Please, please, PLEASE raid workplaces. Fining employers has always been the solution, but neither party wants to actually go after them. Do it. Crash the economy, cause mass confusion and fear, destroy the employers. Let’s see how that shakes out. I don’t know any finer way to cause a massive backfire.
If they do everything they plan on doing in a short time frame, they’re going to be lynched by their own supporters.
And I’m ready for it.
There is no way he could do half of what was planned in the next couple years and still retain Congress after the midterms.
You’re assuming there will be midterms.
If they stop elections there won’t even be a US anymore. So many of the states would fracture off. You would even see some red states not want to associate with one another.
Russia has elections… How’s that been working for them?
This is what people voted for.
Yes, you’re correct. There isn’t a US anymore, because the fascists won.
They might raid workplaces, but I doubt the outcome will be to fine employers. Those are the job creators!
If slaughter houses, chicken/egg farming, fruit picking, packaging, etc. comes screeching to a halt due to these raids then those employers stand to lose a ton of money as the food goes bad while they scramble to try to convince Joe MAGA to come work for them for a fraction of minimum wage.
fraction of minimum wage
I do wonder if they might turn to using prison labor - and finding lots of reasons to throw more “undesirables” into the prison system to get that labor. Might be a lot of “war on drugs” stuff comes roaring back, esp. on something like cannabis…because it’s ripe for highly selective enforcement.
Lol. They are going to have millions of “immigrants” concentrated in camps… why would they have an issue finding labor?
Wouldn’t surprise me at all, but even that would be a limited & unreliable resource. It would also require getting inmates to the farms, warehouses, etc. and keeping tabs on them while they work. That would be a logistical nightmare…
Maybe, but plenty of other tyrannies delighted in holding this kind of thing over their subjugated populations. Being efficient was not necessarily a goal when extracting labor from people in gulags and concentration camps.
Hope you don’t need carpet installed or cleaned. The flooring industry is 99% foreign ran.
Exactly. It’s the employers that are illegally employing desperate illegals, paying them under the table so they both avoid taxes and pay the workers less than minimum wage.
And the employers that do this are always conservatives and trump supporters. They lose their cheap labor, and get caught breaking the law? I’d love to see it… But I’m not holding my breath.
No my friend, the illegals are paying taxes. At least around here they are. AND they have an “employment” firm that skims $2/hr. straight off the top. And those employees are “illegal”.
There’s always so much talk during the interim. Last time it took them 3 months to find the doorknobs of the oval office after inauguration day. This will be another high quality production.
They do have Project 2025 as a guideline this time though. So we’ll see how that works out, I guess. It’s going to be all the true believers who probably don’t have any actual management skills, but they’ll at least be determined.
“please please please open the concentration camps.”
Stop rooting for the worst possible outcomes. Wish for them to fuck up, get blocked and bumble their way into failure at implementing this. Wish for failure not “haha funnies” your way into ethnic cleansing.
May they accidentally raid a Mob-owned business.
Bubby it don’t matter who owns it. We should have protections for undocumented immigrants so they can’t be taken advantage of to such a degree, not wish that some bad guy has to pay a fine while his undocumented employees get arrested and deported.
I should clarify: i hope they try to go for people who shoot back.
I’d much rather they just leave people the fuck alone.
Let me finish that sentence for you
…at places and areas that don’t bow down to Trump.
See the thing is, the people who are behind the plans are through and through white nationalists. They are true believers, they want all of them gone and don’t care about economic consequences or what wealth cares about.
Surely hell be deporting any illegal staff working at mar-a-lago and replace them with w2 employees.
What are the odds that these raids don’t prioritize all the red agricultural areas that rely on migrants for work?
Those areas are littered with Trump signs, but this policy would nuke their workforces.
Even in the blue states, the agricultural areas are pretty red.
they’re giving the bigger illegal employers plenty of heads-up so they can muster up their big bribe payments and swear their fealty…
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I wonder what giants like Tyson think about this plan?
Probably giddy that they’ll be able to become even more of a monopoly.
Bingo. This is the plot.
They’ll call up the raids before paychecks are supposed to be sent out. Oops guess that was free labor, oh well. We will hire another load of illegal immigrants for next week and maybe not get to pay them too.
Let’s end the hypocrisy of blaming illegal immigrants every societal ill—while benefitting from their cheap and compliant labor—and staying silent about the complicity of employers’ role in the whole process. Raid workplaces. Deport illegal immigrants if that makes you feel better. But, absolutely imprison those business owners for aiding and abetting.
They contributed like $90b to Medicare and SS in 2022, but the right doesn’t talk about that part.
Trump will be great for the economy!
Trump: crashes economy
surprised pikachu face
That’s Biden and the Democrats fault obviously, they set it up to fail and make trump look bad.
Yeah, pretty much.
They are trying so hard to bring back slavery
They better be ready to pay for the downtime…
Corporation: rubs hands for tax cuts
Corporation: forced to close or pay minimum wage???
Damn straight! Maybe they’ll actually start paying a fair wage! And boo hoo to anyone who refuses to do their own lawncare. It is not hard.
For a lot of small to medium companies they’ll probably just go out of business.
The chamber of commerce meetings are going to be a lot smaller.
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If you can’t pay a fair wage, you don’t deserve to be in business.