It took us 3 hours to clean and pre-cook them afterwards. I even dehydrated a bunch of them and blended into a mushroom powder, which is like a powdered umami explosion. The rest went into the freezer.
So Lemmy has rotated this image 90 degrees and I have no idea how to fix it. No matter which picture I choose it will always be rotated 90 degrees to the left. I guess you can see this is a fuckton of mushrooms anyway.
I was wondering why you pinned the mushrooms to a wall, but that explains it.
Me too, I first thought it was a weird art piece.
Yeah we can see it. Nice haul!😆
The picture is probably sideways. When taking a picture on the phone. There is a exif tag that is set saying what way was up when you took the picture. Based on a sensor in the phone. Such tags are removed when uploading to most sites. So the web do not know what way was up when you took the picture.
You can probably rotate the picture right way up, in an image editor before uploading.
The large orange one appears to have a crying babies face on it that looks remarkably like Donald Trump…
Funny, I saw a pirate with a hat and everything, but I definitely can see what you see aswell.
Well, mushrooms do feed on shit, so it makes sense!
I am jealous and want to learn to do this. Is there a book you would recommend, and can I be successful in Rhode Island?
Mushroom varieties are different from place to place, so make sure the book you get applies to the varieties your local area. I have no idea which mushrooms you have in Rhode Island, but it couldn’t hurt to look around.
Unless you pick the wrong mushrooms, then it could hurt a lot.@Reverendender Hi Neighbor! Yes, there are groups in Rhode Island that forage for mushrooms. There are a ton of places to go in South County. Chicken of the woods is very common, and is in bloom right now. My friends from Westerly are very hush hush about where the best spots are.
Chicken of the woods is delicious! Where might one find these groups? 
That’s a lot of shroomin in the pizzas of your future
Was about to ask, how do you process them so that they don’t rot before you can eat them. Sounds like freezer and dehydrating them
You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There’s uh, mushroom-kabobs, mushroom creole, mushroom gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple mushroom, lemon mushroom, coconut mushroom, pepper mushroom, mushroom soup, mushroom stew, mushroom salad, mushroom and potatoes, mushroom burger, mushroom sandwich. That- that’s about it.
This is amazing! Please post pictures of what you cook with them later.