Not once, not twice, not thrice, but FOUR FUCKING TIMES IN A ROW has the incumbent right wing government shown its fucking ass and gotten reelected. The same government that has overseen the privatization of the electric grid. We can’t elect the independence party because of CUBA AND BENEZUELA, we would have miraculously become communist overnight (if only there was a just god) but somehow the compradors who’ve been in power for thirty thousand years haven’t managed to upgrade the island’s status from US colony to permanent circus members.

On New Years Eve, virtually the entire island is without power. The gaggle of buffoons that runs this joint, a Canadian energy distribution racket known as LUMA, says it’ll take two days to restore electricity. 2 days LOL HOW CONVENIENT? Just in time for the entirety of New Years festivities!

Am I, along with every person who hasn’t been bitten by right wing bullshit, at the center of some cosmic joke?

It would be so funny if all these newly elected psycholibs taking Ls before they’re even seated actually faced consequences but they won’t because nothing good ever happens. These turbo dicks will be relected in 4 years. Instead of MAGA suddenly seeing the light and stringing up Elon, Vivek, and Trump, they’ll be hanging Indians.

Milei oversaw greater than >50% increase in poverty due to his dog brained libertarian policies and yet he has the highest approval rating of any Argentininian leader in 40 years because ROFL fuck Mestizos or some shit.

Please Xi, or the sentient alien recon team flying over New Jersey, evacuate the humans and living beings in the west that need to be evacuated, but turn the rest of us into a smoldering mess.

  • Yllych [any]
    2 months ago

    Right, and it is a thin line between being ironic/jokey about it (which tbh I don’t always agree with but let people have their fun) vs earnestly saying I want millions dead in nuclear hellfire.