yeah, no shit. all the ones I went to as a kid were just like, “all the other flavors are fake ass cults, especially the Catholics. we’re the real deal and no I won’t explain why because faith means it’s self evident so stop asking questions” which is real easy to keep track of.
way too much pedigree and paperwork in Catholicism, even if the gear and vestments are more aesthetically intimidating in PvP.
I was actually taught why, I was still in a cult but once in a while I did get answers. Basically it came down to protestant vs catholic doctrine, specifically and especially in the gospel where Jesus says “nobody comes to the father but by me”, and catholics pray to Mary and the Saints… So their ya go.
As someone who grew up protestant this lore is way too complicated for me.
yeah, no shit. all the ones I went to as a kid were just like, “all the other flavors are fake ass cults, especially the Catholics. we’re the real deal and no I won’t explain why because faith means it’s self evident so stop asking questions” which is real easy to keep track of.
way too much pedigree and paperwork in Catholicism, even if the gear and vestments are more aesthetically intimidating in PvP.
I was actually taught why, I was still in a cult but once in a while I did get answers. Basically it came down to protestant vs catholic doctrine, specifically and especially in the gospel where Jesus says “nobody comes to the father but by me”, and catholics pray to Mary and the Saints… So their ya go.