Jesus Christ she is a fucking moron
I got in an argument with a toaster and now I lost a bet and I’m here just to get my house back.
Jesus Christ she is a fucking moron
For sure. But the math of those that dont want to risk jail or death is like 99.9 of the 99.
I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m saying why it isn’t done. No one wants to risk it. Or death.
Jail. If it is we legal it wouldn’t be an issue.
Fancy way to call people stupid
Relatability. I probably would have scrolled passed a flower bed with a meme or some other pop culture reference. But Megaman, I will read what’s going on.
Thank God I only use electronic money
14 is going down hill. I have played it for many years and cleared a lot of the harder content. It’s a lot of rinse, wash, repeat. 15 had some beautiful graphics but it dropped the ball in the open world. 16s battle system was fun. The story was good. Had a decent Gothic roots of fantasy in there.
Who is supporting it?
I don’t know. Sounds efficient to me. /s
Like two highlights. Going to the moon. And the environment.
Almost. But some of us could tell he was a Manchurian Candidate
Weird way to call our president a moron
I don’t think that’s a linear logic. We all know Vision is a robot. But we also know it’s a story about a robot that is played by a man. We are watching for the spectacle, not because we believed the story to be real.
As much as I see your point. They are already here. So it’s not over yet
My step dad is exactly that. A Republican with dementia. The irony.
I don’t care enough to spend money on such nonsense
It might happen in a generation or two when the gap is so great there is no alternative.
No one that has ever banned an education have ever been the good guys.
Yes and no. They system is designed for sustainability. However it’s been 3 elections since we had a chance of fixing it. We had a chance with Obama. But now they have the Supreme Court and gerrymandering. It’s an uphill battle.