Remember when she chased down an underage survivor of the Parkland shooting and harassed him insinuating he was a crisis actor?
Fuck her, she’s garbage. Make her miserable.
She is one of the very worst. I hope reporters up their game and keep asking her why she was okay with releasing terrorists.
Same with Democratic politicians - they should keep asking Republicans why they are okay with it. And they should ignore all the stupid logical fallacies they try to pull with the “butwhudaboutbidenandantifaandblm”.
She’s not miserable, she’s immature. All she knows how to do is melt down in public. And, like a child having a tantrum, if it gets her what she wants then she’ll keep doing it.
Like 99% of republicans.
I want to see reporters ask all of these people why their party is fine with releasing terrorists.
I don’t care if they are “sick of it”, the qons need to answer for this, and if they don’t, I hope they get hounded every turn.
The Democratic Party should be asking this at nearly every opportunity. By the way, it seems the excuse the likes of Watters has is that “they were definitely overcharged”.
Yeah, terrorists. “Overcharged”. These asshats will gaslight and troll about any behavior at all from their side.
Brought to you by supporters of Gitmo and border concentration camps.
Yeah, indeed. That is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw Watters smugly use that to try to swat aside the questions about releasing terrorists.
These are the fuckers that just fine with someone spending time in prison for accidentally voting incorrectly, but think the J6 terrorists are “overcharged”. Fuck Watters with a rusty chainsaw.
That’s pretty weird because you people didn’t give a shit about Gitmo or the border concentration camps when Biden was running them.
Me people? Which people is that?
Make sure you check my comment history before you make an assumption and accidentally embarrass yourself. Fair warning: I spend a concerning amount of time on Lemmy and have an inappropriate number of comments.
Do you frequently win arguments with strawmen?
Fuck MTG. Fucking dirtbag.
mtg would have a meltdown if you asked her what day of the week it is. it’s the only reaction she’s capable of
That photo is insane. Why do Republican politicians all have that Satan look? I’m not religious by any means but they really look like demons in a skin suit.
MTG is a demon in a skin suit. So is Kristi Noem.
It’s the eyes.
Hey now, Satan didn’t do anything deserving of that comparison! That’s pure Fury of God right there
I hope she is. I hope the next fucking time she supports the fascist in chief doing evil shit, maybe she thinks about how fucking miserable she’s going to be answering questions about it day in and day out and refuses out of sheer fucking laziness since she won’t do it out of decency.
She won’t. You know she won’t.
Yeah, but it’s more likely she’ll follow her own self interest over any sense of decency. Still no, but not as ridiculous of a no.
So just ask her to explain the actions of the people she supports and she goes insane?
She thinks asking a very pertinent question means the media “is out of touch” because “everyone hates the media”.
She never grew out of high school Mean Girl mode.
Maybe if we start shaking the tree the weak ones will fall out, and they are easier to eat.
…all lot of them walked through open doors…
What about the 22yr sentence dude?.. he didn’t get 22yrs for walking through a door.
This is also the 1st I’ve heard Biden pardon’d a rapist… who was that?
This is also the 1st I’ve heard Biden pardon’d a rapist… who was that?
Probably something terminally online MTG is fixated on, but I’m unsure of what she’s blathering about.
Also, it is entirely irrelevant to giving a blanket pardon to the J6 terrorists. She obviously cannot answer the question without resorting to childish logical fallacies and saying no one cares and the media is out of touch. Bull fucking shit. It’s 2-to-1 disapproval for pardoning terrorists, so she should answer the fucking question instead of insisting there is nothing to see here and “butJoeBiden” and continuing with her weird fixation on unrelated things like BLM and “antifa”.
She’s probably referring to Hunter Biden, they have all kinds of conspiracies about him.
Didn’t knew MTG could meltdown without paying N number of colorless mana and 1 fire mana.
And why would they? It’s basically more useful against a fully artifact deck.
Unless they pull the dark steel forge, then you are fucked
Please follow her around and keep asking her about J6.