Lindsey, just a few days ago:
“He either needs to resign and send somebody over that we can do business with, or he needs to change,” Graham said.
Lindsey, just a few days ago:
“He either needs to resign and send somebody over that we can do business with, or he needs to change,” Graham said.
Wasn’t he praising little d just last week on this very thing?
Speaking to reporters in the White House driveway right afterward, South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham predicted that the shouting match could end U.S. support for Zelenskyy, calling the meeting a “complete, utter disaster.”
“Somebody asked me, am I embarrassed about Trump. I have never been more proud of the president. I was very proud of JD Vance standing up for our country. We want to be helpful. What I saw in the Oval Office was disrespectful, and I don’t know if we can ever do business with Zelenskyy again," Graham, the Senate Budget Committee Chairman, said. “The way he handled the meeting, the way he confronted the president, was just over the top.”
Yeah, it wasn’t a disaster or over the top because of anything little d or “JD” “Vance” did during their planned ambush of a guy trying to fight off a dictator invading his country. Not according to Lindsey. Last week, anyway.
This is the useless shit that occupies little d’s mind. It’s all about HIM.
Why do you have to draw the line somewhere?
I feel like a broken record here, but the huge uptick in ageism I see in relation to politics seems like it’s not going to, ahem, age well given the amount of things I keep seeing about slowing down/reversing aging…
I mean, yeah, it sounds kind of silly until it doesn’t. I remember reading about/thinking about things like AI (even if it’s not AGI - things like LLMs are here and disrupting the shit out of things). Same with self-driving cars. And yeah, neither of these things are perfect, but they are having an effect on society - people I know mostly got very smug and dismissive about these notions just 20 years ago. They are rather quiet about them now. I think the same thing is true about aging. Even if the breakthroughs are extremely mild and stay that way for decades, maybe even forever, suppose average healthspan is increased even 5 years. That will make (upper) age limits look very myopic and dated.
Klan Mom has a dad bod. 🤣
And this is the “pro-life” party. 🤮
I’m sure it works the same way with the mafia. I doubt companies that pay extortion to the mafia only do a one-time payment.
I guess that’s true, but they then proceeded to constantly dunk on Hillary and often for the most stupid of reasons: emails, Benghazi, her laugh, having hot sauce, she was obviously at death’s door, etc.
I mean, if they kneecapped Bernie so they got a more centrist candidate, they then started playing with fire by employing the bothsiderist nonsense. In many cases, it was not even bothsiderist, it was tipping the scales in favor of little d, whether it’s because they wanted their horse race or because their corporate masters wanted tax cuts. In any case, I am sure more than a few knew exactly what they were doing. And I’m sure more than a few of them knew, even then, just how dangerous and flawed someone like little d is.
Probably the same kind of people that think that people that just happen to have money (little d and fElon) are smarter.
in 1764:
Enoch Brown school massacre: Four Lenape Native Americans entered the school and shot teacher Enoch Brown. Brown was then scalped, while ten students were beaten to death with clubs and also scalped. This marks the first instance of a school shooting in the Colonial States and in North America.
School violence happened before Columbine, too. Sadly.
This was ten years before:
This was in 1966. Sure, not K-12, but…
This was apparently explosives, but…even so. 1927.
Scholars? That sounds like book-learnin’, which I’ve been told is WOKE.
I’ve always been annoyed about how DuBois, Pennsylvania is pronounced. Everyone I knew would say “Dew-Boys”. Uh, okay. I mean, people with that last name must facepalm all the time over that.
I mean, I know most people would just call the Schuylkill Express the Surekill Express as a joke, but even if they didn’t, I guess the usual pronunciation approximates how it was said in Dutch (I guess?) - skool-kil. Also, it’s not a common last name that I know of. DuBois, on the other hand…
PA has its share of oddness…Intercourse, PA, Blue Ball, PA, and Middlesex township…all the things named Beaver around State College…
LOL, the AI actually read it correctly. I grew up in that area, and remember all the face-palming when some new talking head would join local news and butcher the pronunciation, on the air. I wonder if anyone’s ever done a supercut of it…
I suspect it’s a brand thing with insecure men (and the women infected with the same toxic nonsense). I mean, what is the alternative, be a total pansy and vote for Democrats? /s
Yes, but you have to understand - Obama was doing this while Blah, and that drove little d and all his base absolutely fucking crazy(ier).
Right, but we have to have the dumbass teenagers that are breaking into the Treasury payment systems and USAID and so on focus on ending “waste” by…cutting life-saving things in USAID. Also, they will be ending a lot of “fraud” by making sure farmers have no place to sell their food.
But at least little d gets to play golf at our expense. I’m sure that’s not abuse.
This is good to highlight how the cons are hiding out from their constituents.
I doubt even Republicans take Lady G seriously.