He briefly served as a deacon in the Free Church of England before seeking a position with the Nordic Catholic Church
Nordic Catholic Church
Is there a Swedish Pope somewhere
That’s just the archbishop of Ikea
Whenever I hear “defrocked” I for some reason imagine some sort of bishop coming in and pantsing them
I’m not that surprised, modern Anglicans are basically agnostics with nothing better to do on Sunday mornings.
This guy is spiritually homeless as far as I can tell.
He tried to become an actual Anglican priest, but they rejected him and he’s just been jumping from one splinter church to the next ever since it seems.it is not an “Anglican” church, it is an English catholic church.
They are basically a more conservative offspring of the catholic church
They’re protestants they don’t recognize the Pope or Vatican II. Anglican Catholic is an ironic misnomer.
Old Catholics (incl Norse) and Anglican Catholics basically want to rewrite the power of the Pope but keep other Catholic shit because they’re control freaks.
edit: Actually I’m wrong Anglican Catholics got the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter under Pope Frances in 2012.For those of you that play Rogue Trader, it’s basically a Warrant of Trade for the Church. They now are part of the Catholic order but their Personal Ordinariate allows them to mix up how they do communion and liturgy and shit.Fucking 40k ass religion. Though I’m pretty sure the Pope would have stepped in to defrock him personally if the Anglican Church didn’t.EDIT 2:
Okay I’m wrong again. Personal Ordinariates allow for the followers of sects of Christianity to worship as Catholics using their own liturgical process when worshiping in a Church under the supervision of the Ordinary. The ACC doesn’t recognize the Pope. Anglican Catholics in the US can simply worship as Catholics and take Catholic communion through the Ordinary Steven J. Lopes. The ACC itself has rejected the Personal Ordinariate and is not a part of the Catholic Church.
I repeat. Fucking 40k ass religion.
Sounds like Mexican Catholicism, but nowhere near as cool.
Mexican Catholicism
Is just a normal diocese.
I thought there was at least a difference in some churches in regards to the importance of Mary.
But I was raised just a tier above Christmas Catholic, so I have holes in my knowledge.
You’re thinking of The Virgin of Guadelupe which used to be a folk tradition from the 1500’s until the Church canonized it in the 1800’s.
Ah, thanks for clearing up my confusion.
As someone who grew up protestant this lore is way too complicated for me.
yeah, no shit. all the ones I went to as a kid were just like, “all the other flavors are fake ass cults, especially the Catholics. we’re the real deal and no I won’t explain why because faith means it’s self evident so stop asking questions” which is real easy to keep track of.
way too much pedigree and paperwork in Catholicism, even if the gear and vestments are more aesthetically intimidating in PvP.
I was actually taught why, I was still in a cult but once in a while I did get answers. Basically it came down to protestant vs catholic doctrine, specifically and especially in the gospel where Jesus says “nobody comes to the father but by me”, and catholics pray to Mary and the Saints… So their ya go.
Sounds preferrable to the Catholic Church or whatever’s going on with American Protestantism tbh
Failed gaming youtuber too lol
“copying a salute”
You can just say he did a nazi salute, come on now
Average catholic
I don’t agree with that. But I do agree with the idea that the average adult convert is like that.
Ninja edit
Google is such shit I’m amazed I could find that. But I had to use google images.
The most prominent catholic in my life has the SS tatooed on her neck
Like the snake noise I hope 🐍
they can excuse racism and homophobia but they draw the line at fascism