I didn’t realize he was 95 years old. Wow.
I didn’t realize he was 95 years old. Wow.
I’d prefer if things don’t glow, thank you very much.
I’m not your goober, mister.
I think it’s unfair to complain about its performance
I disagree. If your software runs like a damn snail on inexpensive current-gen hardware, then it’s not worth using.
Then do something about it you crusty old fossil. You broke it. Now fix it.
I have an even worse experience that turned me away from ever watching movies with others in the room. Back when movie rentals were a thing and cell phones were new, one of my parents or the other would invariably get called by some random friend or relative, and the movie would be paused while they chatter away for half an hour. That shit continued even in the early days of Netflix. Like, seriously, if you want the family to watch a movie together, TURN OFF YOUR DAMNED PHONE!
Dumbasses voted for a clown and didn’t expect the inevitable circus.
Womp womp.
No-brainer for them
And for their victims.
The most annoying part of that is the shitty render. I actually have an account on one of those AI image generating sites, and I enjoy using it. If you’re not satisfied with the image, just roll a few more times, maybe tweak the prompt or the starter image, and try again. You can get some very cool-looking renders if you give a damn. Case in point:
They have first boatloads of money, yes, but what about second boatloads of money?
And me! There’s dozens of us!
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If we’re going to give up and let Israel take the land, we should at least have the decency to bring all the Palestinians over to the US and set them up with enough resources to start over. Unfortunately, the bloodthirsty morons who seem to make all the decisions won’t allow that.
a deficient understanding or appreciation of the necessity for the rule of law.
If the rule of law had been properly applied to restrain the powerful and wealthy, Luigi would have had no reason to PVP a CEO.
I rotated the image in GIMP so the USAF guy is standing at a reasonably normal-looking angle. 0.957446809 is still leaning forward.
A smoothbrained criminal.
SPGHGHAAIGHGHSSSE!!! is literally the only thing I know about Command & Conquer.