If he was given extra responsibilities like being in some committee he could lose those, but in this case i don’t think that’s a concern.
If he was given extra responsibilities like being in some committee he could lose those, but in this case i don’t think that’s a concern.
It’s mostly symbolic. But the last thing we need is democrats showing own goals, and stopping actual action against tyranny
Her question is rhetorical. Because the answer is of course Russia would still be killing Ukrainians she is arguing against the US right. And Zelenskyy is right to not wear a suit as it shows solidarity to who really matters. If the argument is that the situation could have been avoided if he just wore a suit. Then the administration is obviously lying, and never intended to support him.
We can stand to be roasted more then a little bit.
Ahh polandball. I missed these
The project 2025 people already had every executive order and move lined up ready for him. No understanding required .
Popular… except i have grown up being told that ss was something i paid into but would not be available for me.
Assuming the rule of law is respected
I mean, i usually get modest upvotes when i talk about this sort of thing. I believe if we actually want to stop this fall into authoritarianism, our first step is to take control of the Democratic Party. How do you do that? Don’t vote for Neo liberals and ignore everyone who cries that unless you vote blue no matter who the republicans will win. That obviously doesn’t work, and democrats work against leftist policies. They whole time leading up to the election it was all “now is not the time” well i played their game and lost. Now it’s time.
Because the same way a lot of people have. People are getting tired of the left and their approach to every issue. They are disorganized, unintelligent mass that hasn’t accomplished anything in the past 20 years worth discussing.
The people you are referencing being tired of the “left” ARE the left. It’s the democrats approach to the issues the people (the left) are getting tired of. They are disorganized because the voting system prevents them from running. The reason there have been no progressive policy victories in 20 years is because democrats have a vested interest in preventing it. I said you conflate democrats and the left because you lay the blame on the wrong entity.
Your comment about the left being unintelligent is a mask off moment and shows you are not an honest interlocutor
You conflate democrats with the left. They are not the same. Democrats are a right leaning political party. The US has no active left wing party. The correlation of left voters and the DNC is an acknowledgement that republicans are further right, harmful and evil in the extreme, people are upset at the democrats because they have refused to run on left policies, the democrat lawmakers with a couple of exceptions act as republicans from like 15 years ago in policy. They haven’t done anything because they like things the way they are now and the left has no leverage over them.
And again John Stewart is not overly sympathetic to the DNC and calls them out for their bullshit on the regular. Your POV makes no sense
I mean, clips being taken out of context would not be a new thing, and some people may react like that because they never knew John Stewart. But to conflate that to the whole of “the left” seems to be overblowing it to the point of absurdity. And John isn’t going to just spend his interview pointing at musk going ‘NAZI’ for an hour. They are going to talk, and he’s going to ask hard questions in a comedic way and give musk all the rope to hand himself. You can see his past interviews as a primer to see how this goes.
I was asking on what grounds as in what makes you think John Stewart will suddenly change from how he acted his whole life. Not how people could try to defame him out of context.
On what grounds would that happen?
Opps, singuloose!
Assuming the rule of law is respected.
My friends invented band members for the band 69boys. “Quick Skeet” Fisher, Reginald “Busta Nut” Gunderson. They are not real… well they used to not be real. I think Gunderson started to do interviews. Obscure enough to evade moderation, important enough to have people rip from Wikipedia without verifying
What’s with the highlighted words?
And even then, should he stay? If we had more people like him to take the reins, i would be more comfortable having him retire. But everyone is susceptible to time. Without someone there at the right time we will have another RGB on our hands
He almost exclusively is