the only fascists allowed in this world should be grammar fascists.
the only fascists allowed in this world should be grammar fascists.
Pelosi hated the left long before the left hated her.
Harris’s husband and brother in law steered Harris right into defeat. She shouldnt have trusted a word those two idiots said.
The crazy part of it is that jewish people are only ~2% of the US population, spread across both parties. And about 80% of American jews are zionists. So this country destroyed itself to promote the special interests of an infintesimal minority of voters pursuing a far right pet cause that included war crimes. Its absolutely insanity, so of course we lost.
deleted by creator
But i wonder how accepting dem voters would be with a more aggressive candidate.
We’ve been living through passive, fearful, reactive, business-led, “nothing will fundamentally change” dem leadership for decades. Theres no need to fear change at this point because we literally cant lose any harder than we are now. We have been teetering on the edge of dissolution for so long that people are starting to fear risking changing what shitty circumstanbes we have now. We couldnt be more pathetic as a party.
Interesting. I’d heard Walz led from a well of deep principle, then he says tone deaf stuff like this. Possibly just another centrist then.
Ive had passing experience with Musks leadership. They make top down demands, like “I dont care, I want a demo of this tomorrow”. To get to that demo you cut every imagineable corner and show them a potempkin product the next day that is insanely fragile. And then they make a similar demand the next day, and the next. Then later on they ask why the product sucks.
Time to tax the filthy peasants who live in the carribean to make up for all Elon Musks rocket equipment they have taken possession of.
Any chance? Why, are you thinking we’ve tried everything? or anything at all?
I’ll assume good intent for a minute that your question is an honest one.
Lets start with people having rights in airports. Maybe you miss your plane if you assert those rights but tsa agents with a few days of training should not wield the absolute authority they wield. They are trained little better than rent a cops and their authority should be commensurate with that. They should be accountable for the experience they provide to the public. They should accept feedback, on a curve of course, and the bad TSA personnel should be fired. They need to be accountable for some level of professionalism when interacting with the public.
TSA should be trained in deescalation skills. Police should as well. This absolutist thuggery cops and tsa agents like to leverage should not be permitted in a civilized society, and there should be real avenues for the public to cite abuse. If we are honest with ourselves, there arent even handed ways to cite and act on abuse, and thats a reflection of abject effing failure of law enforcement and tsa’s leadership. Yes, there are bad travelers, but theres bad authority figures as well, and the thoroughly planned lack of oversight shows that pretty amply. Where is the accountability with these little tyrants?
From there lets talk about their budget. Its bloated. They have ai programs for detecting threats that are completely unproven. Their equipment deployments are expensive and poorly managed. They should be given barebones security guard level funding because thats exactly what they are. Lets not pretend these are crime fighting heros. They are overpaid mallcops getting what results can be gotten from manning a metal detector. Thats it.
Cargo containers are not thoroughly searched-- we trust senders to be honest about whats in them. TSA’s budget bloat can be redirected to beef up cargo security.
There are redundancies and inadequacies in the current process. Why not have some new process flows for bag scanning? Bag scanning is a chokepoint for people that should be distributed. The airport layout should optimize for this. Its not.
Why has TSA allowed Clear and other companies to sell a nicer version for the rich, that literally closes the walkway to allow their clients to saunter through the queue in a privelaged manner? That should never have been allowed. My time is not theirs to sell. That needs to be ended and the people who approved it fired.
Why am I not allowed to say anything that a TSA agent doesnt like? This is America, and free speech applies even in airports. They have taken this “terrorism” to an absurd degree and they need adult supervision. There should be no such thing as “contempt of TSA agent” that ejects you from your flight. I can consent to security, but I do not consent to mallcops being empowered to cancel my travel on their whim if they are having a bad day and feel bad about their life choices. I dont care if they dont like my tone or a joke of mine. Does it threaten anyone? No. Unless they find something like a bomb or a gun in my bag, they should mind their own effing business and leave us all alone. And if I ask a question, I should have an expectation that they will answer professionally.
If they wont share the demands then its because they are DNC centrists/zionists trying to get people to sign up for an atsroturfed protest to get their donor-only representation scheme going again.
I think he’s one of putins orcs. Not “like”. Is.
They wont. Slotkin giving the rebuttal to Trumps speech on the 4th was a middle finger to dem voters from the DNC. Shes a centrist/right wing zionist. Thats the DNC’s promise for the future. A heartfelt, “Go fuck yourself, you’ll vote for whatever we want you to or you’ll get the Trump hose again.”
1%, 49%, its still a loss either way. You trying to feel smug about that? I guess you voted for genocide and STILL lost? How do you feel? And remember, this is for posterity so… be honest.
somehow theres always just enough dems voting with them for the repubs to get their way. If the repubs need 10 dem votes they get 10. If they need 20, they get 20. Like magic.
“Most of the 10 the Democrats are considered centrists in the party, and belong to either the Blue Dog Coalition, the New Democrat Coalition or the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus.”
Well, RFK is already turning out exactly like we thought. Anyone heard of “bubbling”? I hear it has health benefits. RFK should show us how its done.
Kind of ruins the point if it’s just worthless to do.
My vote and other voters like me made the point to the DNC that if they ignore the will of a large enough segment of their base, they will absolutely lose the election. If everyone thought like you did, the DNC would completely ignore the entirety of their base. They clearly operate from a completely amoral calculation these days. They dont care about much of anything. Not law, not human dignity. Nothing.
because literally who else are you going to vote for lmao.
Well, I’ll leave the entry blank. And I dont agree that theres always a budding dem candidate. The party is sickly and captured by the donors, particularly aipac. There is no way it magically becomes uncaptured without losing elections. So thats what I’m working on.
I see you’re getting downvoted for criticiszing genocide. Looks like the hasbara are still getting paid to astroturf lemmy and reddit to make it look like the zionist cause is more than 1% of the voters. So at least we have some semblance of normalcy.