• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • I think we’re just talking past each other, because a lifelong pursuit of science and learning is ambition all the same to me. Finding that and sticking to it is “success” as much as anything, even if you don’t seek field-wide accomplishments.

    For me it’s the same thing, though I’ve not been able to commit to anything specific, and I would like to be accomplished enough to be recognized at least in some way one day, even if it’s only by peers in my field, I consider it a desire for quasi-immortality, to leave some sort of record behind.

  • No, I never said fame is the only thing worth pursuing or that it is even the most important or common. I would put scientific, medical, artistic or civic/political achievement before fame.

    Sometimes having goals that are easier to reach can make you more happy.

    See that I can understand, obviously I’m a no one from bumfuck nowhere, I’ll settle for living comfortably, having friends, a partner, a successful career and free time, and I think I can make peace with that.

    But it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t throw it all away if I could swap to being an adored millionaire celebrity living in a mansion in Hollywood.

    I do have the ambition, I’m just being realistic.

    On the other hand:

    And yes, there are many people who don’t have huge ambitions and that’s ok.

    This I don’t understand. Of course it’s okay you numpty, I never said otherwise, I just said I don’t understand why or how this comes about, so if you’re one of those people I’d like to hear about your experiences and why you are the way you are.

  • Uh, Yeah? Who tf wouldn’t lol. To be loved and adored by millions, to earn millions from that, it defies comprehension that some even have it that good.

    When I had a YT of like 2k subs and had an OF thing going, I had weird dudes who spammed me their life stories in insta dms day in and day out, I admit - not the most pleasant interaction - it was still a helluva an ego boost.

    Fame is generally an amazing thing desired by damn near everyone. You ever seen the kind of crazy shit people do for 5 seconds of it on TV? I could never, but maybe that’s my loss.

  • And I was downvoted for not knowing about an obscure McDonalds, by a zoo, in literally bumfuck Texas, and the regional and cultural and historical context surrounding that, and the poster above was upvoted for saying that “everyone” knows it from their school trip and used to rave about it, as if the entire population of earth lives in Dallas, Texas, USA, North America?

    Holy shit fuck this site so much. Can these sh.it.just.werks “people” just go back to Twitter?