Once again libs will be taken by surprise when tHe tAnKiEs turn out to be right and Zelensky either gets with the program or gets acquainted with the wall.
Once again libs will be taken by surprise when tHe tAnKiEs turn out to be right and Zelensky either gets with the program or gets acquainted with the wall.
Poroshenko who’s on record publicly speaking about his genocidal intent behind the bombing of ethnic Russians in Donbas, “may or may not” be working for Russia.
Fucking libs I stg, every bit as racist as conservatives and hardly any brighter.
Ah, so you’re not actually interested in learning, but in sealioning.
That’s cool, I’ve been around democrats before.
You don’t have to treat it as a source, that’s why they link to sources. Being posted by NBC or NYT makes no difference to the validity of the sources. Learn to fucking read.
Kissinger worked for Carter. Did he get executed? Did he get jailed? Oh, he got even more influence? Then Carter is guilty for approving.
Lol thanks I didn’t catch it
Bruh, y’all have had decades to “take over the party”. Time’s up, join and organize for a worker’s party or accept you’d have been the kind of person who tried to wait out the Nazis.
And even if they were capable, the Ukrainian people DONT WANT TO KEEP FIGHTING. If your ideology demands more blood sacrifice, well, step the fuck up. Get your big boy boots on, get your country to declare war and give you a gun, show people how serious y’all are about opposing Putin or whatever. Otherwise, cope and seethe.
Me sowing: ha ha hell yes
Me reaping:
From the article you linked.
The CIA, in the spring of 1977 and into 1978, told the Carter administration that Indonesia was literally running out of weapons, running out of bullets and bombs, because of the intensity of its bombardment of East Timor, and that the Suharto regime was requesting a doubling of military assistance so it could more effectively prosecute that war. And in 1978, the Carter administration actually increased military sales to Indonesia, including the provision of ground attack fighters, such as OV-10 Broncos, A-4 and F-5 ground attack fighters, which the administration knew would be used to bomb and attack the defenseless civilian population of East Timor.
What’s more, let’s pretend to be the most gullible person in the world, totally unaware of how the US has historically operated, and take Carter at his word. Was anyone prosecuted for lying to the president? Was anyone court martialed, did anyone in the CIA, State Department, or Department of Defense face any sort of legal repercussions? No?
Then I guess the US must have been pretty satisfied with the outcome, to not make any provisions to ensure it wouldn’t happen again or even punish those who led to it. And of course they were, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman must have made a literal killing.
It has jack shit to do with the point, you’re just using bad faith questions to deflect. You’re not original or sneaky.
Do you think genocide was acceptable, is my question, because you seem to be awfully concerned about the particulars, like you’re about to say “oh, well, where’s the solutions? Everyone wants to stop a genocide but nobody wants to provide alternatives”.
Thanks for this one can never have enough shit to listen while gardening
I’m about as happy as I would have been with a dem, which is to say I hope they die and take the US with them and leave the rest of us alone finally.
RIP Klanada, we hardly knew ye
Me south of the border like
Watch libs still deny that this is a US war when the US did the coup that started it and as soon as the US pulled funding peace talks commence.
Least rabid lib
Are you at all able to communicate with others without resorting to deflection and loaded questions?
I’d rather there were an actual human in the white house (or there not be an USA at all) but since libs are so spineless I think it’ll take the complete collapse of the US economy to get y’all to stop treating politics like a fucking team sport. You could put Mussolini on the blue team and y’all would yell at everyone for not shutting up and vooooooting.
We’re almost there, thank fuck.
Active noise cancelling for this fucking tinnitus would be a godsend