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It was very common for anti-war people to be accused of supporting Saddam Hussain. Being pro-war meant supporting freedom/democracy and being anti-war meant supporting oppression/dictatorship. It was just as asinine as the current “tankie” discourse, if not worse because all of the normies were also doing it which made it a lot stupider and more cringe.
A sadam apologist.
Instead we got “Team America: World Police” which labeled them as juche-gang.
We were just called terrorist sympathizers back then. Bush literally went on TV and said “you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists”
That was the day I learned the truth of the phrase “one man’s freedom fighter is another’s terrorist”
Super cool that some people on this website support literal radical Islamic terrorism 🙄
As a woman (half of Iraq’s population btw) and someone whose cousin could have been on one of those planes this whole discourse has been super alienating.
Like, I get it, I’m a communist, I don’t exactly like Bush, but Al Quaeda is a cancer that needs to be removed from this earth before anything else can grow.
A real democracy in Iraq would provide both better immediate outcomes and long term prospects for communism to thrive than its current radical fundamentalist terrorist supporting dictatorship. As a marxist I recognise it’s worth breaking a few eggs to make that happen, and you should too, unless y’all have suddenly decided the whole “revolution” thing suddenly isn’t worth it when it’s women who are being liberated 🙄
even knowing it’s a bit, this really makes you want to commit violence
Probably yeah.
Imagine the response to people saying, “Hey, this video with a girl crying about babies being thrown into incubators might be faked.”
Yeah. The problem is that people don’t understand that something like that could be faked because… why the fuck would you lie about that?