First of all, Welcome! I’m genuinely glad you decided to join!
That said,
Swearing on Lemmy is actually mandatory and any posts found not containing any swearwords will be promptly removed and you will be permanently banned. These communities strive to reverse the damage done by algorithmically induced self censorship by requiring all participants to swear as much as possible.
Also, anyone censoring non swearwords like “dead” or “sex” that traditionally incur negative algorithmic interactions will also be sacked in addition to previously listed repercussions.
Thank you.
We have to cuss??? Gosh darn it! Fiddlesticks! Gosh darn it to heck! So there! I feel better now.
Goddamn. I just joined and this is my first fucking comment on this platform.
Free Luigi!
Suck my dick!
The goomba labeled “koopa” is bothering me
I think it’s because the world “police” or “swat” has been replaced with “koopa”.
I checked. He’s good. Fucker.
This would be important if a mod mate this post but OP is just a rando.
Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me… ;)
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
Welcome you bunch of fucking cunts, enjoy your goddamn stay!
Piss motherfuck asshole dick cheney
Can we get a ruling on words that are ambiguously swear words like “piss”?
Thank you.
Luigi be praised!
Terms like “sewer slide” makes me chuckle
And sexy sex images!
Anyone knows how to NSFW stuff in the comments?