Carrot cake is the fuckin bomb fight me
Anyone against cc is broken.
I’m a BCC enjoyer myself.
My question is whether it is a fair topic if they don’t use cream cheese icing?
My personal stance is CC with regular icing is a travesty requiring intervention of the not so gentle kind
What is regular icing?
Icing sugar, a bit of water and some cocoa.
Fine on a normal cake, but not CC
Oh, I see. Not familiar with this concept at all, where I come from we mostly make different icing for each cake type. The icing sugar + water base (without cocoa) works on most cakes, including CC, but it’s not the best of course.
Guess I’m crazy because a nice fluffy carrot cake, sweet cream cheese icing topped with cinnamon and nutmeg is the best dessert ever
Yeah carrot cake goes hard tbh
I had carrot cake for my birthday. Best cake.
The. Best.
I have been bamboozled by fondant on carrot cake at a buffet before. My life was ruined.
honestly second only to apple pie and pavlova cake, those two are peak
at this point just eat a salad
that is vegetal
Best cake I’ve ever had was a carrot cake
I don’t wish to frighten anyone but Parsnip cake exists and it’s orgasmic
Wow, haven’t heard about Orang Man since 2020
I would like to refer You to B Dylan Hollis. The guy has made cakes out of canned beans, avocados and tomato soup. They supposedly came out delicious.
Do you prefer cake with cake flavor?
I mean if you just eat a raw carrot by itself they are kinda sweet.
Wow this brings me back
Tbf, Meme Man gets along with Orang since the end of Riddle of the Rocks 2, and even moreso in Coda of the Cosmos. As for the vegetals? They can’t be that big of a deal for a transcendent one.