office space
- Office Space
- Clerks
- 9 to 5
More anti establishment than anti-work, but still worth mentioning:
- Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
- Fight Club
- Falling Down
- They Live
Seconding Falling Down
‘Office Space’, easily.
You know what I would do with a million dollars?
Two girls at the same time?
Umm… buy a lot of staplers?
To list one no one else has mentioned yet: Sorry To Bother You
this, for multiple reasons
Horse people?
Fight Club
That’s more anti-finance than anti-work.
They run a business making soap, after all.
They work only to bring chaos… “it was beautiful, we were selling rich women their own fat asses back to them”. Tyler works in a restaurant to piss in the soup. Works in a cinema so that kids see single slices of hardcore porn. The narrator bleeds all over himself to blackmail his boss into paying him to ‘work’ from home and do nothing.
They didn’t just shun work they were actively trying to destroy it.
I’m not sure I’d put it in this category.
I’ll give you three guesses why Disney has never greenlit a sequel to A BUG’S LIFE, and the first two guesses don’t count.
This thread doesn’t have enough Office Space so I’m gonna say Office Space
You know what I’d do if I was rich? Two “Office Space” comments at the same time, man
Fuckin” A
You know most people don’t need two comments to up vote “Office Space”
One of the coolest things I’ve ever heard about Office Space is that Mike Judge had a alternate ending where when we check in at Peter at the end of the movie and his new construction boss is just another Lumburg. Which really hit home with the fact that it’s not the office jobs that sucks, all jobs suck.
Modern Times (with Charlie Chaplin)
Soylent Green
Falling down, since office space has been mentioned already.
Edit: nvm falling down was already mentioned.
- Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
- Hackers
They Live, Office Space, Fight Club, maybe big Lebowski
Yeah, well, you know… That’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Shut the fuck up, Donny.
Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!
The bums will always lose!
They Live is about manipulating the masses to consume and be silent. Work is just a small side topic.
Fight Club is about personal power over people. Domination.
Big Lebowski is your typical loser story. A fairy tale.
Well, since nobody has mentioned office space yet…
They have
But not enough.
Also, I suggest Office Space.
These are a bit of a stretch…
Joe Vs. the Volcano
Joe Vs. The Volcano is among my favorite movies ever made.
“I know he can GET the job, but can he DO the job! … I’m not arguing that with you!”
Mr Waturi is the unsung hero of that film. As a supporting actor, he nailed the tone of the film by personifying the rank stupidity of corporate thinking.
He can definitely do the job.
Office space
Anything you watch instead of doing you job.
Go to work? Fuck that, I’m watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy instead.
You mean I’m watching the 12 hours of BTS (again).
It’s more effective if you do it on the clock.