I’m wondering if I should just delete lemmy to stay under the radar. 🤔 (I’m a US Citizen currently residing in the US, and moving out of the country is not really an option)
I feel so conflicted on this. On one hand, this is kinda like giving in to authoritarianism, but on the other hand, dissenting is kinda dangerous. 😓
In the long run, shutting up won’t save you from fascism. Every inch you give is a foot they take, and they will take and take and take if you let them.
If you’ve never wondered whether people living under dictatorships regret not exercising their rights more when they still had them, now’s the time to start pondering.
People in Germany protested in front of a Gestapo building in 1943. Post your posts.
Dissenting is the only thing that will actually do anything to make things better.
Rolling over and stopping is giving up before the fight has even started.
Further, pretty sure the entire contents of the internet have been sucked down into that NSA Utah Datacenter since it opened in May 2014.
Not to mention the corporate surveillance systems of Meta, Reddit, Twitter, and so on. If you ever had an account, just because you deleted it doesn’t mean the data got deleted. Even Reddit has been seen restoring comments after they were changed and deleted.
Also Room 641A implies that the phone companies will happily divulge the history of your text messages to the administration as well. There is and hasn’t been privacy in a long time in any real way in the USA and they’re definitely gonna leverage that.
If Trump is ignoring the law, he’ll ignore any laws that prevent the government from using that data against American citizens. I think it’s healthier to accept it than to try to pretend all that data isn’t already out there for the taking.
If you’ve ever been critical of Trump or Republicans in the last 11 years, just get used to the idea that it’s probably a foregone conclusion and get prepared to be involved.
I don’t mean buy a gun. I mean get involved in community gardens, community support networks and other types of Mutual Aid. We’ll need to support one another and hiding from what is happening and hiding our opinions because we’re scared isn’t going to help.
Do you have respect for the journalism outfits that have already turned tail and given up on seriously criticizing Trump? Do you have respect for every judge who pussed out on holding Trump accountable before the election? Because I doubt you do. Well, history will look at you the same way, if anyone even remembers your name.
Nobody remembers Germans in 1941 as anything but Nazis. The only ones who are remembered for not being Nazis took risks and didn’t lay down and die. It’s different now, the surveillance network is massive, there’s no hiding from it, so it’s pointless to hide from it instead of embrace it and prepare.
Do you have respect for the journalism outfits that have already turned tail and given up on seriously criticizing Trump? Do you have respect for every judge who pussed out on holding Trump accountable before the election? Because I doubt you do. Well, history will look at you the same way, if anyone even remembers your name.
Good point
Further, pretty sure the entire contents of the internet have been sucked down into that NSA Utah Datacenter since it opened in May 2014.
There is a truly prodigious amount of weird porn on a government server somewhere if true.
I learned a new word today thank you.
This is 100% correct. No notes.
Wow, one of the few comments on Lemmy I agree with 100%!
I have the RIGHT to freedom of speech and expression and I will not waive it for Trump or anyone else. Without it, there is no United States.
Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck Elon Musk. Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the oligarchy. Fuck authoritarianism. Fuck this fear, and fuck advance compliance.
I serve no fucking king.
Exercise that right, go camping, free helicopter rides. Sounds fun!
deleted by creator
I’d construe that as a threat.
First of all, they won’t arrest everyone. Even extreme governments on the tail end of their horrible leadership don’t arrest everyone. They need some citizens to be there working jobs. Rather, they would aim to arrest enough people to scare everyone else and then some other people randomly just for the hell of it.
But if you think staying under the radar is going to make your life better, maybe you should read some history books. Who do you think is coming to save you? Who do you think is coming to make your community better? When do you think they’re going to arrive? Outside forces will not fix contemporary US political problems. It doesn’t work that way, not when everyone has armies and nuclear weapons.
Sadly, quite possibly things could get far worse before they get better, so if you want to plan for some unfortunate eventualities, that might be a reasonable decision. But don’t think for a second you can run from them. And even if you could, what kind of human would that make you? What kind of person do you want to be?
Yeah they’ll arrest at random and show the brazen cruel incompetent inconsistency of the law. (I live in a country that does this).
You know what they called Germans during WWII who just went along with the nazis because why fight, you’ll just lose?
Not likely. There wouldn’t be enough working hours in the 4 years available.
they’ll just pour it all into AI. the people they wheelbarrow out of the gas chambers can’t dispute it any more.
The fact that you are even worried about this says so much.
Love, A european
It’s more about setting up a system that rewards your neighbour for snitching on you. If that system is practical online, only time will tell. It worked well irl for other fascists.
Please watch this video about dictatorships and what to look out for.
It worked well irl for other fascists.
It is also a hall market every single communist regime.
It is a fun system but as soviets found out is that it get abused for personal reasons and sending everyone who gets reported to Siberia was just a bad economic amf social policy.
The way modidng on socials works, people would be more than happy to have ICE harass people whose opinions they don’t like Because their opinions are the only correct ones to have.
The way modidng on socials works, people would be more than happy to have ICE harass people whose opinions they don’t like
People are literally happy to SWAT other games. You can’t trust anyone with the power to bring shit down on other people.
Great point lol
Plebs are savages to each other and it is never a concern for the regime
I mean, DOGE already downloaded all your personal info. It’s easy to scrape socials and everything from there. What I meant is the ability to v& people en masse from online comments is yet unproven. I have faith that Elmo will find the right 19yo kids for the job though.
Just enough so you know it happens. It wouldn’t be secret.
This is the correct answer.
that trial balloon is already a-floatin’.
non-citizen permanent resident (aka green card holder) spouting views that the govt dont like? straight to the black hole of ICE detention with you.
Listen at some point its time to realize you dont give a fuck about their threats, accept death as a possibility, and keep to your principles.
Like that man who stood in front of the tank during Tianamen Square protests of 1989.
Im pretty sure were headed into such an event locally.
Like that man who stood in front of the tank during Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
The guy didn’t die immediately. If you watch the full video, he was taken away by plainclothe police. Probabaly got disappeared and tortured. 😖
Torture is the most scary part of it.
The entire country would collapse if they did that. There would nothing to be president of.
Not to mention Jon Stewart, Jon Oliver, and the many other celebrities that shit on Trump. Plus all of MSNBC, CNN, and the other “left” news companies. I don’t imagine they have resources to do all that.
Not yet
The trick is not to arrest most if the really high profile individuals who are critical of the state, but encourage rumours about why they’ve been spared to discredit them.
Extremely unlikely. Not for another 20 years or so, worst case scenario, and by then they probably won’t care about now.
First off, there’s way too many people who criticize the government to arrest everyone, secondly it’s completely unnecessary. Complaining about the government doesn’t really do anything other than allowing people to vent their frustrations and feel more content. It’s the same way Trump obviously isn’t going to “end elections forever” like people say, virtually every country in the world has elections, regardless of how actually democratic they are, because they’re a nice little ritual that lets you feel free and in control. It would be like saying that Trump is going to knock down the Statue of Liberty - he doesn’t have to.
Now, there are reasons to establish more secure lines of communication, like if you’re involved in actual organizing or if you’re either helping people do illegal things or planning to help people do things that could potentially become illegal - for example, shipping Plan B or trans hormones to people in red states. Laws in some red states about “pushing transgenderism on minors” could theoretically be interpreted so broadly that if you post information or supportive messages on a public forum and a minor in a red state happens to see it, they could try to come after you for it - but that would probably be found unconstitutional.
Using secure lines of communication for routine, everyday stuff helps keep those lines secure by generating more chaff they’d have to sort through, as well as familiarizing yourself with it and getting more people on board. However, you shouldn’t scatter to the wind preemptively and self-censor, beyond just not fed-posting.
I don’t see them coming for all of us. It’s just not practical to arrest everyone who complains.
It all comes down to other characteristics:
- are you someone influential or high profile they can make an example of, to promote fear?
- do you have any connection to another country, no matter how tenuous, where they can use this as an excuse to deport?
- are you part of another demographic bias they want to persecute, such as lgbt, where they can use this as an excuse to legally persecute?
are you someone influential or high profile they can make an example of, to promote fear?
I’m just a nobody. No wikipedia pages or anything like that.
do you have any connection to another country, no matter how tenuous, where they can use this as an excuse to deport?
I was born in PRC. The US government could frame me as a “CCP Spy”, but like dude, I’m the most anti-CCP ethnic Chinese person in the US. I’m honesely afraid to getting deported then I’ll have to explain to the CCP about all those Anti-CCP stuff I said. (I’m end up in prison).
Like it doesn’t even make sense for me to be a “CCP Spy”, they literally tried arrest my mother and tried to terminate me (I was the second child that my mother had during the One Child Policy). Why would I ever help a party that almost prevented my existence?
are you part of another demographic bias they want to persecute, such as lgbt, where they can use this as an excuse to legally persecute?
I’m not really LGBT, but I really have no desire to seek a relationship so I think I’m just asexual/aromantic which the Magats would probably consider a “sexual deviant” or whatever bs deogratory label they wanna make, but like I could lie and say I’m straight.
I’m Chinese American, so, judging by the “China virus” racist rhetoric, orange cheeto doesn’t like people like me. 👀
Yep. You too might be a criminal, gangster, drug dealing, illegal immigrant that should be deported. If China won’t take you back, we can dump you somewhere else.
, I’m the most anti-CCP ethnic Chinese person in the US. I’m honesely afraid to getting deported then I’ll have to explain to the CCP about all those Anti-CCP stuff I said. (I’m end up in prison).
Hating authority do be like that. I do respect the position tho…
Some people simp america and hate China.
Some hate us but love China…
But the correct answers is both are brutal regimes enabling exploitation of the working people by the parasite class!
Fuk 'em all
All? Unlikely. But some? A lot harder to say. You’re asking for an opinion-based prediction at this point. I think they’ll probably eventually try to get the most outspoken critics, but I also think that’s a good time to not go silent. You get organized.
it’s pretty stupid and delusional to think you’re going to jail for posting things on social media. in countries where this actually happens (mine for example) you need to be stirring up some viral controversy which directly effects an interest of the government. it wouldn’t be useful to put every rambling stepdad in jail and they wouldn’t have the resources to do it anyway
People are getting turned away at the border for having tweets critical to Donald trump (terrorism for some reason). It’s only a matter of time before they start making lists of people inside the states as well.
This analysis is proper and Americans love hyperbolic bullshit…
The trend is concerning nonetheless