That’s an insanely brain dead statement. Did you take a drill to your temple earlier? If you did, you should finish and drill deeper.
That’s an insanely brain dead statement. Did you take a drill to your temple earlier? If you did, you should finish and drill deeper.
My 12 year old overheard me making fun of “trump has no clue what transgenic means cause he barely has a 3rd grade education” and my son said asked why the ninja turtles would be bad. And you know what, he’s essentially correct.
A 12 year old has a better concept of what transgenic means than the President Dumbfuck Shitstain.
Rot in hell with the rest of the Israeli pig shit.
Why haven’t you been hit in the head with a baseball bat yet?
Are you mentally challenged?
I mean, we can just kill the cops. It’s not like they’re trained well. They just know how to mag dump in a general direction.
Reddit isn’t government.
You guys keep missing golden opportunities to just shut off the power you export to the US. Superbowl would have been perfect. His address to congress would have been hilarious. Just do it already. Please, for the love of God, cut it off. And make Trump grovel on live TV for the power to be restored. Show him as the little piss baby he really is.
Or send some of your moose and geese to fucking kill him. I’d be fine with either, honestly.
Just saying brother’s ink or toner is first party instantly makes it sound like other brands are inferior.
No, it doesn’t. Saying third party just means not manufactured by first party, first party being printer manufacturer.
Would you not buy Baldurs Gate 3 cause it’s a third party game? Would you not buy Call of Duty because it’s a third party game? Do you pay more for gas at ExxonMobil, because Costco sells third party gas for cheaper?
You buy third party all the time. Saying third party sounds bad is just stupid.
If you’re stupid, yes. If you have half a brain, it’s not.
If you play in the MLB and take steroids, you get suspended, and if you keep taking steroids, you get a lifetime suspension. Steroids aren’t illegal. That’s not censorship. It’s breaking the rules and facing the consequences of breaking the rules.
If you’re stupid and think facing consequences for breaking a rule you agreed to is censorship, that’s on you for being stupid.
Removed by mod
Going against an agreement you agreed to abide by is not censorship. If you don’t like the agreement, don’t agree to it.
You underestimate how grossly unqualified everyone at the top is in the US. Anyone who’s even remotely qualified to lead the military is being replaced with sycophants. The US has never been weaker, which is exacerbated by the fact that any allies that could provide warnings of an attack, just won’t. Since our intelligence agencies have been neutering any early warning systems set in place, we will not see it coming, or worse, ignore it, because like the parable, an extremely incompetent group of leadership thinks it’s too big to fail, when in reality, wouldn’t take a huge enemy to win.
You have no clue what David v Goliath means, do you.
This only works so well. Especially when he’s proven that he flip flops as often as he does, no one will reinvest, because who knows when the next time he does something stupid to tank the market again. The smarter ones will actually catch onto the grift, and see it for what it is, and just pull out altogether so when the recession/depression hits full on, they at least have something instead of nothing.
No. Nothing reddit is doing is illegal. When you sign up for a service like reddit, there is a TOS, which allows them to ban, warn, limit interaction, etc, at their discretion when terms of their TOS are violated.
If their TOS doesn’t allow pictures of butterflies, and you post pictures of butterflies, you will receive a warning. Continue posting butterflies, you’ll get banned, until eventually receiving a permaban. There is absolutely nothing illegal about it, because their TOS specifically states no butterfly pictures.
Bullets are cheaper than eggs.
First thing you should do is find a young priest, and an old priest.
Your inability to read is pretty obvious.