The owner of the meat processing plant was ordered to pay a whopping $1143 to a teen who lost his hand in a meat grinder
In a proper country like China the business owners would be in front of a firing squad by now
Edit: what the fuck did I just start
Contributing to the strugglesession by adding “oh yeah, then what happened to the owners of Foxconn?” and immediately doubling down when people point out that Foxconn is a Taiwanese company by saying “oh I thought Taiwan was part of China”
Bold move, praising a genocidal dictatorship.
Hey remember when China killed 4.5 million Muslims after 9/11 and no one went to prison
No of course you don’t, cause you’re a shitlib
I’m not used to the federation thing yet, I saw this comment and assumed sarcasm, forgot there were dipshits out there that actually think this and that Adrian Zenz is a “reliable source”.
I didn’t see anybody praising America?
Wait, you mean China? Have you even read the party planning bulletin?
deleted by creator
Murder is not required to commit genocide, because it is defined as destruction of a people. In particular, forced abortions and sterilizations can qualify as genocide, even though no-one is murdered.
Nobody in the world other than libs and Adrian Zenz state there’s a Uyghur genocide. Not a single country (least of all Muslim countries) and not even the UN.
Even Adrian Zenz never said it was a genocide, that was invented whole cloth by Reddit libs like yourself.
Why are you bringing up some random German dude? No one cares.
“Why are you bringing up the guy I brought up as a source for my claims” lmao dumbass
You’re breathtakingly illiterate.
“Bold statements for someone who didn’t read a single linked source.”
“Who is this Adrian Zenz guy that was cited by name in every single source I linked?”
You don’t realize it, but this is one of the funniest comments I’ve ever seen online. Thank you for that.
Literally every single source of the Uyghur genocide goes back to a single study conducted by Adrian Zenz done on a sample size of 8 people from the same village “how many people do you know are in re-education camps”, that % is extrapolated to the entire population of Xinjiang to get the estimates of incarceration, then it was published by Radio Free Asia. The millions of people in camps thing was different outlets reporting a singular article done by one guy named Adrian Zenz. Literally look at any article and look into it and they trace back to Radio Free Asia or Zenz.
You can actually go to the Wikipedia article you linked, go to sources, go to the sources’ sources and it traces back to Adrian Zenz interviewing 8 people.
lmao this is great
It’s crazy what watching Vaush does to people’s brains. Just completely transformed into mulch overnight
Because literally all of these claims attribute him as their source.
I challenge you to follow the citations of literally any article about the supposed genocide. Please I beg of you. It will lead back to the heritage foundation, where zenz works, or a DC thinktank citing the same study.
Most literate lemmee user
deleted by creator
Victims: est. ≥1 million detained
scroll down
Part of a series on Genocide [skulls.jpg]
Hmm, those two things don’t seem to fit together.
You could have just said “actually I have no idea what I’m talking about” instead of linking wikipedia
That’s a weird way to spell “I am too incompetent to click on the links to secondary sources for what I want vetted”, but here you go.
First claim I made:
Second claim:
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Every single source you linked literally refers to Adrian Zenz as their source.
The guy who is a senior fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
The foundation that was authorised by the US Congress in 1993.
You’re quoting news sources quoting a once-removed US government employee on their political and economic rival. This is why people are dunking on you.
Have you ever heard of Manufacturing Consent, btw?
Linking wikipedia just screams out that you don’t actually examine your own sources of info that you already agree with. This is made obvious as shit by the fact that you linked 5 different sources that all go back to Zenz lmao
I was reading this reply chain and was like, “Please don’t use Wikipedia as a source please don’t use Wikipedia as a source please don’t use Wikipedia as a source” and-
That’s a weird way to spell “I am too incompetent to click on the links to secondary sources for what I want vetted”, but here you go.
First claim I made:
Second claim:
Damn dude. 5 sources for your second claim but every single one of them references Adrian Zenz. So really it’s only one source. One source that is already debunked.
Wait, I’m supposed to actually read the sources I provide? I thought I could just copy and paste links I found on Wikipedia to automatically win the argument.
Motherfucker did you just cite Adrian Zenz? lmao Jesus that’s so on the nose
You linked to a Wikipedia page that displays a picture of people listening to a speech at a drug rehab facility claiming it is Uyghurs undergoing a genocide. This same page also references Adrian Zenz, who lies once in his original report where he says sterilizations are his biggest evidence of genocide and immediately proceeds to miscalculate the number of IUDs in Xinjiang as being 80% of IUDs in all of China, and then he lies a second time in a follow up where he replies to somebody pointing out his source doesn’t support this claim by claiming he was actually calculating only new IUD insertions in Xinjiang being 80% of new IUD insertions in China, which is also false according to his own calculation and source.
Top: total number in China. Bottom: Xinjiang’s number. That’s 8.7% of IUD insertions. Not 80%.
Tbf 8.7% of IUD insertions would still have Xinjiang dramatically overestimated
Just taking all this data at face value would lead us to believe that the CPC are genociding the region of Henan because ???Communism gives you genocide urges you have to act upon???
Was just pointing out that that was a point not made in your comment. Not everyone can read Chinese but anyone can look up the populations of China and Xinjiang and see that doesn’t match up
In particular, forced abortions and sterilizations
Oh boy you should probably not look up what the US is doing in the concentration camps it keeps on its border then. Something we have real evidence of not made up nonsense lmao
Based on percent of total population, Uyghurs are the second fastest growing ethnic group in all of China. Who are they second to? Tibetans.
If you think China is doing genocide via birth control, remind me not to get birth control from China
Just giant funnels instead of condoms
Genocide is when you have ~17,000 mosques, and the more mosques you have the more genocidal it is
China isn’t run by one person lol
giv toothbrush
Buddy you forgot to call them authoritarian!
You’re right. We will do nothing except cast ballots. We will vote the business owners away to prison. After all, every executive who breaks the law ends up like Bernie Madoff.
Child Labor fans when someone suggests that child labor is a moral outrage:
As opposed to the bourgeois dictatorship of the US
The Telmarines had it coming, don’t defend them lol
removed by mod
Lol, don’t know where to start with your comment
Oh it’s like the good old days of the sub
You understand it’s the right pushing for this, not the left, correct?
You understand you’re not on the left, right?
You understand you have no idea what my beliefs are, right?
Sure go on then, what are your beliefs around business owners who operate plants where teenagers lose their hands?
You’ve already demonstrated such thorough ignorance about basic politics that I do in fact know for sure you’re not a leftist.
Executive order banning all forms of child labor when?
they have to check with the senate parliamentarian to see if such a thing can be proposed during this phase of the moon, or if acting to quickly to prevent children from being maimed by bosses for money would violate norms and rules. our government is far too complex of a machine to do anything quickly, except send several billion dollars of cluster bombs anywhere on the planet in 36 hours.
i’m sure someone is working on a subsidized loan so that the kid can purchase a new hand using his HSA and that he loan will be forgiven if he starts a small business in an underserved community and maintains operations for 3 years.
Well, no, but his mom did set up a gofundme to aquire him a hook as he is no longer able to pull himself up by his boot straps. At present the total sits at $4.20 one of his friends put in there. He will be able to collect disability provided he participates in all degrading means tests and doesn’t make too much supplementary income. We wouldn’t want him living too well after all.
AmeriKKKa doesn’t have a left in its political system, only right and far right. Anywhere else in the world, liberalism is correctly viewed as the capital-serving, people-maiming right-wing ideology it is. Give it less than a decade and the GOP will have made “child labor in sawmills, mines and slaughterhouses is cool and good, actually” a bipartisan stance, just as they have normalized torture at blacksites, dronestriking civilians abroad, unprecedented mass surveilance on a scale never before known to man and internment camps on the border. You liberals have accepted all of these as the new status quo, you will do the same with child labor, as is evidenced by the fact that there is zero pushback against this from Democrats on the federal level. They’re just waiting until people get used to the latest atrocity, like they always do.
What are they advocating for? Executing executives who exploit and kill workers? Or executing random homeless people because they are stinky? Seems like a very distinct difference here
“It’s fine to kill random people in sovereign countries if I have the veneer of the military industrial complex, but consequences for the powerful abusing their power to exploit is where I draw the line. You do realize that we can enact strict regulations to stop them, right?”
For the record, the death penalty probably wouldn’t even happen in this case. So we get another instance of someone crying about a hypothetical they made up
What no analysis of material conditions does to a mf
Did you ever consider the possibility that the right can have the correct take on things, albeit for extremely deluded reasons
You can start with “damn u right”
A bit too uncivil for your tastes? Please elaborate.
More that it wouldn’t happen. There’d be a criminal trial and actually serious fines, but I doubt execution would be on the table. That’s generally reserved for stuff like murder, treason, and schnif so on.
They executed people who killed babies with leaded milk a while ago, but those guys were also responsible for death.
The more I learn about China the more I like it
Wait until you learn what the Soviets achieved and you’ll be as miserable as the rest of us
(the milk was contaminated with melamine, not lead. killed six infants and harmed many more)
True. I’m not a Chinese attorney, and the only cops we have here are
, so we don’t really know. I do definitely know it’s not instant execution, though!
welcome to hexbear! we have “Post”-based posting etiquette here, please let me know if you want more info
Ionia County Judge Ray Voet said the accident was a “horrible tragedy” but didn’t warrant jail or probation for Darin Wilbur (Owner)
If a homeless man sneezed on someone he’d be calling for the death penalty.
“Two months later, we wouldn’t even be here,” the judge said, noting that the teen soon would have turned 18 years old.
The $1100 fine for permanently disabiling a child was too much.
Defense attorney Howard Van Den Heuvel said Wilbur hired the teen, a high school dropout, as a way to help him. He said the boy was warned to never put his hand inside the grinder.
Blame the child who lost their hand to a greedy boss.
“I can’t believe you mutilated your hand after I specifically told you not to, wtf”
“Children’s hands just yearn for the shredder. What are you going to do in the end?”
“Two months later, we wouldn’t even be here,” the judge said, noting that the teen soon would have turned 18 years old.
Not to excuse this callous fuck of a judge, but yes, this happens all the fucking time in slaughterhouses and nobody bats an eye. Killing and chopping up animals is a brutalizing, inhumane business not only to the creatures that are murdered for the treats, but also to the workers who perform the gruesome labor, frequently because they are in such a precarious position they need to take this kind of job that over time maims both the body and the soul of those employed in it. Factory settings are heavy on work accidents to begin with, but “meat processing” is about the worst it gets in terms of workplace safety.
Which is why most nations at least aren’t barbaric enough to let kids do this work.
Whoever was responsible for letting a 17 year old within range of a meat grinder in the first place should be fucking executed, along with their boss and boss’s boss, and boss’s boss’s boss. That is an appropriate punishment for permanently mutilating a child to try and make money.
At the very very least they should be required to pay him the wages of 40 hours of work every week for the rest of his life, and to make sure to save that up to set aside in case they go out of business.
The per capita income of Ionia is $27,000/yr, its rough down there.
Idk about execution, but jail time seems much more appropriate than $1000. That’s so pitiful, they might as well have fined him for messing up operations with losing his hand.
Still like the commuted death penalty China uses for situations like this. Execution, but if you give away enough of your wealth and treat your workers right it’s reduced to jail time. If you’re caught doing it again in that time period they just move up your execution date.
Agreed. No execution. They should lose their hands as well since they didn’t think it was such a big deal to begin with
“We find the defendant 👶 guilty of industrial sabotage”
Based off what came up for the business, it looks like it’s a very amateur operation owned and run by one guy. Screams small business tyrant who thinks violating child labor laws in order to save money is somehow him doing a favor for the kids.
It builds character
How do you delineate execution vs re-education/imprisonment though? Wouldn’t the latter make more sense or are you implying that these types are beyond hope (very possible)
Well it would have to be a pre/post-revolutionary reorganization of the State, the socio-economic system, and the criminal justice system to even begin an analysis based off of the possible crime. I would point to the section in the comment of the post as a possible start to penal code reform in a post-revolutionary state.
JFC the long-term detriment to that kid is going to be worth way, way more than a thousand and change. This is basically a non-punishment.
Less than a weeks wages for a lifetime disability
Oh wow, a whole thousand dollars for all of my hand? Where do I sign?
That’s like $200 a finger!
What a deal!
Lose a fucking hand, and you get only paid a month or two worth of rent. Fucking ridiculous
Edit: holy fuck the rental market went to absolute shit since the last time I checked.
We need Mao back asap.
That’s not even half a month of rent for us.
This doesn’t even cover my rent
A month of my part of the rent, not my partner’s
Phew! He’ll be able to pay for his ambulance ride to the hospital. The system works
The fines go to the state. The teen would have to file a worker’s compensation claim if he wants to get a medical bill reimbursement for his hand
An ambulance ride cost me > $3,000 in 2010, but I’m sure it’s more now
Probably closer to 5k.
Source: am paramedic. Don’t work in billing, but our rates are published.
Thank you for your work, m8.
Jesus Christ, $1143 is pennies compared to the trauma and hardship this young man will experience.
in a just society the company would be forced to pay out millions to this kid. then owners, executives, and anyone involved in the hiring/management around this incident would face criminal charges. those ppl are a danger to society and would benefit from a decade or so of real labor
We’re going to have to start making excuses for the lack of terror
WhAt aRe YoU gOiNG tO Do wHeN YOu GeT RoBbEd
Idk man this criminal system doesn’t seem to do anything for poor people.
If you think about it, he’s lost potential earnings of that and more (with inflation) for the rest of his life. Another 40+ years of work to account for.
They should at the very least have to pay him 40 hours worth of wages every week for the rest of his life, plus extra for the trauma.
If we forced every company to do that how would they continue to make profits off their gross negligence?
The really sad part is that the court had to force this dude to pay up $1,000. It’s not like he just handed him a few C notes and told him to scram. This is ridiculous.
That’s just the cost of doing business. $1,143 is nothing
Absolutely. Even higher fines ought to be discussed (like maybe the victim ought to get a claim to the company in addition to the fine)?
125k Pound
180k Pound
Also lol @ the judge: 2 month later we would ignore workers’ losing limbs