This isn’t “I want to believe”, this is “it would be irresponsible to not consider”.

One of many.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • Because the water would go where they want it to go. You just don’t understand where they want it to go or why.

    You think they want it to go to where the fires are. That’s wrong.

    They want it to go into the central valley to refill the giant lake and swamp ecosystem that used to be there.

    They don’t care about the short-term needs of people who need to drink or put out fires or grow crops. They are making decisions entirely from the perspective of longtermism. They see restoring the central valley’s swamp ecosystem as the overwhelming long-term good, regardless of any short-term consequences.

    Right idea, reckless implementation. It’s also not clear that just dumping as much water as possible into the central valley is the best way to restore the swamp ecosystem. So much of the valley’s hydrology and ability to retain water have been damaged since the cotton farmers drained the lake after the civil war. This is a restoration that needs to be done slowly and deliberately, both to not kill people who currently rely on that water and to manage the environmental impacts on the basin of suddenly reintroducing water that it’s spent 150 years adapting to live without.

  • “We haven’t really figured out the chemistry part of the puzzle yet,” said Vos. “But these results are really exciting because they are showing us that the abundances of molecules like methane and carbon dioxide could change from place to place and over time. If we are looking at an exoplanet and can get only one measurement, we need to consider that it might not be representative of the entire planet.”

    Especially important because exoplanet transit spectroscopy can only look at a planet at one specific phase (time of year, seasonally), when the star and planet line up from the POV of Earth.

  • Democrats cannot continue to fall into the trap of discussing toilets and sports as if these are the pivotal issues of our lifetime. We should make it clear that the mistreatment and abuse inflicted on trans people is an attack on us all.

    Absolutely. Toilet desegregation campaigns won before in this country. Let’s do it again. All toilets should be for anyone that needs them.

    Highschool sports are about having fun. That’s the most important fact to come back to. That’s the target for any discussions.

    Individuals staunchly opposed to gender-affirming care for trans youth and active duty trans military personnel should consider what type of life they expect for them to live while they ‘hurry up and wait’ until either age 18 in the case of the youth or retirement in the case of active duty personnel. Instead of engaging in the abstract, the Democrats can humanize trans and gender non-conforming youth by posing these very real questions.

    That’s not enough to work. “Individuals staunchly opposed” to trans issues have a different understanding of gender than the queer community does. There is a language barrier that prevents the proposed questions from being adequately posed such that everyone understands them the same way. There is a lot of communication necessary leading up to these emotional appeals being understandable to most of the country.

    How we communicate with voters and prospective voters looking ahead is an economic issue, a national security issue, and a social fabric issue, and it is time that we start acting like it. The Democrats’ next step should not be a reverse in the party’s social and civic-minded positions. It should be towards working to repair a loss of trust with voters by hitting restart on how the party communicates, looking further to find capable and moving messengers, and creating a culture – one that Biden himself said he wanted to foster – of proudly and loudly boasting Democratic wins and policy positions that meant something to people.

    Great finish.