Not once, not twice, not thrice, but FOUR FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW has the incumbent right wing government shown its fucking ass and gotten reelected. The same government that has overseen the privatization of the electric grid. We can’t elect the independence party because of CUBA AND BENEZUELA, we would have miraculously become communist overnight (if only there was a just god) but somehow the compradors who’ve been in power for thirty thousand years haven’t managed to upgrade the island’s status from US colony to permanent circus members.
On New Years Eve, virtually the entire island is without power. The gaggle of buffoons that runs this joint, a Canadian energy distribution racket known as LUMA, says it’ll take two days to restore electricity. 2 days LOL HOW CONVENIENT? Just in time for the entirety of New Years festivities!
Am I, along with every person who hasn’t been bitten by right wing bullshit, at the center of some cosmic joke?
It would be so funny if all these newly elected psycholibs taking Ls before they’re even seated actually faced consequences but they won’t because nothing good ever happens. These turbo dicks will be relected in 4 years. Instead of MAGA suddenly seeing the light and stringing up Elon, Vivek, and Trump, they’ll be hanging Indians.
Milei oversaw greater than >50% increase in poverty due to his dog brained libertarian policies and yet he has the highest approval rating of any Argentininian leader in 40 years because ROFL fuck Mestizos or some shit.
Please Xi, or the sentient alien recon team flying over New Jersey, evacuate the humans and living beings in the west that need to be evacuated, but turn the rest of us into a smoldering mess.
Milei oversaw greater than >50% increase in poverty due to his dog brained libertarian policies and yet he has the highest approval rating of any Argentininian leader in 40 years because ROFL fuck Mestizos or some shit.
please tell me this isn’t true, how does he have a good approval rating fucking hell
Correction, he has the highest approval ratings in the first year of any Argentine president since 2001.
this is the first I’ve heard about it.
It was already very high when he got into office, like over 40% of the population in poverty. It got past 50% when he started implementing shock doctrine policies, and it is slowly retracting now, but pretty much only due to the inflation stabilization, because he has done nothing significant to make the situation better.
And yeah, it’s mind boggling the fact that he had any level of popularity at all.
Milei oversaw greater than >50% increase in poverty due to his dog brained libertarian policies and yet he has the highest approval rating of any Argentininian leader in 40 years because ROFL fuck Mestizos or some shit.
Is this fucking true?
I can’t find something that goes back that far, but he is more popular than the last guy
Well the last guy sucked ass too in all fairness iirc
Now I feel left out, he never sucked my (American) ass
Careful, Lussy; some reddit-leftist might swing by and accuse you of Sephirothic posting because of that title
(I agree with every last line here tho; I pray for the nukes at this point. Contain the sickness poisoning the world.)
it’s only sephiroth-posting if you’re wrong
accuse you of Sephirothic posting
Oh no, am I being a Voldermort?
You might be putting on a little bit of the Eau de President Snow yeah
Praying for what nukes?
The ones meant to turn settlers to ash smears and irradiated bones rly. Ion’t even care if I’m caught in the blast wave anymore; these crackers don’t learn and I’m so tired of trying to educate them. Ten toes down; if they won’t learn, to the incinerator with 'em.
Trying to say this with all the respect an internet stranger can give, it may be time to log off the internet for a bit if this is the level of misanthropy it has brought you.
FWIW the
meme is super widespread in this site.
Right, and it is a thin line between being ironic/jokey about it (which tbh I don’t always agree with but let people have their fun) vs earnestly saying I want millions dead in nuclear hellfire.
Honestly? Ion’t even think you’re wrong; only reason I don’t is this forum’s male-coded settler bullshit has whittled down too much of the comm I actually care about. Might be when pecan comes back is when I step out for a bit; otherwise the settlers’ll just run roughshod over this mf
You want to die in a nuclear explosion because of a website?
Not that I disagree with you, hopefully our countries are destroyed by fire, but I also hope they miss us (me and you, the only leftists on
If it was just Hexbear I’d say no, but I see this kind of shit on multiple webforums, multiple social media platforms, AND irl. Hell, I’m crashing w an anarchist homie right now who I can’t afford to check them on their westolefto brainworms (Mao forgive me but there’s a tacit power differential here) otherwise I’mma spend an uncomfortable amount of time on the streets the kinds of shit they say about China, Russia, and North Korea.
They don’t learn, wherever they’re at. Cyberspace, meatspace, it don’t matter; these crackers gonna crack like corn. I genuinely believe the vast majority of western settler-leftists are irreparably cooked.
deleted by creator
Daddy, chill
I’d say my comment was pretty chill, in comparison to the original that was calling for nukes to drop where I unfortunately live.
I’d say my comment was pretty chill
It was, all things considered. I ain’t mad at you, it’s more a Big Tent™ I’m fuckin’ done with.
Yeah that’s fair
Don’t you wnt to die together?
I was contemplating this just now (because there ain’t much else to do with no electricity and slow af signal on my phone). What the hell are we doing? How strong is anticommunism that a liberal like Dalmau who is appealing, charismatic, and completely inoffensive can get his campaign completely cancelled by the right calling him a Chavista? Like seriously wtf, we deserve this at this point.
No one is truly safe from right wing bullshit, everyone in the core has been ‘bitten’ to various degrees. Its like an airborne virus everyone ignores… The core needs a slow methodical rebuilding of class consciousness/self-awareness, nuclear war that magically hits just the chuds is no solution since there will always be the chud inside the survivors waiting to be revisionist scum because we are products of each other as well as our conditions. There’s been a failure to capture the imagination of the masses so bad in the core its easier for them to dream of nuclear war than of anything remotely better. Nuclear war like other collapses won’t be a damn reset-rapture neither, life is never so simple.
2025 is going to be wild.
No one is truly safe from right wing bullshit, everyone in the core has been ‘bitten’ to various degrees. Its like an airborne virus everyone ignores… The core needs a slow methodical rebuilding of class consciousness/self-awareness, nuclear war that magically hits just the chuds is no solution since there will always be the chud inside the survivors waiting to be revisionist scum because we are products of each other as well as our conditions.
It kinda reminds me of this quote
The greatness of the strategy chosen by Marx and Tupac lies in that they refuse to grant the existence of a large gulf separating polite society from its target of exclusion, they reject the very conceit that their interlocutor is in a position to pass judgment on anybody. A Jewish “huckster” in 1840s Germany and a Black “gangster” in 1990s America — targets of untrammeled social scorn and vitriol — are held up in each case by the men as a reflection of the rotten society that deems itself so superior. They firmly assert: “We, or they, may not be innocent. But neither are you, or us.”
Followed up by
“Nothing human is alien to me.” This is what Marx chose as his maxim. And it’s apt, for it defines his entire body of work. At the same time he engaged in the project of identifying and understanding social classes and class struggle, he refused to imbue them with rigidity or eternality, or to establish — as colonizers self-servingly did — genetic and psychological hierachies. He did not see himself as outside of the class project he was analyzing. [36] This required him to insist on understanding “the rational kernel within the mystical shell,” the logic underlying what we deem the madness or even villainy of another — even the miserly capitalist. This is precisely what enables Marx to truly discover and understand the inner secrets of capitalism, far surpassing myriad predecessors who satisfied themselves with ever more strident and grandstanding denunciations of its evils.
The greatness of the strategy chosen by Marx and Tupac lies in that they refuse to grant the existence of a large gulf separating polite society from its target of exclusion, they reject the very conceit that their interlocutor is in a position to pass judgment on anybody. A Jewish “huckster” in 1840s Germany and a Black “gangster” in 1990s America — targets of untrammeled social scorn and vitriol — are held up in each case by the men as a reflection of the rotten society that deems itself so superior. They firmly assert: “We, or they, may not be innocent. But neither are you, or us.”
This is from Roderic Day’s Really Existing Fascism, right? Good essay.
No, that’s Masses, Elites, and Rebels… same author tho.
There’s been a failure to capture the imagination of the masses so bad in the core its easier for them to dream of nuclear war than of anything remotely better.
Settlers constantly stay in the way. I can halfway imagine it; but it’s always in a world devoid of translucency and a long rebuild process. It’s the same way I can’t 100% agree with Vijay Prashad where Amerika is concerned-- the crackers as a mass are never going to liberate or even just reparate anyone that they profit off of oppressing. A plurinational state is never going to work here. They either gotta leave, accept Balkanization, or die if anything’s gonna change.
I’m really not picky as to which anymore.
We’re in the process of change right now, points of fracture are already in place, its not going to happen right away and settlers and their big bourgeois masters can harp on their usual supremacy nonsense all they want, it won’t affect the actual material world all that much, and eventually they will come to a point where neocolonialism’ s spoils-bribes will no longer reach the mass of settlers. Anyway. if anything nuclear war is the core’s last ditch murder-suicide hoping they can do one final lash at the non-core before its unstoppable rise and all their silly cudgels and levels of control seize function and the loot train halts.
We’re in the process of change right now, points of fracture are already in place, its not going to happen right away and settlers and their big bourgeois masters can harp on their usual supremacy nonsense all they want, it won’t affect the actual material world all that much, and eventually they will come to a point where neocolonialism’ s spoils-bribes will no longer reach the mass of settlers. Anyway. if anything nuclear war is the core’s last ditch murder-suicide hoping they can do one final lash at the non-core before its unstoppable rise and all their silly cudgels and levels of control seize function and the loot train halts.
Thus are the settler petty-bourgeois mentality
Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle. The modern industrial proletariat does not belong to the category of such classes. — V. I. Lenin, 1910. [1]
{Right-Libertarians’ }simplistic understanding of the causes of evil renders them nihilists. They are unable to conceive of class struggle as anything else other than the annihilation of whomever or whatever they have deemed other. [39]
Believe me the muh private sector will fix the economy because those lazy cushy bureaucrats will then get “real jobs” is popular in other countries as well.
Milei oversaw greater than >50% increase in poverty due to his dog brained libertarian policies and yet he has the highest approval rating of any Argentininian leader in 40 years
never underestimate how violently reactionary and vile the latin-american masses are.
Sometimes i just sit and wonder, how the fuck did the cubans even do it in the first place? how did any of us ever think we would actually achieve anything with our little revolutions? Did anything happen between now and then to make things any different? has colonialism and evangelism completely and permanently broken our brains in an irreparable way, or, was it always like this?
I’m going insane, i’m surrounded by motherfuckers. Anyone to above the 30 demographic is a deranged protestant who has more opinions on ‘‘the arabs’’ and ‘‘the democrats’’ (why??? you don’t even live anywhere near there you freak) than anybody actually adjacent to those things, and anybody under 30 are comprador-wannabe self-hating first-world fetishist (not unlike young people in impoverished eastern european countries who think the EU will deliver them heaven on earth) who hide behind pink imperialism shit.
Is there really nothing else left??? is this our future???
We can’t elect the independence party because of CUBA AND BENEZUELA, we would have miraculously become communist overnight (if only there was a just god) but somehow the compradors who’ve been in power for thirty thousand years haven’t managed to upgrade the island’s status from US colony to permanent circus members.
By design
On New Years Eve, virtually the entire island is without power. The gaggle of buffoons that runs this joint, a Canadian energy distribution racket known as LUMA, says it’ll take two days to restore electricity. 2 days LOL HOW CONVENIENT? Just in time for the entirety of New Years festivities!
It would be so funny if all these newly elected psycholibs taking Ls before they’re even seated actually faced consequences but they won’t because nothing good ever happens. These turbo dicks will be relected in 4 years. Instead of MAGA suddenly seeing the light and stringing up Elon, Vivek, and Trump, they’ll be hanging Indians.
Milei oversaw greater than >50% increase in poverty due to his dog brained libertarian policies and yet he has the highest approval rating of any Argentininian leader in 40 years because ROFL fuck Mestizos or some shit.
Please Xi, or the sentient alien recon team flying over New Jersey, evacuate the humans and living beings in the west that need to be evacuated, but turn the rest of us into a smoldering mess.
I second this motion
Within the dogs?
maybe start a Partido de la Patria Borikeña or something, idk, sounds pretty desolate in terms of outlook
Borikenyan Country Party… hmm, doesn’t have much juice
Borikenyan National Liberation Party… yes!
Oh, are you Boricua?