If it’s a legitimate assault, the male body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
If you carry a sign reading “you deserve to be raped” then you can’t complain about being clubbed on the head, because you obviously are a waste of genetic material
I think “you deserve to be hit over the head with a baseball bat” is an understandable response to “you deserve to be raped”.
I’d say, it’s too mild a response, but anything within the line, I guess.
Forcible penetration by a baseball bat might put things in perspective for him.
No one deserves to be hurt. Unfortunately, some people do ask for it.
This guy was absolutely asking for it.
This guy was absolutely asking for it.
Literally yes. It seems people are unfamiliar with this type of grift, which was made popular by the Westboro Baptist Church. Show up somewhere and say the most inflammatory (but not directly threatening) things possible until somebody gets fed up and assaults you, then sue that person for damages.
You know, there’s a secret trick to not getting sued for assaulting them…
Get into police?
This has to be the answer, right?
Sneak into thier house and poison all of thier food?
Occult ceremonies?
Electric bicycle?
Use a car?
Better Call Luigi?
He did deserve it. If you advocate for pointless violence you deserve it back at you.
No, he deserves to be rehabilitated in a facility that can reeducate him from his backwards beliefs.
Unfortunately we are limited by our material conditions, so instead he gets hit with a baseball bat.
“Look, I have neither the time nor the resources to teach you a lesson, so I’m just gonna have to beat the lesson into you with this bat.”
a little operant conditioning when we’re short on time and long on baseball bats
Re-education camps are bad things even if you agree with what they’re “educating”
You can’t apply dogma to someone by forcing it onto them. People have to come to realizations on their own. You can help them to that realization by doing a number of things that are ostensibly agnostic (offering critical thinking courses at the local library, encouraging people to learn how civics actually works, etc…)
But you can’t just throw them in a “facility” and say “this is what we want you to believe and you’re going to sit there until you do.”
You try your best to encourage them to your side. But if they don’t want to come, the best you can do is to mitigate the destruction their willful ignorance can do.
If he can’t come to a realization on his own, then he stays in the camp forever. I see no problem with this.
On which grounds would you force someone like this into reduction… it’s easier to show them the direct consequences of their actions… everything else is futile with those amoebas.
Being put in a camp is a direct consequence of his actions.
Or getting hit with a baseball bat. Either/Or
I’m German, so indoctrinated to hate anything concentrating a certain kind of humans. It’s too easy to abuse.
I’d argue quite a number of people deserve to be hurt, and this prick is definitely one of them.
I disagree. There are definitely people who deserve to be hurt.
Once your personal beliefs start invading others personal space, we start with a firm no thank you but sometimes some folks won’t stop until you escalate to the top. Never wanted but sometimes necessary.
Have you ever seen those situations where you just walk in and know your going to have to start right at the top and work your way down though…
Sucks he didn’t die.
Only the good die young I’ve heard
- Pinochet: 91
- Reagan: 93
- Thatcher: 87
- Kissinger: 100
- Mugabe: 95
- Sheldon Adelson: 87
Checks out.
In France we have Jean-Marie Le Pen. He tortured people and was friends with nazis. He’s 96 and still alive.
For any wondering, no, that’s not a coincidence. He is Marine Le Pen’s father.
I don’t agree with the idea of punishing people for their parent’s crimes, they may turn out alright in spite of their relationship to their parents. That has no bearing on Marine, tho. Hope France does everything in their power to keep her away from anything that counts as influence, tho.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
He’s 96 and still alive
That’s awful!
Roman Polankski is 91 and still kicking.
I feel like the universe’s Karma Police needs new recruitment or leadership or something.
People who do shit like that, evade justice then live that long shouldn’t be allowed to happen. The way light can’t escape a black hole, degenerate and violent people shouldn’t be able to escape justice.
Counterpoint: Jimmy Carter made it to 100.
True, and Betty White to 99, just a couple weeks plus change from her 100th.
They’re very much the EXCEPTION rather than the rule, though…
“Only the good die young” logically implies that good people can live a long time, but bad people will never die young. A counterexample would be someone who was an absolute shitbag and also died young.
Statistically speaking some of those kids with cancer have to be assholes, right? Some of those assholes might turn out bad, if they lived.
I guess one could argue they weren’t completely bad when they died since they were kids.
Jimmy “I invented the Contras and moved them posing as Red Cross” Carter?
How many deaths do you think Jimmy was responsible for being a peanut farmer?
I used to think that was just a saying but now that I’m in my 40s, it has generally held true, and it suuuucks.
There’s always next time ☺️
Your body, my choice to hit it with a baseball bat.
Tabitha Brubaker has been charged felony assault and marijuana possession
Boooo, fuck off with the weed charge on there too
He pressed charges over that? I hurt myself worse at work and walk it off. That guy’s a bitch.
There was once a time when “Fighting Words” were a viable defense in cases like these, and that sign certainly qualifies as fighting words.
It’s ridiculous that it’s not a viable defense now. They’ve empowered bullies from childhood onwards.
Because the state has a monopoly on violence.
You are not allowed to do violence yourself, you must petition the government to do violence for you. And the government will decide how and when it is appropriate to do violence on your behalf.
So, for example, a white nationalist Nazi saying all women deserve to be raped is not a justifiable reason to do violence.
But a brown person living peacefully where oil is IS reason to do violence. Ok?
A group of people demanding that all LGBTQ+ people be sterilized or executed, no reason to do violence.
Those people defending themselves, now we need to do violence. Got it?
I was almost asleep.
This is why it’s also perfectly legal to stand in front of a health insurance company headquarters with signs advocating for further CEO shootings.
No see because that hurts money’s feelings.
So that’s gonna get some violence.
I’m not going to try that, since that woman was arrested for talking to a health fund employee in a way that reminded them of the shooting
Society would be so much better if people exercised their grievances with vigilante violence, amirite?
I assume you are right, but has anyone actually tried it?
*goes to check wikipedia*
In Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), even speech such as “Bury the removeds” and “Send the Jews back to Israel,” was held to be protected speech under the First Amendment in a per curiam decision.
Oh. I guess I was right to assume that you were right in saying that it’s not a viable defense to things like that. Ugh. Depressing. I was so hoping to be wrong in assuming you’re right.
thems be fightin’ words
I mean, strutting around with his cranium exposed like that, it was only a matter of time.
“I shouldn’t have stuck around” he said…
Captain obvious right there
Grass grows, birds fly, and brother? I BONK people
Hit him again.
He’s still standing in the picture, we should let her try again
I guess we could all have a turn at the human piñata.
BONK go to
hornyactual jailIf a jury of your peers see fit.
(I wouldn’t)
I think pre-commentor meant the bonked dumbass
That is absolutely horrific, disgusting and vile. Has anyone checked if the bat is ok?
I’ve been playing far too much brawl stars. I heard the “wack” in my head and exhaled air out muh nose. 10/10