Donald Trump amended his lawsuit against CBS, now alleging that a 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris unfairly diverted viewers from his Truth Social platform.
He claims CBS’ edits misled the public, boosting Harris while harming his media business, and seeks $20 billion in damages. CBS argues its edits were standard and protected by the First Amendment.
Legal experts view the case as weak, but it coincides with Paramount Global’s regulatory review, leading to reported settlement talks.
The FCC has also opened an inquiry into CBS’ editing decisions.
He won the election and got exactly what he wanted and he’s still mad as hell about it.
If he didn’t make it everyone else’s problem too, I’d feel sorry for him.
Because he probably didn’t win
He won due to low voter turnout and voter suppression. A win is still a win.
Trump on Elon Musk: “He knows those computers better than anybody. All those computers. Those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.”
That would only work if I believed anything he said.
I mean I call that cheating. But sure.
Actually, Harris got more votes than Biden in most of the key swing states (the ones that actually matter). Trump did not win because of low turnout, quite the opposite. Even more people voted for him in those setting states than in 2020.
I’d still be pretty amazed if there wasn’t even more nefarious voting fraud that happened.
He won because his opponents caved and gave him the win before bedtime on election night.
Ding ding ding.
Can we not sound exactly like the deranged MAGA cult?
i suppose we should just bend over and take it too?
It’s almost like falsely shouting the 2020 election was stolen was a set up to make people ignore claims the 2024 election was stolen… huh
he’s a fuckin’ loser. he only knows how to play the loser. even when he wins, he’s a fuckin’ loser.
He won’t be satisfied until he has everything. And then even then he won’t be satisfied.
It is how purely ego-driven people operate. They are never satisfied with what they have (in terms of material wealth) and instead of looking inward (which would require humility; something the ego-driven person lacks), they project their faults on the rest of the world and think that if only they achieve more material wealth will their problems and dissatisfactions be quelled. But it never will be.
I would feel bad for how miserable such people must be if they weren’t simultaneously ruining everyone else’s lives in the process. They are destructive entities that must be stopped else they reck havoc.
He and his ilk are weird losers no matter how the cake is sliced.
Legal experts view the case as weak, but it coincides with Paramount Global’s regulatory review, leading to reported settlement talks.
Even as cynical as I am, I never thought I’d actually see the US fall so far.
And it’s only just started…
It’s only been two weeks…
At this rate, we’re going to reach the gulags and mass graves stage by about April.
What do you think they’ll use all those abandoned shopping malls for? Gulags.
what a fucking baby. holy hell. ‘little piss baby’ is taken by greg abbott… so ‘donald j trump is a whiny little diaper baby’.
trump has been talking to Musk apparently. Musk sued companies that stopped advertising with Twitter. This is the same concept. Musk believes he is owed the advertiser’s money even before its given to him. trump is saying he deserved the attention that he thinks he would have received if CBS hadn’t aired 60 minutes.
In both cases, its bullshit.
Tell that to the bribed SCOTUS.
Even when he wins he’s still a loser.
$20 billion in damages? I know in negotiations you are supposed to start high and work down to the number you actually want but that seems…extra.
The more I hear about this idiot the more it seems like he is doing as much stupid shit he can to distract people. Classic thievery, pay attention to the left hand while the right hand is in your pocket.
He’s exhausting us. It’s actually a clever tactic to wear us down before the final solution begins and we all just…. accept it.
he’s been working this game since obama.
The political version. He’s been using the same tactic in business long before that.
What did I just read? Can someone explain me like English is not my native language please?
Our president is using the government to operate a criminal racketeering organization.
Trump is trying to extort 20 billion dollars from CBS.
he wasn’t president at the time of the ‘offense’. just a private citizen. the suit was filed when he was a private citizen as well.
whining about it now in an amended (that status or when it was is irrelevant) private civil suit (trump v cbs/paramount) is not an official duty, not even remotely adjacent to one, of the office of president of the united states of america.
that bullshit immunity ruling from his handpicked scotus does not shield him. well, it shouldn’t, anyway–they’d have to broaden it to basically crown him king.
It kinda makes sense because unless you want a lawsuit thrown out, you have to show real damages.
I’d say this damage isn’t “real”, but that’s on the court to decide.
Drugs are bad, kids. Don’t take drugs. Or at least not the ones he’s taking.
take fun ones. like thc and peyote.
So in donvict’s fictional universe, he’s entitled to eyeballs on his bullshit platform?
Of course! Next up: Truth Social will be official communication devices from the White House, and all Americans must register to be able to work. You must log in with your SSN, and a proof of residence. Failure to do so will result is deprivation.
That seems like a legal dead end. Weak is an understatement.