Sounds good to me?
Just make them all public all the time! That’ll show those fucking libs.
As a liberal I would be so fucking owned by this
Don’t pwn me bro!
Did someone say pwn? I’m hungry
Someone say prawns??
I don’t care if they are Republican or Democrat. If they are criminals, they should go to jail. Release the Epstein files and send Bill and Trump to jail.
Thats the thing I don’t think they get.
“Ok, well our guy will go to jail, but so will yours!!!”
“That’s fine.”
“But then we BOTH lose!”
“This isn’t a MAD doctrine situation. This is supposed to be more like a scorched earth situation. No corruption left behind.”
And I don’t think they grasp that.
What they don’t grasp is that we’d send our guy to jail: because they won’t.
That’s the difference.
When a corrupt democrat is exposed they’re expelled (bye bye Cuomo)
When a corrupt republican is exposed they’re re-elected.
Even if it’s egregiously overstated (Al Franken).
This still makes me mad.
Tbf though you cant become republican if you havent exposed yourself a couple times
It would do more to drain the swamp than anything Trump had ever imagined.
She is only saying it because she is positive the files will never get released.
Thus is the difference between MAGA/republicans and everyone else
Bill was lended Epstein’s plane one time to a regular AIDs relief tour in Africa.
Trump has been on his plane many times, but more importantly called him a friend and went to his island. Many times.
You sound as crazy as the people calling Stephen Hawking a kid diddler when you say stuff like that. You, like the majority of Americans, seem to have no fucking clue what actually happens around them.
But yes, I agree, release the reports and send people who broke the law to prison.
Saying Bill Clinton, the guy who couldn’t keep it in his pants in the Oval Office, is a kid diddler sounds as crazy as calling Stephen Hawking one?
Does your logic really sound logical to you?
Holy shit I agree with MTG
Harambe truly was this universe’s anchor being, and the decay is increasing exponentially
Wow…having seen almost NONE of the other Marvel movies, I walked out of Deadpool vs Wolferine just kind of confused. Not by the plot, that was simple as shit. It was insultingly simple.
The part that confused me was “WHO IS DEMANDING THIS MOVIE???”. I don’t watch a lot of movies, but the ones I do watch I like to make “worth it”. And everybody was going on and on and on about how great this movie was going to be once it came out. And then…
Ok, imagine going to this movie, without ANY concept about who these cameos are, who a LOT of the characters are supposed to even be, and without having seen a single previous deadpool or x-men movie before.
Yeah, movie kind of sucks now, doesn’t it?
But…silver lining…at least I was able to get the joke of a Lemmy post months after the fact.
…yeah, I still want my $12 back.
Nah it was great, but it was a love letter to people who had watched every previous Deadpool and all the old Marvel movies. It wasn’t meant to be an entry into the universe. I can understand why you didn’t like it having not seen the previous, but it just wasn’t made for you.
Also, it was a joyous watch for those who read the ‘90s-00s comics. My wife almost enjoyed my reactions as much as the movie.
Does it have much replay value, maybe not.
Let me stretch first. Don’t want to pull anything.
I’m kinda with you… Like, let them fight?
I think she meant this as a threat to get the party in line, but i can’t see any way this doesn’t blow up in their faces. If the leopards are eating leopard faces, will they notice mine…?
It’s so weird to see an MTG post and… yeah… I’m over here like: LFG.
Oh no. Please, stop.
This argument reveals that she thinks both sides are playing the same game. Progressives don’t support corrupt leaders. MTG does.
Then who is supporting Nancy Pelosi?
Quip aside, let’s bring on the sunlight.
Honestly don’t know anyone that likes Pelosi.
I don’t know why anyone likes neoliberals.
She’s a model one.
I vote blue with my nose held as always for harm reduction, but neoliberals like Pelosi are why so many actual leftwing people that want a society walked away, they have no party that isnt enthusiastically part of the root problem of maintaining crony market capitalism at society’s catastrophic expense.
I guess they just want to be in charge for no other reason? Not really sure what their game is, but they’ll follow the money to get elected and then do what their donors wanted them to do. Then??? I’m not really understanding what they have to gain other than insider information.
Profit. That’s pretty much it. Why does anyone seek excess power in a capitalist society? Personal wealth gain. That insider info allows them to make their winning stock trades, and the “perks” they receive from their high offices (think private jet travel, free meals, tickets to events, etc) ensure that their expenses are kept at a minimum. Their lavish lifestyles while we struggle, and the fact that they could help resolve society’s problems yet don’t to keep the status quo, is the epitome of “fuck you, I got mine.”
I don’t really understand how it’s a lavish lifestyle if you have to hang out with a bunch of politicians and business people all the time. That sounds like pure hell to me. Like you’re going to hang out with the vice president of East Coast sales for some manufacturing company or some shit, no thanks.
I think that’s partially why the well connected and famous billionaires are such miserable assholes. Their lives really aren’t that great because they’re all uninteresting losers surrounded by uninteresting losers who sold their souls for money and power and spend decades between having any moments of real joy.
Yeah but some people get off on it, like that being in the company of the rich and powerful increases their social stock (in their own insular world), and some thrive on that type of stuff.
It’s like that movie, The Mask (and it’s like that for the rest of us, too): the more times you put it on and the longer you wear it, the more you meld into it and the mask into you.
Are you American?
I only ask because Americans are trained from birth to know (through for profit media and oligarch captured public education) that money is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and end, and the very meaning of existence and life itself as its own end.
It’s why we’re a bunch of rugged individuals competing against one another for oligarch scraps and not a society. It’s the wedge that informs all others to keep their exploited capital batteries at war with each other instead of looking up at the greedy bastards running up their ego scores by burning us.
deleted by creator
Congratulations, you bucked the overwhelming norm. People who make it to Congress, with the exception of spoilers, have proven to their respective parties through state elections that they love money, don’t get bored of getting moar money, and know how to get it. That’s how you get promoted in the parties. It’s all they care about.
Because our values are so far beyond fucked it’s almost funny in an absurdist humor kind of way.
Yeah, but I don’t really care what other people think of me, so I don’t feel the need to have to have a ton of money just to impress other people.
I’m sure most of these politicians also don’t care what other people think of them which is why it’s so easy for them to do all this vile shit and stand in front of a national audience telling complete lies with a straight face. They aren’t doing it to gain approval from other people, they’re doing it because they’re following their own concept of what an impressive person does.
She’s as corrupt as they come, she just hides it behind a different type of veneer.
She has famously had an abysmal approval rate nationwide, but she gets more votes than her opponents so she gets to keep her seat.
Like Mitch McConnell, MTG, Lauren Boebert, or Matt Gaetz.
I’m convinced that at this point, people are just voting on familiarity
Absolutely. R’s count on this.
In my state, they’ve tried running the weatherman for Senate. Not dog catcher or school board, SENATE. NATIONAL, not state.
There’s a reason Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker were both running in 2022.
The reds here in Arizona have run ex-news-reader Kari Lake 3 times and lost all 3.
…let her keep running then. Seems like an easy win. Even if she wins her 4th run, it was still a net positive for the democrats. She lost 3 times, and won 1 time. That’s a +2 for democrats.
Alright. I’m going to run for office. But quick, I’m going to change my name to Tom Batman Hanks.
Seems to be how Trump is assembling his cabinet, too.
Nah, he’s just going down the checklist of
Project 2025some manuscript he’s never heard of
Ugh… I don’t really want to be that guy, but she was well liked when she was first in office. In fact, I dare say she was cool once when she advocated for more AIDS support in the late 80s and pissed off Reagan, which is always good. But that was around when I was born, haha.
Unfortunately House seats rarely see competition, and I’m certain she grew complacent with age. Almost 40 fucking years, oof.
I was speaking in present tense, not past tense.
She’s not the best, but she’s not the worst. Her biggest crime is what, using insider knowledge to trade stocks?
It’s not like she gave a list of our spies to the Russians. Or likely sold classified documents. She didn’t betray our allies. (Do I mean the Ukrainians, the Afghanis, or the Kurds?)
She was miles better than Manchin or McConnell. She wasn’t our best, but she sure as hell wasn’t a Republican. She got vilified primarily because she was a prominent Democrat for years. And it stuck because there was more than zero legitimacy.
They vilified her so much that some douchebag went after her and her husband with a hammer. There’s a reason they didn’t go after Manchin or Sinema or Menendez or McConnell or Gaetz.
She’s better than the bar republicans set, which is so low it’s on the ground. Doesn’t mean she’s good.
I like Pelosi, mostly cherry Pelosi. I’ll usually go for Coke or Dr. Pepper, but soda is soda and Pelosi is soda.
“Yeah, I’ll take a Cortez”.
“Is Pelosi okay?”.
“Ugh, have a Sanders”.
“No, all out”.
“Okay, I’ll take a Pelosi”.I had a chem teacher in highschool that loved “Pelosi.” He never drank coffee, just 2-3 cans of, as he put it, “cola joy.”
He was the kinda teacher that if you didn’t understand something and asked questions, he’d say the exact same thing, only SLOWER and LOUDER. I hated chemistry until i got to college and met real teachers, and I’ve hated “Pelosi” since.
This is funny because an “elder statesperson” is valuable because they’ve been in the room for allllll the dirt, over decades. They are a walking blackmail bomb and are tolerated because they can call in “favors” when compromise is really really needed.
Edit whoever downvoted this, care to comment? If you think this was a “yay pelosi” comment you’re wrong.
Hi. Not the downvoter, but I’ll weigh in. I get single downvotes on a lot of my comments. Comments that I can’t see a single reason TO downvote. One time somebody was a single downvote to me say “what?” after a guy went on a long long rant that didn’t say anything of value.
The point is, on Lemmy, I’m convinced there’s a single guy, who just goes around downvoting EVERYTHING. Because I notice the trend isn’t just MY posts. It’s all over Lemmy.
So somewhere, out there in the world, is one guy, in what I assume is a dirty trailer, just downvoting everything, because he’s miserable.
Haha love it. It must be the ass pennies guy
walks up, pays with card, leaves as he has a meltdown while I’m confused what’s wrong with him
I’ve heard that some apps may make it a little too easy for some users to accidentally up/down vote without realizing. I’ve definitely caught a few accidental votes myself, so I’m not sure how many more I didn’t notice. Also, totally random anecdote, but the pockets in my “house pants” have a weird fabric that combined with the on body detection to keep my phone unlocked sometimes allows my thighs to “butt dial” if I put my phone in my pocket with the screen facing my body, and I’m sure other people have similar stories about accidental inputs, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.
I can tell you, that i truly and honestly think that Nancy Pelosi is the greatest! She’s never wrong about anything, and I’m totally not eating my own vomit as i type this!
Sunlight? With this global warming? Are you nuts???
Or it reveals an intention by the republicans to release a flood of bad faith ethics reports on Democrats
Oh no, republicans released the kraken.
Oh wait, nevermind, it looks like trump just scribbled with some crayon. And the occasional sharpie
Magic the Gathering supports a lot of things. I don’t know if it supports this; I’ll ask.
Edit: no takebacks
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
The amount of cognitive dissonance I got from reading something MTG said that I actually agree with was nuts
I feel you. I have this new super bitch of a boss, but she wore cute pants one day in September and it left me conflicted. I’m still pissed off about it.
As in the pants were cute or she was cute in them cuz it’s completely okay to like a pair of pants and not enjoy the person who’s in them.
The pants were cute. I hate her so much i can’t see anything attractive about her.
Them pants tho
Once a pants is associated with a bad ass you might struggle to separate the art from the artist.
People do it with Tom Cruise all the time …
How dare she!
Her arrival at the correct answer was done through a series of mental lapses, poor judgements and terrible ideas that plopped her exactly where she should be. Like watching an episode of Mr Magoo.
Bruh I literally just told my husband “Fuck MTG for saying something that makes me agree with MTG!” due to this story.
Ill recover if Congress actually takes her up on it though.
You leave Magic the Gathering out of this!
Don’t feel that way. Take this as observing your opponent taking a misstep. This is an opening.
I read her comment and instantly thought “Wait… am I on the wrong side of this issue?” Now I’m wondering who she filed against.
Focus on that pain and it will lead to enlightenment.
Yeah, nothing wrong with that
You know what’s wrong though?
Her brushing over the fact that Gaetz is a pedo rapist. You’ll never hear her admit to this because the republican party never admits that they are the source of all the shit they accuse everyone of.
Fuck this waste of oxygen.
17 in georgia? Almost an old maid…
I kid, i kid.
So did Matt…
Those two are peas in a pod as well.
I hear this often on Democrat centric pages but I never even saw his name on conservative sites until his nomination. What is he confirmably guilty of? I’d like to know.
He hasn’t been found guilty of anything, yet, but that’s largely (imo) because the Merrick Garland DOJ has refused to prosecute and blocked attempts to independently figure out what the hell he’s doing.
I think it’s highly likely he’s guilty of sex trafficking minors and both the DOJ and the ethics committee know this.
deleted by creator
Something something broken clock
It’s more like she’s so fucking stupid and petty that she doesn’t realize how it’ll hurt her party.
Her party elected a convicted felon, rapist, traitor, insurrectionist. Do you really think it matters?
Nevermind that the republicans won the presidency, both houses of Congress, and already have the supreme Court. It’s more like, “the fuck you gonna do about it?” If anything, they’re looking for reasons to oust any sitting democrat in which they’ll install someone loyal to their cause because let’s be real, the rules are out the window at this point.
She’s creating strife when no one else in the party wants it. That does matter. Thier entire platform is Loyalty, and she’s breaking rank.
Will it matter? Who knows. They’re all assholes, it could go either way.
Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.
“Scorned” in this context is equivalent to our contemporary “betrayed”.
She’s been passed over for reward by Trump.
Is that tim pool without his beanie?
“For my Republican colleagues in the House and Senate, If we are going to release ethics reports and rip apart our own that Trump has appointed, then put it ALL out there for the American people to see. Yes… all the ethics reports and claims including the one I filed, all your sexual harassment and assault claims that were secretly settled paying off victims with tax payer money, the entire Jeffrey Epstein files, tapes, recordings, witness interviews. But not just those, there’s more, Epstein wasn’t/isn’t the only asset. If we’re going to dance, let’s all dance in the sunlight. I’ll make sure we do,” the lawmaker said in a post on X.
Interesting, she’s going the Madison Crawthorn route. Remember what happened to him? They dished up all the dirt they could find on him and hung him out to dry. This sounds noble of her, but she’s using this as a threat to try to force them not to go after Gaetz, her pedophile buddy.
That is what the FBI does.
That and get paid by Russians to ruin the body politic by telling the USA that there was no trouble between Trump and Russia right before election.
She’s actually threatening the Republicans explicitly, I assumed she was going with the ‘both sides do it’ argument.
She’s definitely going after the Republicans because they’re the ones who have the power to force this release. The Dems have no real impact as long as the Republicans vote as a bloc, which they are likely to do. This is basically a threat to people who might step out of line that their records might be next.
From what I read, only one Republican on the ethics committee needs to defect to the Dems side to be able to release the report.
I don’t know enough about any of the 5 members to guess if any of them are likely to want to break with Trump on this one.
The tweet in question to save you the click.
The replies are hilarious. Everyone is 100% in favor of this idea, but the MAGA dipshits don’t realize she’s literally only doing this to protect a pedophile sex trafficker.
So, MTGs plan is to call out the entire Republican party as corrupt and rally her supporters to air their dirty laundry to the public. Truly fantastic, MTG. Please don’t let anyone talk you out of it.
Am…Am I agreeing with Marjorie Taylor Greene?
Is…Is Marjorie Taylor Greene making smart, intelligent, good points?
We really are in bizarro world.
When Democrat politicians fuck up, other Democrats will absolutely call for, and get, resignations. Even things that boil down to consenting adults in privacy can result in resignations when it’s seen to compromise a politician.
When Republicans fuck up, the party circles the wagons and goes full defensive. They will absolutely fight to resist any calls to resign, using any tactic they can think of to keep their latest pedo/pervert/con man/criminal in power. Only if the evidence is incontrovertible, and the outcry impossible to ignore, will they ever consider resignation, and as we’ve seen with Gaetz, that’s not even necessarily the end of their career.
MTG is exactly the kind of brainlet to think that Democrats work the same way Republicans do. She thinks “Release all the Ethics reports” will make Democrats back down, or at least intimidate them. A party agreeing to release ethics reports relating to their own people is utterly unthinkable to her.
Well, thank you for coming in and ruining the moment with your facts and reason and obvious statements and common sense
She also thinks it will matter. When a lot of voters have shown they have no problem voting for morally bankrupt people as long as they have the right letter next to their name.
A broken clock is still right 2 times a day.
You’re giving her too much credit.
Eh she’s more like a 24 hr clock. Or maybe one of those little “comic-a-day” calendars that you keep out on your desk that always seem to be on the wrong day until you remember to update it…
Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks that the Democratic party is far more morally corrupt than the Republican party. So therefore she believes that this is a nuclear option she does not realize that this is what everyone literally wants, well everyone except for the people in her own party.
Right. Not only does she completely misunderstand her enemy, but that misunderstanding has resulted in her explicitly saying, in public, that a whole lot of shady shit has been happening inside the GOP. We all knew that, but saying it out loud is something different.
There are weaknesses in fascism that we should look to exploit. One is that they pick people for loyalty first and competence a distant second. Another is their complete inability to have a good mental model of their enemy’s actual strengths and weaknesses.
MTG seems to be in the minority of elected Republican representatives in that she actually seems to believe the things she says
Don’t worry, you agree with her words but not her intent. She doesn’t actually want to do it, she just wants to use the threat of it to keep Gaetz’s report secret.
Don’t worry, she’s not, at least not on purpose. Even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while.
Pretty sure she’s being sarcastic.Blind pigs are far more capable than this creature.
She’s not, i don’t think she wants this to happen and i think she knows that people won’t agree to this kind of thing.
But what she’s saying is right. The people deserve to know what our representatives are up to.
Point, point… it’s just a single point so it was probably just an accident
I don’t think this is as stupid as it sounds. With some exceptions Democratic voters tend to punish their representatives for corruption, but republican voters never do
So you’re saying she’s betting that while republicans will have significantly more corruption, democrats will be the only ones punished because their voter base is the only one that actually cares? Honestly, you could very well be right about the result of a hypothetical universal ethic report release, though I’d be surprised if MTG was smart enough to think 2 steps ahead like that.
The Republicans control the process to determine who gets punished.
So MTG is taking her shot to be Joe McCarthy.
I’m shocked and slightly sickened that trollish dipshit is suggesting something I agree with. I think I need a shower now.
Except in Pelosi’s district. Those Democrats don’t appear to give any fucks about corruption.
Do it.
The overwhelming problem is that the Dems tend to hold their members accountable while the republicans absolutely DGAF and happily keep literal criminals in their ranks.
She’s basically acknowledging there’s plenty of dirt, but the only offenses they’ll care about is their opponents’.
Even if the democrats weren’t actually holding their members accountable, it should be done. So what if dozens of politicians, both R and D get expelled as a result. Nobody should be upset that people who had bad ethics reports get expelled.
It would be ideal if both sides held their members accountable equally. My point was that this isn’t the case.
We know of some democratic lawmakers who have been held accountable, and a very small number of republicans. But, really we don’t know whether what we’re seeing is the norm, or if it’s just a tiny fraction being held accountable. It’s possible that there are more democrats that are committing unethical acts, but that they’re better at hiding it and/or have more complicity in covering it up. But, I think most sane people would say that everybody’s ethics violations should be public information. Even if it means hundreds of congresspeople losing their jobs and massive uncertainty in who will hold power. Ethics violations should be something voters get to know about.
Oh FFS. Your premise is that the dems are bad because they might be hiding evil stuff, or they’re better at hiding it, so that makes them just as bad as the republicans who get actually get caught?
Give me a break.
I already laid out what the problem is with republicans and how ethics are essentially meaningless to them when it comes to holding themselves accountable, but they freak out over tan suits, so I really have no clue what your point is.
Wow, you’re like some kind of cultist. Any criticism that might apply to democrats and you come out swinging.
My premise is that we don’t know what ethics violations have been suppressed by either party. We know that both Republicans and Democrats have been found to have violated ethics, but we don’t know whether it’s the majority that have been exposed or if it’s just the tip of the iceberg. If it turns out that the Democrats have never suppressed an ethics violation then maybe they do live up to your mental image of them and are pure as the driven snow. But, it’s also possible that the democrats have protected some members.
That doesn’t mean that Republicans are better than Democrats or something, it just means that politics is politics and sometimes people in power get away with things. But really dude, you should cut back on the hero worship. These are just politicians, they shouldn’t be your whole identity.
It’s possible that there are more democrats that are committing unethical acts, but that they’re better at hiding it and/or have more complicity in covering it up.
This is your premise. Democrats are possibly evil too, and that’s what you’re basing your argument on.
There’s no hero worship here, it’s objectively true that democrats punish their members more than the republicans do by a long shot.
My premise is that people are sometimes corrupt and that power corrupts. There are democrats in power.
Are you really so much in a cult that you can’t believe that your side could possibly be anything less than pure?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day…
I wonder how long we’ll have to wait for the second time.
Your username is cool
Random word generator about 15 years ago, been my handle ever since.
Good rng