During his Senate confirmation hearing for Health and Human Services Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dismissed scientific evidence on vaccine safety despite claiming he would follow the data.
He rejected studies debunking vaccine-autism links, downplayed COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, and avoided endorsing the HPV vaccine.
His remarks on racial differences in vaccination raised further concerns.
Lawmakers and health experts criticized his reliance on flawed research, warning his leadership could erode public trust and revive preventable diseases.
His confirmation remains contentious.
Might have something to do with the glaring fact that he is mentally defective and completely untrained in anything related to science or medicine.
Could also be the worm eating his brain.
Footage from inside RFK Jr’s head.
I agree that he is dimwitted and not fit to make decisions. In fact I think he needs 24/7 supervision by a competent adult. I disagree with your nomenclature ‘mentally defective’ though. He is incompetent, uneducated, a liar, an abuser, and has reduced mental capacity due to a brainworm and being a spoiled rich kid.
Could also be the thousands each week he was receiving from his anti-vaccine non profit.
Don’t forget, he killed a bunch of Samoan kids with an anti vaccine campaign in the region in 2018-19 and then just left without consequence. He is going to do this here.
83 people died. If a proportionate number had died in the United States, he’d have killed 129,348 people.
Oh well then its going to be much worse here. We have a bird flu pandemic brewing amongst the agencies going dark. We are fucked.
I miss when we had actual leaders, and that includes a willingness to admit that you don’t know everything and defer to experts.
Hey, you know that Rand Paul guy? He was letting some air come out of his mouth yesterday. When he said we need an honest debate…
Bro, what makes you think you would be a part of an honest debate? You’re not qualified.
the reason you have distrust from people at home and why they don’t believe anything you say and they don’t believe government at all is you’re telling my kid to take a Hepatitis B vaccine when he’s one day old. You get it through drug use and sexually transmitted. That’s how you get Hepatitis B, but you’re telling me my kid has to take it at one day old … that’s not science.
The “That’s not science” kills me. Just because you don’t understand the science doesn’t mean it isn’t science.
Also, if you can get it through sex and IV drug use, you can get it through blood contact, which can happen in other ways. Why not protect against it? In case kids decide to become “blood brothers” or practice insufficient hygiene around other kids’ bloody noses or something
Considering how long it can take kids to both use a tissue properly and dispose of it properly, that can happen within the first hour at a daycare center.
And being born. Seems simple to understand
But the reality is that hepatitis B is a disease that affects many infants and young children worldwide. And unfortunately, the younger you get the virus, the more likely it is to become a chronic infection that can cause cirrhosis or liver cancer. While most diseases are more severe if you get them as an adult, hepatitis B is paradoxically worse if you get it young. Infants less than one year old who get hepatitis B have an 80-90 per cent chance of developing a chronic infection, compared to 30-50 per cent of children under 6 and less than 5 per cent of adults.
Omfg, this is why I hate Rand Paul so much. He’s a fucking doctor. He should know this shit and yet he’s still getting up in the senate and saying giving children a hepatitis B vaccine doesn’t make sense because they are not sexually active. His comments will lead to a kid getting hepatitis B and having the negative affects and it will be Rand Paul’s fault.
And through nursing.
So January 19?
Nothing so recent.
Hold on, now. They didn’t specify which year. Might have meant January 19th 1981 🤷
It needs to be presented by some schmuck in front of a computer saying “this is what they don’t want you to know!” Then he’ll believe it.
OP said schmucks, not long suffering journalists of impeccable integrity.
Oh wow, who ever would have thought that republicans saying they want evidence is a fucking lie and they just wanted an excuse to do shitty things.
I mean the goal is just to convince the American public that they don’t want healthcare because that’s way easier than trying to do anything about our healthcare being fucked.
Vaccines are gigantic cost savers. Even assuming most “tough it out,” vaccines are massively cheaper than treating those who show up to the ER.
That’s only true if you are to save the person now ailed by a preventable disease.
The GOP couldn’t care a little if a few million of the plebes die… They will get the vaccines and healthcare, it’s the peasants that will suffer
An ounce of prevention vs a pound of cure
Too bad, we’re selling cures not prevention.
Not to mention the immense costs to the corpos when their sla… I mean workers drop like flies.
Yes, but they’re great for propaganda. This administration can both place themselves in power and be anti-establishment at the same time.
Classic republicunt. “Nu uh dat doesnt kount!”
Of course he denied it. He’s a fucking moron.
What?! The science denier denied science?!
contentious?! Im so sick of these options that could not be worse if someone were raised and trained to be as crap at a job as possible.
Just means he’s perfect for the current gop and Maga people
Yeah he fits right in, but for fuck’s sake think of the children.
I am officially middle aged now, that’s the first time I’ve brought that old chestnut out without joking.
And they keep wondering why birthrates are down
That’s why they want to stop Healthcare for women. Get rid of sex ed, because teens will have sex. Get rid of profilactics. All part of the plan.
As George Carlin put it so naked and simple-
“Live babies make dead soldiers”
That and help keep the poor poor
Yup that too
He didn’t logic his way into his stance, so logic ain’t pulling him out. Money or fear might.
Or a second, hungrier, brain worm
I hope it’s brain worms all the way down!
A past boss of mine used to say, “Did God say so?”
However, in his case it wasn’t because he denied science and believed that the Bible was the only “knowledge” you needed, but rather that he believed God was the only authority who could overrule him.
He was actually a generally rational person, but if you wanted to contradict him, you’d need a series of peer reviewed, repeatable, double-blind studies proving he was wrong. And even then, he’d probably want God to comment.