Hello everyone. Hope all my fellow Americans are gonna have a good Thanksgiving next week. I had my birthday this past week which was fun and full of debauchery. Anyway I finished another playthrough of Disco Elysium, finally did 100% achievements after 5 playthroughs. I also played some Binding of Isaac, but I didn’t play the new update. Have a good week everyone
Downloaded Balatro and, oh boy do I get why people kept describing it as dangerously addictive
I refuse to play it because I get very hooked on roguelites and am 150% certain it would ruin me for a month+
play another run
Superliminal rn, pretty cool. Reminds me of portal and the stanley parable
I’ve been playing kenshi. I have got to a decent point money and research wise using a house in Squin as my base and I’m just about ready to try and break out and make a stand alone base of my own.
I wanted to have a few characters that could actually fight before I did this so I’ve been wandering around the borderlands this weekend looking for fights with bandits and mainly getting my arse handed to me.
This is still my first play through so I mostly have no fucking idea what I’m doing but at least so far I’ve not lost any limbs of been dragged into servitude so at least I’ve got that going for me.
Kenshi’s a lot of fun. It’s really hard to end up in a position where you really get stuck, so I enourage you to get in situations where you get captured or lose limbs.
Also make sure to avoid the wiki and tour the continent.
I very nearly for captured last night when exploring near stack for the first time but thankfully the mercs I hired took time out of their fight to come and beat up the guy that was carrying me away.
I’m trying to avoid using too many resources unless I have to and just searching up specific questions when I can’t figure out how to do something. I went down the swamp and got obliterated by some red spider things and now as ive said started venturing up near the stack.
I’d really like to find some engineering books so I can research plate armour before I branch out into building my own base but not sure yet.
Either way it is fun, my attention just gets drawn in many directions at once as it is all still pretty new!
i love kenshi
I’ve been playing Tactical Breach Wizards and Star Wars: Outlaws.
TBW is great - super fun puzzley turn based tactical combat.
Outlaws is an open world Ubisoft game, for better or worse. I haven’t played one in years, so I’m enjoying this. Plus, I’m a big Glup Shitto fan
Been playing Cities: Skylines. Just got up to 40,000 population. Probably the largest city I’ve built without chronic issues. I didn’t even put in a metro system until around 25k (and I still haven’t used a single traffic circle!). Still has room to grow.
I see that fucking fart district you can’t hide your shame from me
Why is there a massive freeway splitting the city in two? It looks to me like you are building Brasília.
Well, what I really wanted was for my city center to be located at the tip of the peninsula, but that required me to sprawl out and grow my population enough to purchase two tiles in that direction (plus one in the opposite direction for rail access). I was trying to plan several hours ahead while sticking to the vanilla rules, rather than doing infinite money / 81 tiles.
At 79K population, it now looks like this:
I guess it would be more ideal for the highway to run alongside the river, but the system interchange (the cloverleaf) and actual highway was outside my city limits for a while. Basically the highway runs through the center off the sprawl, then becomes a tunnel underneath the downtown residential area, connecting a couple blocks apart to the main avenue which borders the commercial zone. Normally a bad idea, but since it is a peninsula, there is nowhere else for traffic to go. The highway just terminates in the middle of town and it works. Anyone proceeding though the tunnel is trying to get downtown anyway. There is no thru traffic coming out getting stuck in commercial / residential neighborhoods.
Here are some more pictures.
Transit Hub:
The amusement park is an absolute shit show, despite the fact that there are two separate metro lines, intercity rail, tram, and bus service within two blocks. The shitshow is very localized to the front gate though. Just hundreds of tourists pulling out their pocket cars. Doesn’t really back anything up though, it is all traffic leaving the park, and it disperses without any issues.
The city is beginning to suffer an economic crisis though. Everyone is too educated and a lot of factories are going out of business, leading to a demand for imports which is impossible to fulfill. The cargo harbor/train hub (put in after these screenshots) never stops pumping out delivery vehicles. These vehicles are perfectly capable of navigating the city and returning to the harbor without getting stuck, but it takes a tiny bit longer for the empty trucks to enter the cargo hub than it does for them to leave. This creates a queue which never stops growing until the garbage trucks get consumed by the blob, people get sick, the ambulances get consumed by the blob, people die, and then the hearses get consumed by the blob. This has forced me to turn off TM:PE’s “hard mode” traffic, which prevents despawning, but I had it enabled up to this point.
At this point I’m doing a lot of fiddling around and re-loading to see if I can come up with a solution which still works on hard mode and doesn’t require using the bulldozer as an instrument of economic policy.
Oh hell yeah that amusement park whips ass. More cities should have centrally located amusement parks. Copenhagen and Gothenburg shouldn’t be the only ones. The neighborhood names rock too. Where does the metro go and is that a metro that goes onto a freight rail line?
im getting into animal crossing new horizons again
Doing my I think ninth or tenth Prey playthrough and loving every second of it
Such an amazing game, wish I could forget it entirely and play it fresh.
Still UFO 50 lol
So I started playing Dyson Sphere Program again because my kiddo asked me so he could watch. Then he went and watched tv instead… I’m a little sad because he seemed actually interested in learning stuff this time but whatever. In any case I’m at yellow jello and working on automating logistics stuff. I need to bootstrap processors and I fucking hate those in early game. But yeah it’s processors, manually carry them to my logistics factory until I get spinner hats and PLS/ILS set up. then after that is green and purple jello and start setting up fer end game mall and sphere. I want to make it a quick run so I’m not going for like a Terrawatt sphere this time or anything. Will probably keep it all in my local system too.
I am also attempting to play Workers and Resources finally. And uh… it’s not going great. I’m trying to follow along bballjo’s beginner tutorial but I’m already having issues with heating, food, and clothing. I have a clothing factory set up but I need power and stuff to it. I set up a big farm and then got overwhelmed and just kind of quit last night. Anyone have any tips? I love the idea of a Soviet city builder but this thing is just way too serious lol.
Factorio. But I have decided to take a week break because it started to become a problem again.
I’ve finished all of the new content and got the win screen, but I stil have so much more to do.
Is anyone else playing the new dlc? I’m curious what other people think of it. I like it, but there are some silly arbitrary decisions which just limit how you can play it. Luckily there will be mods for that though.
Yeah! On my first world playing the expansion, currently have moderate factories on fulgora and vulcanus. Feels so much bigger than the original, even though I would guess I’m halfway-ish through the game.
Nice! Yeah, the new planets really extend the game. I’ve got all of the planets making stuff right now, but need to go back and expand. I’m at like 10k spm rn (including productivity), aiming for 100k. The new biolabs are so good. I think I only consume like 1.6k per minute.
VTM: bloodlines playing as a
really appreciate how well the game holds up (with the unofficial patch that is) been watching hunter the parenting so got in the mood for world of darkness again. Trying to get through it without cheating but if I stop having fun then I’ll just keep playing around, gotten through the game legit before so nothing spoiled.
I tried that game years ago and it broke down almost immediately after making a character. And that was after downloading the unofficial patch. Maybe I didn’t put it in right or something, but that turned me off. Still want to play to one day, though…
Yeah base game is not great the new versions seems to do more in installing for you currently playing 1.5 and it’s alright some bugs. https://www.moddb.com/mods/vtmb-unofficial-patch/downloads got it here and I’m terrible with modding but it more or less fixes it for you no looking and adding stuff to folders.
Just starting some Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Gives me some major nostalgia vibes for A Link to the Past… maybe I should replay that, it’s been thirty years since I beat it.
Stalker 2 has been disappointing. Might end up somewhere good eventually, but until then I’m thinking about playing GAMMA again. Problem is that I updated it like an idiot and now all my hours of modding it last time are left as a broken mess of files to redownload. Think I’m gonna just have to start from a fresh install and rebuild my list. Gotta have my mags mod and my girl character to stalk the zone in search of artifacts. I guess I could put some more time into Zero Sievert for my fix instead, but it’s not as immersive and that’s what I like.
Also rockin magic arena still, got a good monogreen hydra deck with an above-average win rate - though it’s still not as good as my black-red bloomburrow lizard aggrocragro deck.
Have you played Sievert since the 1.0 release? I really enjoyed it when I played it but that was around a year ago now and I haven’t picked it up since the official “release”, wondering if they improved it or made it worse as some decisions they made during the run up to 1.0 weren’t super popular I seem to remember.
Yeah I played the 1.0 release recently. It’s still the same kinda deal. Most of the former progression quests have been moved to procedural quests. I’m mixed on it. There are still some of them and It’s nice to not have progress gated behind getting x screwdrivers, but I miss, for instance, the ghoul nest or Lazar questlines. New skill and perk system is better, although I don’t think either really was that impactful. There are some cool new guns and the boar still are awful to deal with sometimes. Getting shreked from off-screen still happens a little but not too often. I think it’s a lot of fun to play right now all-in-all, despite all my criticisms. And if you play on difficulty settings where you don’t lose all your gear, it’s probably easy enough to push through the game at a reasonable pace too.
Thanks for the info. I do intend to give it another go when I have time and it would definitely be nice not to have to keep returning to an area trying to find one specific item over and over again as that got a bit tiresome sometimes when the RNG gods were not looking down upon me favourably.
Been traveling around and I’ve been using a mini PC to game. Integrated graphics have come a long way actually. I can run quite a few newer games on this little 400 dollar machine, but I save them for my real computer and only play older stuff that I can play at max settings- so I have been playing a lot of Oblivion.
I didn’t have the ability to play Oblivion when it was new, and plus I always wander around and fuck around forever in those games. A decade ago I probably put 100 hours into Oblivion but did almost none of the main story, and spent a lot of time modding and restarting.
In the last year I decided to stick to near-vanilla on all Bethesda games so I can actually beat them. I only install UI stuff, bug fixes, and gameplay mods that fix REALLY dumb shit like merchants punching dragons in Skyrim, that sort of thing. I have also been using Alternate Start in Skyrim and Oblivion, which is just incredible. Can’t believe I slept on that mod all this time, despite knowing it exists.
Now by following that philosophy, I am actually starting to make it through Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout bit by bit.
slow-burning divinity original sin 2. i’m playing on tactician mode and i get through one fight a day if i’m lucky. it rules