So what’s this mean?
He’ll take US Tax Dollars and put them in Crypto?
Sounds like a great way to bankrupt your entire country back into the stone age.
So what’s this mean?
He’ll take US Tax Dollars and put them in Crypto?
Sounds like a great way to bankrupt your entire country back into the stone age.
The dude that wrote this blog is a goof…
defines backdoor as “relating to something that is done secretly
effectively constitute a “private API”, and a company’s choice to not publicly document their private API
Idiot thinks these are two different things…
Are they are trying to argue that malicious intent is needed to define it as a back door?
I think Putin’s push is a direct result of US and UK just straight up ignoring the cooperation of the UN Security Council in 2001.
Against the entire world wishes, votes and resolutions passed in the UN…
The US and UK straight up ignored it all and invaded a sovereign nation.
Once that precedent was established, and it was obvious the decorum of the UN Security Council wasn’t going to be respected, Russia and China changed gears…
When they realized that any buffoon (Bush) could one day just be put in charge of the US and decide to invade another country and nothing would stop them, they started preparing long term.
not one AI compagny has ever made a single dime,
You’re confusing AI Training with AI implementation.
AI Training is the big cost.
AI implementation is where the money is made, and lots is being made.
it would need to bring real value
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you that obtuse to the millions of subscriptions people are dishing out?
Are you not aware of the AI vision systems being used in the past 5 years making fucking $$$$$$$$ ?
All of us gamers out there… all that $$$ into hardware to have DLSS is just ‘no real value’ ??
Why are you commenting on a topic you clearly have no idea how or where its being used?
Like fuck he’s not.
He thinks the stock market is his popularity metric.
That’s why he again walked back the tariffs and pushed them out… AGAIN.
What a flip flop
As if Trump is smart enough to plan ahead something like that … LOL
Maybe he got wind of Luigi’s brother Mario, and now wants to back out of the spotlight.
Dinglesmurf just fires people, and see’s what happens. And then re-hires when stuff clearly goes to shit.
That’s musk approach to everything. Even SpaceX.
Remove it, and see if it works without it. Consequences be damned.
Of course that doesn’t take into account long term affects as you pointed out. It’s idiotic and irresponsible.
With the FAA now gutted/gone. He’s in the clear to do what he pleases. People will get hurt.
it’s usually an attack on workers
No. It’s innovation. As was horse carriages and other technologies/jobs being out of date
the industry steals directly from artists
Valid Argument!! Training AI based on existing voice actor recordings is true valid concern. But this won’t stop the industry with eventually having really good vocaloids, or finding people willing to donate their voice or sell it on the cheap.
these companies are massive polluters/ emitters
Bullshit. There’s no reason any AI training needs to happen at 100% duty cycle. It can run straight off pure solar with no batteries. Trains only when the sun shines. That said, the power source is irrelevant to the argument. Not all nations rely on fossil fuels.
it makes you look like a rube
Whining that society is moving forward and a old job is being obsoleted makes you look like a rube. Want to take your voice acting to the next level? Do something like the Critical Role folks did and adapt.
X - Doubt
UK has typically bowed to US.
France may our only Security Council Veto hope.
I inherited the citizenship
Have you been checking in with the IRS? You may owe them taxes…
Late 90’s, early 2000’s Korean cars started to be great!..
Too bad they didn’t continue that trend into 2020’s…
set a high standard for the industry
No they haven’t.
Musk or no Musk.
They continuously are plagued by quality issues, safety issues and under-delivering on promises.
his own people,
of which are wildly incompetent
He’s having a melt-down because the rest of the world is siding with Ukraine (as they should)
US would be forced to defend their mining assets/investments in the area.
democrats are acting disrespectful and out of order.
They absolutely should…
Their lives depend on it.
Between this and Stargate.
People are going to lose everything…
Freeland has a LOT of ties to Ukraine and Russia,
So what’s her reasoning for stirring the pot and causing trouble? I’d venture a guess she didn’t think Trudeau was doing enough to help Ukraine…
That resignation and disagreement opened up the Cons and NDP to try and steal the spot light.