Money and time no object? I would do a tour of the Pacific islands on a 110 Wally sailboat complete with crew so I get to do the fun stuff like helming and none of the boring stuff I don’t feel like doing that day. Would hit at a minimum Galapagos, Tahiti, Fiji, New Caledonia and on down to the Sundays in Australia. Would take about 6 months although I could spend a lifetime there.
If I was time limited to two weeks? Sailing in the Bahamas in a Outreamer cat, these are as large as I can safely handle with my partner and its a lot lot shallower than the Wally so I get to explore far more of the Bahamas. Shorter holidays I want less flight time, so direct like this is perfect.
Malta I have been wanting to see the hypogeum for a while.
New Zeeland. But not by plane - by ship! I hate flying, but half around the globe on a small luxury cruise ship or yacht would be nice.
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
The Moon.
Failing that, Low Earth Orbit.
I handle this, as do most poor people, by not asking ourselves this question, not even fantasizing about it, for why torture yourself with something you never can do?
I would go to Freemoneyland and get free money
The fuckin moon, and it’s not even close. Get me off this rock
I’d just rent a cabin in a nearby mountain.
I don’t see the appeal in going far away from vacation.
The sun.
Japan. Several European countries.
Dont go to Berlin. Trust me.
Probably any other country where I could get a doctor to take a look at my heart condition without having to take out a loan against my house to pay for it.
I’d like to see Japan deeply. I’d go all the way across the country and make sure to stay at rural spots along the way to enjoy the stillness between cities.
My son asked me this yesterday. Japan.
Honestly I wanna do an expedition to the North Pole and see the sun do weird shit. Then treck to the South Pole so I can see the sun do weird shit but backwards. Like I know that sun is a weird freak when it doesn’t think you’re looking, that’s why it does it at the poles. Then along the way from North to south I’ll tell people how weird the sun is, and they’ll have to believe me because I’ve been there, and they’ll have to say “damn the sun is weird”. Sun’s going to be so embarrassed when everyone finds out how weird it is.
That or like go to Cancun or something. Anywhere that I can keep track of the sun that twisted freak you aren’t fooling me.
Damn we have similar goals but different reasons. I want to have been on all continents and I am obsessed with going to Antarctica. If I had the money, I would want to stand on the planet’s axis. And have the whole world actually revolve around me. Doing this on the North Pole too would be great, but it’s not a continent and therefore has second place.
And now, can you elaborate the weird stuff the sun does at the poles? Besides polar night and polar day?