Sometimes I forget about how much of a weird history nerd I am until someone reminds me that “no…not everyone already knows about weird history shit off the top of their head.”
Sometimes I forget about how much of a weird history nerd I am until someone reminds me that “no…not everyone already knows about weird history shit off the top of their head.”
It is indeed dangerous to rely on any one country for too much
Cries in Canadian
Spending every lunch hour on the library computer with three friends in 1994 playing this is probably why I didn’t have a girlfriend.
If it was on film, then you had the fidelity to spare to upscale it in HD the normal way (by re-digitizing it)
Yep. It’s the reason The Original Series and The Next Generation got HD remasters, but Voyager and DS9 didn’t. The latter two were shot on digital and so it wasn’t possible, while the first two were shot on film.
Without presuming your level of knowledge about world history, I’ll say that Trump used Fentanyl the same way that Hitler used the Reichstag fire, as an excuse to give him the emergency power to do such things unilaterally.
Sure would be a shame if four people 3D printed four parts of a DIY gun and smuggled them in seperately before assembling it in the bathroom using a stack of confidential documents as a workbench.
Can I be nit-picky here for a second?
If you’re genetically modifying an elephant for cold tolerance and fur growth, you’re not “bring a mammoth back from extinction”, you’re creating a furry elephant. It may look somewhat like a mammoth, but genetically it’s not a mammoth at all.
It’s like saying you can genetically modify a homo-sapien to have a pronounced brow ridge and a hairier back and say that you’ve brought the neandertal back from extinction. No you haven’t, you’ve just designed a human who looks different.
After setting up emulators for both the PS2 and PS1, I’m amazed at how little I actually turn on my xbox one S anymore.
Games from that generation just hit differently for me. Especially my favourites like Final Fantasy X and XII. It took me a while to get why I felt that way, but it’s the combat systems in modern games have become to frenetic and button-mashy. How am I supposed to strategize what my team mates are doing at the speed that the combat now wants to take place at.
And that’s not just with the Final Fantasy series. God of War both went down that “let’s make combat as fast and frenetic as possible” route after the PS2 generation.
I’m also going to give an honourable mention on PS2 to the last Stalwart alternative to the EA NHL series; that being NHL 2K10. I really enjoyed the things that it did differently to EA Sports, like the ability to set two of your team-mates to hassle an opposing player. I wish 2K had kept it up. But it seems they gave up the NHL and EA gave up the NBA. Fair trade I guess.
The fact that there aren’t near continuous attempts on his life every day is an embarrassment to the so-called “don’t tread on me” attitude of the American people.
Turning the lights off and on is usually how you deal with a cranky misbehaving group of children.
So yeah. Let’s do it just for the sake of the metaphor.
That Ozempic chewing orange twat has never physically jumped in his life, let’s be honest.
I don’t know about that, to be honest.
I don’t have any hard data to back me up, but anecdotally I find that most FOSS software I use is headquartered in Europe. Quite often Germany. There are many maintainers from all over the world, but I feel like (again…in my experience) Europe has always been bigger into starting such projects.
It was Benito Mussolini’s headquarters in Rome during WW2
I’m always reminded of the episode of How I Met Your Mother when Barney claims that he can never take a bad photo…
So…America…you guys really are about a step-and-a-half away from this?
Get your shit together. Christ.
He’s probably absolutely flabbergasted that his investment is paying off far better than he could have ever forseen.
The U.S. is like any other country; it has its share of assholes. But I generally avoid painting everyone of however many million people with the same broad brush.
There is a somewhat obnoxious level of patriotism to Americans in general that comes from simply being the biggest economy and a net cultural exporter to the rest of the world; think blue jeans and coca-cola, metaphorically. (I’m sorry, Americans, but it’s true. Put on your big boy pants and deal with the criticism like adults, please.)
But it only rises to the level of arrogance in those people who think that the rest of the world only exists because of them and should behave as some sort of client state to American hegemony.
That’s not all Americans. Heck, I’d say it’s not even most Americans. But they’re just really really loud and drown out everything else.
Exactly my thinking as well. Super Mario Brothers was the game that made “couch gaming” popular for more than just kids. Adults were getting into it as well. I still have fond memories of my dad trying his best at it and thinking sticking his tongue out in the right direction would somehow help his jumping ability.
Without the NES, the couch-gaming scene as we know it wouldn’t exist. And Super Mario Brothers was the game that brought it to the masses.
My oh my. Check out Mr. Optimist over here thinking that they’ll be time to be “historians” in between scavenging for scraps and battling the nuclear mutants for the last bottle of fresh water at the bombed out Tesco.
It’s a “block party”! </dadjoke>
I’ll show myself out.