I did not see this published outside of India. But not sure why. It’s all based on Xitter.
Elon Musk could have been remembered as a cool tech guy. All he had to do was just keep running his companies and let the smart people working for him do the talking. Nobody would be the wiser that he didn’t know what he was talking about.
Instead, he let his ego get in the way of things and people know him for who he really is. I used to think he was pretty smart. After reading the things he writes, it became apparent that his companies thrive despite him, not because of him.
We noticed.
In my opinion, he’s long gone mad, just look at all this nonsense with Twitter and his “awesome” ideas.
I thought that CEO’s got that mighty scratch because they were made of sterner stuff.
I thought that he always was an asshole and just dropped the facade, but him once being somewhat sane (as far as billionaires go) and going mad from stress and drug abuse seems like a plausible hypothesis, too. Either way, doesn’t change that he needs to be stopped
Oh no… anyways…
Someone who cares about him needs to take him off the internet permanently
there’s your problem innit
It’s devastating to see the toll fentanyl takes on hundreds of thousands of lives every year, destroying families and communities. Yet, it feels incredibly unfair to see someone like Elon Musk openly joke about or trivialize its use. While he may have the privilege to brush it off, so many others don’t have that luxury. It highlights the stark divide between those who face the real consequences of this crisis and those who seem untouched by it. Accountability and awareness matter, especially when it comes to something as serious as fentanyl.
So get him the fuck out of anything important
Oh no. Anyway. Suck less ass.
Pretty sure the word is “Hagiographer”.
Next step is suicide, please.
I think it’s more the money. money causes mental illness.
but you know, there’s a cure, and he employs so very many engineers who could build him one.
Oh well, anyways