Mark my words, in 100 years we’ll look back at urinals like we look back at communal toilets in Rome where you shared a shit covered sponge to wash your ass. Why use a urinal when you can just use the toilet? Do you like having other people’s pee splatter all over you? It’s a barbaric practice. I will make sure urinals are abolished once i am made the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of the fucking world republic
Yeah I mean the sinks are like right there.
Serious answer:
- They use a shit ton less water.
- Vandal-proof urinals are a lot cheaper than vandal-proof toilets.
- They use less space.
- Men are a lot quicker in and out than when using toilets. They don’t dally or sit scrolling on their phones, blocking others.
- Less chance of drug use.
- When smoking was still popular, playing “scoot the cigarette butt” was a decent multi-player game.
If anyone is interested, there’s a lot of, ahem, “time and motion” studies on public conveniences out there.
If anyone is interested, there’s a lot of, ahem, “time and motion” studies on public conveniences out there.
Taylorism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
urinals use a lot less water which is a very good thing and also your pee shouldn’t be splashing on you when you use a urinal
hope this helps
and also your pee shouldn’t be splashing on you when you use a urinal
urinals should not reach the floor
There are those big stainless steel trough ones.
You’re supposed to sit in those ones, though, so it doesn’t splash.
we’ll look back at urinals like we look back at communal toilets in Rome… It’s a barbaric practice.
Which is it Roman or barbaric? Make up your mind!
The arabs had to bring them soap. yet the arabs were said to be barbarians by the romans
I’ve never had another person’s pee splatter on me at a urinal.
Urinals are not any less sanitary than toilets. If anything, they are more sanitary because contactless.
Furthermore, they are optional. Many people do not feel ashamed to be seen peeing and have no hangups when it comes to using a urinal. I grew up playing outside with friends and often being far from a bathroom, and it wasn’t unusual to go find a tree in the woods to pee instead of finding a toilet.
to be fair, pissing on bushes or trees is MUCH nicer than using an urinal. you’re in nature, there’s green stuff to look at, there’s fresh air. it’s nice.
Do you like having other people’s pee splatter all over you?
I do, and I’m tired of pretending I don’t
VOLCEL POLICE! “Yeah officer, that guy, the wet clown.”
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
People need to pee way more than poop, most people using a public restroom just need to piss. This is especially true at public places that involve drinking (bars, concerts, sporting events). So having a thing you can just walk up to and piss in is more efficient than having people have to get in and out of a stall. Also poopers don’t have to compete with pissers for toilet space.
Plus their easier to clean, especially when you’re dealing with people who have bad aim, which also connects back to the alcohol thing.
Men’s bathrooms in clubs are divided into two parts –
The urinals. These are for people who want to just piss.
The cubicles. These are for people who want to do cocaine.
People need to pee way more than poop,
Speak for yourself, Man Freak Beast!
It is a lot more efficient in terms of size, time and water usage. Have you ever been at a public event and wished that the line was twice as long?
I have a long screed that I’ve repeated many times to friends about why I love that urinals still exist, but I’m too depressed to write it atm. Maybe I’ll come back to this in the morning
whenever you’re ready to give a diatribe about piss I’ll be happy to read it
abolish urinals and reduce bathroom throughput by 70%, drunk men waiting for toilets will show you barbaritie
I’m a trans girl and I like urinals because I’m relatively intimidating and can put on a mean face and they give me a method of making cis men uncomfortable
don’t take this from me
The best argument in favor of urinals is that you can fit more in the same space, but I have sympathy for folks that don’t like using them.
When I was a teen I hated using urinals. In most places they’re optional, but in a busy public bathroom situation there’s a social pressure to use them because otherwise you’re standing in a public bathroom waiting while there is open urinal stalls.
Fenway Park used to have these horrible open trough urinals that were like a 12 foot wide urinal with no dividers and had a line most of the time. When the smallest hole opened people behind you would want you to be hip to hip with other people pissing. Fuck that.
Fenway Park used to have these horrible open trough urinals that were like a 12 foot wide urinal with no dividers and had a line most of the time. When the smallest hole opened people behind you would want you to be hip to hip with other people pissing.
The Renn Faire has these too. Imagine this but with a guy in a jester costume.
Counterpoint - dudes rock
The best argument in favor of urinals is that you can fit more in the same space
This but for toilets:
Do as the British do and urinate in public.
It’s a tradition that goes back literal centuries.
So instead of peeing directly at the wall, pee at an angle?
Utilize the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the perfect angle of attack
FWIW, I’m in China
So I frequent 2 bars, next to each other in the same building. Basically cookie cutters of each other, one has a unisex bathroom with 4 stalls and one has gendered bathrooms, bathroom 1 with 3 urinals and 1 stall, bathroom 2 with 2 stalls.
I’ve not had issues with either the unisex or the gendered bathrooms, but the line is simply noticably longer for the unisex bathroom. In a densely populated situation where people are drinking a lot of beer and space is a premium, fitting 4 people peeing at the same time on a Saturday night vs 3 in urinals + 1 (in men’s) and 2 (in women’s) decongests the whole process by a lot.
Do the urinals have little wall separators so you don’t have to look at each others pee pees?
Fam, no one has to look at other people’s peepees.
The temptation is irresistible
I’m a very self conscious AMAB and not only do you not have to look, there are ways you can make sure no one sees it while at the urinal.
You mean “don’t get to look at each others pee pees”
Yes and no. There are wood separators but they’re also not very tall so if you’re like 170+cm you could look at peepees. Average Chinese height, no.
I don’t want to get piss on the toilet seat.
Sit down on the toilet
I’m not doing that on public toilets
You WILL live in the pod. You WILL use the biodegradable paper ass gasket. Or just put the seat up.
Leave it up, avoid peeing on the seat and spite men who need to poop.