The fuckin moon, and it’s not even close. Get me off this rock
The fuckin moon, and it’s not even close. Get me off this rock
lol you’re a fucking loser. eat shit troll.
yeah sure, I love wasting time arguing with bad faith actors! You’re clearly in the special group of the best thinkers, it’s so fun to spend time talking with people like you!
Yeah this is totally warranted given the recent news. I mean, one side trying to expand medicare, the other gutting it. One side trying to close Guantanamo bay, the other opening concentration camps on it. One side trying to get money out of politics, the other side destroying democracy for want of more money.
Totally helpful, totally warranted, OP. Well done. Way to go. You’re so cool and centrist.
36 CEO’s, you say?
That’s not even enough to clog a woodchipper 🤔
My kind of gal
remember when drumpf was impeached because he was withholding aid to Ukraine because he wanted Zelensky to find dirt on Biden?
hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. You’re a fucking moron.
CBP agents at the border accused Brösche of planning to violate the terms of the visa waiver program by intending to work as a tattoo artist during her trip to LA
Oh wow, a visiting artist might come do some art, fucking arrest her!
Jesus fucking christ the sociopathic cowards running these ABC agencies are dumber than shit
“Their last command was the most important, to not believe the evidence of your own eyes and ears.”
They’re just playing devils advocate, giving voice to any would-be conservative readers thoughts on the matter, so that they can dispel them. Based on all available evidence, the orange rapist has been putins fleshlight for decades. There is simply no other explanation.
I am so fucking sick of this pathetic piss baby bullshit. This fucking traitor and his cock holster have no right to disparage Zelenskyy, whilst polishing putins knob and trying to blackmail extort an ally into giving away their countries natural fucking resources. The level of treacherous, inane bullshit being spouted by these stupid fascist fucking fucks comes across like it’s from some poorly written trash novel trying to really spell it out for the reader how absurdly terrible these people are.
I tell ya, I’m this close to volunteering for the fight in Ukraine myself, just so I have a chance to literally fight fascism, because the idea of sitting on my hands any longer is becoming detrimental to my health.
The site doesn’t even allow you to “like” posts. “It seemed to us to be a kind of high school popularity contest, a way of creating a dependency on the platform,” said the founder, holding a mug of tea.
On Facebook, Instagram or X, likes are also used to help algorithms identify users. Here, there’s no need: There’s no algorithm. “On Front Porch Forum, content isn’t infinite, so we don’t have to choose what we show,” said Wood-Lewis. Doomscrolling – mindlessly consuming a flood of negative news – is impossible here: Browsing through the posts takes just 10 minutes.
“Sometimes nothing much happens, just like in real life.”
Sounds lovely!
Take a multi-day trip beforehand. You should at least experience an abbreviated version of living together before you actually do.
I love cats, but I also love my plants, and despise the odor of a used litter box. Therefore, I cannot have cats. It sucks.
Ames worked for the Ohio Department of Youth Services, which oversees parts of the state’s juvenile corrections system. After a decade there, in 2014 she became the administrator of a program addressing prison rape. Five years later, she applied for a promotion.
Her supervisors turned her down, saying she lacked vision and leadership skills, eventually giving the position to a gay woman who had been at the department for a shorter time and, unlike Ames, lacked a college degree.
Not long after denying her the new position, her supervisors removed her from her existing job, telling her that they had concerns about her leadership and offering her a demotion that came with a substantial pay cut. She was replaced by a gay man with less seniority.
Sounds like she was a do-nothing karen that nobody liked, which makes the actions of her employer entirely reasonable. Everybody who has ever worked has had the displeasure of meeting one of these people that fails upward, and has an ego the size of Rhode Island.
Remember kids, all you have to do is not be a dick.
Sigor Ros. Saw them live and, despite their melancholy music, put on a helluva show. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed them live!
That and The Flaming Lips. Their live shows are always spectacular, seen them twice
Box is looking real comfortable, AND I don’t have to get back up once I find a good position??
That’s why I love getting lawn tickets to outdoor shows, bring a blanket, and have a good lie down. Helps keep my jimmies un-rustled
Al Franken was a great politician, one of the last ones to feel actual shame and remorse. Resigned because of a dumb joke whilst in the company of marines, should’ve stayed, but I bet he’s happier being out of it 😥
It’s amazing. I recommend sitting outside the central train station in Amsterdam and people watching, as thousands of tourists attempt to bicycle or walk somewhere, and they’re just in everybody’s way. It’s hilarious. If you’re going to cycle (which, yes, you should) stay to the right and signal where you want to go. There are bike lanes there for you to take, don’t just be off in the middle of the street. Also, they want you to pay for an extra ticket to bring your bike on the train with you, I found that this can be ignored if you’re not a jerk about it.