Just imagine a fleet of Cybertanks spontaneously bursting into flames two miles outside of Monterrey. Beicon épico
He’d probably have his engineers some kind of overcomplicated and extremely expensive fighter that’d keep running into issues with both the hardware and software. It’d be called the Super Efficient Xtrafighter (SEX, get it? Freaking epic!).
He’d probably have his engineers some kind of overcomplicated and extremely expensive fighter that’d keep running into issues with both the hardware and software.
We already have the F-35 lol
Yeah, I was referencing the F-35, because that already feels like a Tesla production.
would somehow make it worse, I bet.
Gamer RGB lights on everything and it has a speaker that plays meme sound effects
It farts every time you fire the cannon 😂🤣
imagine a self-driving F-35!
The F-35 powered by Grok
Known for it’s ability to X-cruciate the pilot and medically X-empt them from future military service
A self driving stainless steel battletank with just a single touchscreen to control it.
“Why do all these DoD nerds keep telling me stainless steel isn’t a good armour material and what are they on about physical controls are good for Electronic warfare. Shut up losers I’m disrupting the industry.” Elon Musk, probably.
I said it already in another thread, but we should convince Musk to build a fleet of 30,000 ton bolo tanks powered by AI.
picturing a fighter plane with touch screen flight controls and voice activated weapons that can only reliably understand a strong afrikaner accent
pretty sure in one of the GI Joe films there’s a ship that can only be controlled through Gaelic voice activated controls
I mean Boeing already gets a lot of them and we know how theyre doing these days.
I expect more apology letters from Ansar Allah as they have to shoot down a plane that could have canceled all student debt and given full healthcare
I can’t find that tweet but there is this one:
Hitler was sooooo fresh
Oh that was from today
All HMMV’s to be replaced by Cybertrucks,
Tesla’s stock goes to the moon,
then the hilarity begins.
A real, “Its like I’m HALO”, moment.
Doesn’t matter what failson gets it, this is the path we’re on.