We are many, we are angry and we are right
Then do something? All the lib officials have surrendered and say they’ll peacefully hand over the power. What does this guy want to do now, Jan 6 reenactment but lib? That would have my support TBH, let them fight
They are doing something. They’re crying and moaning on Twitter while they wait in the drive though for their Starbucks! What more could you ask of them!
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A lot of people call liberals complascent but they’re anything except complacent! They’re ready to vote right now if they could!
Then do something?
I just realized that post-election - I haven’t seen a single Bluesky post about any nuts-and-bolts efforts on stuff like voter outreach or voter registration. The libs entire worldview is ya gotta Vote(!) and then after the election - email your congresspeople to “keep the pressure on”. It’s going to be pretty funny when DC libs start strategically doing their norm of compromising in advance and doing nothing of importance to throw sand in the gears. And no amount of email is going to change that.
Ninja edit
Hell, libs could even post about improving reading comprehension and literacy to serve as a bulwark for democracy. The average American reads at a sixth grade level. But libs would rather repost something from The Bulwark which is a right-wing concern troll site co-created by Bill Fucking Kristol.
My mom is a fucking Turbo Lib and whenever I bring up something that could throw Trump in prison and remove him from office, her response is “That’s not the proper procedure,” or “We can’t resort to violence,” or whatever reason she can think of for Democrats to do nothing.
MLK didn’t miss with Letter from a Birmingham Jail.
“That’s not the proper procedure,”
Libs can really go off the deep end about procedure. It’s so sad. Self-aggrandizement link - this my comment - https://hexbear.net/comment/5666718
ta;dc (too annoying; didn’t click) - The Bluesky OP says…
Donald Trump cannot take any oath of office until he is granted amnesty for breaking the last one he swore. That’s just straight up in the Constitution. 2/3 of each House.
And they are full BlueAnon. They’re going to post about this every day.
I’m going to be reposting my thread about Trump and Section 3 amnesty every day with quotes, evidence, and a call to action everyday because it is that important…
Wow this election really broke libs’ brains, huh?
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They were already broken. Its
except 2016
then consider like half the people who could vote didn’t for either. and that doesnt count the people excluded from voting, and you might start to realize you two Red Team vs. Blue Team are in the minority squabbling over petty distinctions without a material difference.
so who has the numbers? the people who find you both pointless.
“Nobody” won in a landslide with like 90 million votes
You know what, maybe my writing doesn’t suck all that much.
But really, what the fuck analogy is this? “You think we are screwed? Well, have you considered screw sizes? Didn’t think so…”
kind of looks like everyone gets screwed no matter what pile they’re in!
Now show the pile that didn’t participate in this farce.
Heh, sounds like Kamala
Got screwed this election
Harris may have 8 of the 13 keys, but she only has 48 of the 99 screws
I forgot all about that guy and his keys! I googled.
‘I admit I was wrong’: Allan Lichtman explains why his election prediction failed
Lichtman attributed the inaccurate prediction to factors like disdain for the Biden administration and Harris’ late campaign start.
Despite the miss, Lichtman stands by his “13 Keys to the White House” system, emphasizing its long-term accuracy.
He also criticized Nate Silver’s polling-based prediction model, suggesting it relied heavily on chance.
Buy my book! It will help you predict a coin flip. Perhaps wrongly but still…!
This made me laugh.
“I don’t think I called any (keys) wrong,” Lichtman said. “The contest key was rendered problematic by what went on by the Democratic Party but I don’t think you can say I called it wrong except for in retrospect. At the time it was the more reasonable call.”
I’m stealing “render problematic” and “[My logic was not wrong]” and “I don’t think you can say I called it wrong except [in] retrospect”.
They keys did not fail, America failed the keys.
Look, the keys are still good and it’s the locks that are wrong - if your spouse throws you out of the house and changes the locks because America is shacking up with Trump.
he’ll NEVER make her happy!
Hey, it worked for Reagan:
My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true. But the facts and evidence tell me it is not
One of the most brazen things I ever heard. It is mind blowing that he weathered that scandal while his brain was turning into cheese
I was right until you proved me wrong
That’s why Kamala is my Shoe-In of the Week!
Bluesky libs have a “He didn’t get 50%!” fetish. I wish Trump was holding steady at 50.1% so the libs would finally shut up about this.
Usually usually they do screengrabs of this page. - https://www.cookpolitical.com/vote-tracker/2024/electoral-college - current stats…
Trump: 49.86%
Harris: 48.26%‘Oh so Harris’ number is still smaller, got it’
JFK got and 49.72% and Nixon got 49.55% on 1960
Meanwhile Clinton won on 43.0% in 1992
this election season, cast your vote for Phillips or Flathead
Can’t wait till Season 2 of Chainsaw Man.
“The teleprompter guy is worried but I gotta say something else. New thing because today is my inauguration for the second time on tv. It should be the third time but only second time on tv. Now - new branding. Much better. No more elephant. Republican symbol is the Flathead. The Flathead - strong and powerful. Best. The Phillips bad. Designed by Bad Holland Communists to break and destroy America like the democrats. They wanna screw you. They do. They do…”
Both get stripped easily. I vote for Torx.
sorry Torx was removed from the ballot by Phillips and Flathead for not gathering enough signatures or maybe they didn’t stamp their form appropriately
Lost 6 cointosses in a row
robertson gang robertson gang
Well you see technically you’re only allowed to use the term landslide if you’re in the champagne region of France
babby’s first political economy
If you can’t personally eyeball the entire electorate, it doesn’t count
Rainman starts counting a visual representation of the vote where each vote is a toothpick. He begins counting Kamala’s 74,563,603 votes but he suddenly stops at 8,713 and he starts yelling - “TOO MANY! TOO MANY! NO NO! UNDERWEAR ON THE HIGHWAY…”
I see both Trump and Harris both have some screws loose.