Mr Musk cut that red tape, regulations are getting in the way of innovation and progress and hilarious outcomes
TrueAnon rules violations take my energy
Boeing need to make helicopter with tesla
Boeing and Tesla work together to make an electric tiltrotor aircraft for the new AF1
Lathe of heaven go brrrrr
>a plane that locks everyone in and burns them to death when the wifi cuts out
>an inspector forgot to check that the burn to death function was working so it didn’t go off
It is absolutely imperative we fast-track this. Pull out all the stops.
Musk is going to "move fast and break things’.
Doesn’t matter how much tech you put in those jets if it hits the ground at speed. The hubris of the ruling class is hilarious, Trump really thinks Musk can make it better.
Uncritical support to comrade airplane in its struggle for billionaire submarine part 2: Tesla truck boo boo.
I’m so excited for this
If I lose an eye and don’t dye or cut my hair I could look the part.
Fuck, if I had an eye patch a couple days ago I’d be Rebel Rebel video David Bowie. Now my hair is shorter and dyed different.
Naw this ain’t gonna be some throw away comment pleighboi. You gotta commit to this shit now
I’m going to need the same level of exquisite quality control that goes into his rockets and cars
And Boeing’s airplanes
Small detail but CNBC already carrying water for Trump by playing up his “dealmaker” kayfabe. Like, he “struck a deal” for a $2 billion airplane that doesn’t exist four years later?
That’s just the art of the deal, my friend, I guess you wouldn’t understand
mr president deals sir your fired
He’s just gonna duck tape wings to a cybertruck isn’t he.
Tesla 7cyber7