Sicherheitsgründen war ich immer dagegen, sowas sollte vereinfacht werden, auf Anfrage, aber kein geballtes Ziel bieten. Naja, für den Schaden muss sowieso niemand aufkommen, also kann man es auch einfach machen. Hat ja super in anderen Ländern geklappt (bspw Indien), wir schaffen das auch.

    Wo ein Trog ist, sammeln sich die Schweine.