MDMA is better for that
MDMA is better for that
I don’t think most people really think a vacation home or single rental makes you a leech, but when your entire portfolio is single family 2-3 bedroom houses you’re kind of sucking the air out of the local market. I know in my city there are tons of “small landlords” with less than 30 houses, half of them don’t even live in the city but in ex-urbs an hour away. They don’t do anything for the neighborhoods and see their income stream as completely legitimate.
I’m not here to debate a bad faith troll Crab. It’s Saturday morning and I have a bunch of stuff to do.
Try not to put words in other peoples mouths, you’re smarter than that and can argue without misrepresenting what they said.
Of course there is, they’re a bunch of milquetoast centrsts more interested helping themselves than regular people.
The other commenter never implied they were perfect as you interpreted it.
Seems you have a reading problem Crab, I didn’t see them say that at all.
If it wasn’t mRNA it would’ve been something else. They gotta have a wedge issue to turn people against each other.
The skepticism was mostly based on propaganda, misinformation, and ignorance.
I kind of wonder where people work that IT doesn’t block a handful of legitimate sites.
It isn’t going to be some cosplaytriot with a flag on their F150 rocking Amazon body armor that’s for sure.
Yeah but healthcare, mail, and transportation are things people need to survive. That’s means you can jack that price up all you want and the customer can’t do anything about it. Infinite money baby!
I’m not sure they’ve thought past step 1 honestly.
They probably really think they can run it better.
“We have these delicious carrots.”
Shit like the other comment is why the left will never win in the US. They don’t care about your point or even progressing the conversation.
As long as they get their little point they don’t care. They got to “ackshually” on the internet and that hit of dopamine is good enough.
Delicious bee puke, i can’t wait to do a line of roachmilk.
Christ some of you people are so smug. The people confidently saying “we won’t have any more elections” never follow it up with any inspiration or call to actions. It reeks very much of “Genocide Joe” “Both sides are the same so why even bother” "All politicians are crooks apathy that’s fucked America over.
Voting was never going to solve it, voting is the absolute bare minimum you can do. “These people” wrote the rules 70 years ago, we lost the class war and it’s only becoming apparent now. I don’t know who needs to hear this but posting online isn’t going to do anything, it’s just going to leave a record for Elon to scrape when he assigns your social score.
I agree with you that it’s in our hands now, nobody is coming to help us. If you’re not a white christian male, now is the time, before it’s too late. Get a couple guns (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Start networking with like-minded people in your communities. The police will not protect us, they’ve proven they’ll happily club senior citizens to the ground and shoot any protesters in the face with rubber bullets while escorting a rightwing murderer to safety. Their little coup was successful and if they don’t want to give up power they won’t.
Get to know people in your community. Take an interest in growing food, learn how to fix things. Get a gun (or two) and learn how to use them.
I had forgotten all about that. I grew up in a pretty small town, groups of old men (and women, to a lesser extent) would meet up at the Hardees and McDonalds early in the morning and have their coffee. I’m sure that and the growth of remote work makes a conference-type room more appealing to more people than playground equipment.
Additionally, you know McDonalds corporate office did all kinds of research; they wouldn’t rebrand unless they were confident in the new branding. The sleek, monochrome building probably reminds people of cleanliness or something.
I suppose that’s true, you have a great day too!
I agree “folks don’t seem to realize we’ve crossed a threshold” and seem willing to just curl up and die.
Fuck that noise.
I’m so sick of people spouting this, it’s defeatist and is essentially saying “i lost, oh well, time to give up.”
It’s insane to me and I don’t think many people realize that a large part of American (civilian, non-academic, “salt of the earth” types) support for Israel is directly tied to eschatology.
A huge swath of Christians (and some Jews, and some Muslims) believe the Third Temple has to be built where the Dome of the Rock currently stands before their messiah can return. It’s literally a doomsday cult, they expect/want WWIII.