White nationalist Nick Fuentes was doxed on Friday in the fallout of his viral “My body, your choice” comment. Today, a 57 year old Jewish female journalist showed up to his house, rang the doorbell, and was maced and shoved by Fuentes. Cops and an ambulance showed up. Linked is her Facebook post. Details are limited because this is breaking.
fascists be like “you must take me seriously” and their home is on Home Avenue
I live at 1234 House Boulevard and I believe the white race will retvrn to the 1950s ads and win a holy war on the world and then Based Aryan Santa Claus and his army of Jolly Elven Groypers will come out from their century of hiding from the woke mob to unsoy our blood and show us how to get to Hyperborea
finally, somebody gives a sufficient explanation for the “war on Christmas” conspiracy theories
The war on Christmas will end only when it withdraws from its illegal occupation of November.
interesting that his house is blurred out on street view.
Doesn’t matter bc someone uploaded a photo of the house yday
You can request this to google
I believe you pay for the privilege too.
There’s no home there, there’s just a big brown home shaped blob in between 1824 and 1828 Home ave, Berwyn IL, in between the very similar looking, predictable row houses. How could you possibly think there’s anything there, it’s clearly a vacant lot
I just needed to type in the number
Blues Brothers Mentioned
This man was the original Joe Bob of horror movies and you can’t cmv
Meeting Svengoolie was one of the peaks of my life
Hoping I get to someday. Midwestern guys making fun of bad movies were foundational for modern internet comedy
I love me some Sven. Almost considered getting a box so I could pick up on non-cable signals and watch this guy like I used to.
your addy my choice to send an oz of meth from the onion fields
don’t give him free drugs do one of those services that mails (actual) shit to people
Endlessly postures about what a strong, superior breed of man he is, but all he can do is cowardly ambush a target much weaker than himself. Typical fash shit. It’s just like how the IDF can bomb schools all day but disintegrates the moment it hits actual armed resistance.
Mace too, like a total wimp.
Unpopular opinion, sure he’s a fascist moron, but this woman clearly is playing stupid games and won a stupid prize.
If you think you’re going to “confront fascists” or “do journalism on them” you’re liable for this kind of shit. Americans have literally lost the fucking plot, especially these Dem Party Fedayeen women who don’t know what they’re actually signing up for and think they’re fucking invincible. If this had been a much more intelligent and vicious Nazi this woman would have been dead.
This reminds me of the whole Kamala Harris series on “you can vote different than you husband” which hilariously didn’t pan out in the actual voting. Furthermore it incited a very real moral panic on the right wing, which could have ended horribly across the country. Had Kamala won, the moral panic she stoked would have left many women vulnerable to domestic violence regardless of their actual vote.
Stop playing with these people in real life. All Fuentes has to do is literally call the police a couple of times before he’s gonna get free reign to shoot you through the door and the fascist American cops and juries aren’t going to get you justice. Stop being idiots. Normal people aren’t going to take your side for harassing someone you think is bad.
Kyle Rittenhouse is free for a much more egregious murder. Remember that. You’re on uneven terrain. Unless you’re going to shoot first, stop larping.
Agreed. If someone is going to confront him, there needs to be a resolution to that event
Macing people that come up to your door surely cannot be justifiable in a legal context, right?
Except “people that come up to your door” is literally removing all the context of the situation that this woman provided to the police and in her posts online.
See my other comment here
I see, it looks shaky. If she had the forethought to seek a lawyer and DON’T TALK TO COPS I think maybe she would’ve been able to get an assault charge. What do you think?
The first question would be “why are you at this guy’s front door?”, she can’t answer that in any rational way. That’s the main problem. She literally has no business there in the most literal sense of the word, combined with the fact that Fuentes got doxxed online, and combined with the fact that this is likely not even the first person to try this shit. It’s very unlikely that he would get prosecuted.
The world in which Fuentes goes down for this, is the world where this can be weaponized against women by their stalkers.
Presumably the lawyer would have instructed her not to answer if the police asked her why she was at his door because it is immaterial to the assault that she suffered. Believe it or not, you’re allowed to knock on someone’s door in America without getting shot/assaulted even if you don’t have a good reason to be there. People can and have been prosecuted for shooting people who came to their door without establishing whether they are a threat.
In Berwyn IL, you can’t mace someone who comes up to your door unless you reasonably believe they are about to harm you. However, the state usually only prosecutes really clear-cut and well-evidenced crimes, and usually not when they’re done by fascists. That’s why the responding cops just made him return her phone. Fuentes could certainly argue that he was in reasonable fear of harm, and Rose could argue that she was just there for a friendly discussion.
Dem Party Fedayeen
im 100% stealing this phrase lmao
Death to America
but this woman clearly is playing stupid games and won a stupid prize.
you either go whole hog or not at all
confrontation is stupid
So Nick just publicly confirmed that this is indeed his address. So he’ll get a steady stream of visitors now.
Target location comfirmed. Charging ion cannon.
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Except that he is now living in his mom’s basement to avoid visitors at his doxxed address.
So there is nobody at his home to prevent damage to his property, interesting
Cameras and cops, don’t be dum (general statement)
This is wild. She even confirmed the address in her post. lmao.
Illinois is not a stand your ground state. Instead, it is a castle doctrine state. That means that individuals may stand their ground when they are in their homes, but not when they are outside of their homes. If a person is in their residence, they do not have to back down to threats of violence. If they are out of their homes, they must attempt to retreat instead of using self-defense
I hope she sues his ass. It would be so funny if this fucker ends up in jail
none of this actually describes what Nick Fuentes was doing but it’s not as simple as castle vs stand your ground. important to know if you own a gun or plan on taking a trip to Berwyn
A person is justified in the use of force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to prevent or terminate such other’s unlawful entry into or attack upon a dwelling.
Illinois also has a (roundabout) home defense exception in 720 ILCS 5/7-1 but I’m not sure if it’s argued this way in court. Residential burglary is a “forcible felony”
A person is justified in the use of force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or another against such other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, he is justified in the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or another, or the commission of a forcible felony.
note that this also does not impose a duty to retreat. You can use (non-deadly) force whenever it’s necessary to defend yourself or someone else. Don’t trust legal blogspam read the law yourself
legal blogspam
Perfect term for those dogshit articles that pop up whenever I’m trying to do research
Also recognize what the law considers the opposing party doing. This is purely harassment, and she admitted it. Nobody is going to rule in her favor in a criminal court.
Confirmed, he still lives there. Oh no, what might someone do with such information…
President Xi, please send Chengdu J-20 Mighty Dragon twin-engine all-weather stealth fighters
Legally speaking i cant imagine he has any ground to stand on? You cant just assault someone for ringing your doorbell. Thats insane. Hope he gets prison time but knowing American legal system he probably wont.
MURICA BABY, under a more sensible legal system he should have been thrown in jail long ago for being a fascist grifter who incites violence.
the justice system won’t touch him.
he’s got trump’s favor and we know the existing lib establishment is scrambling to kowtow to him preemptively
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Dunno. Normally I’d say he’d probably cop charges or at least a ride to the station, but since he was just doxxed that might change the math on permissable self defense.
Though he did voluntarily open and answer the door so that might throw him bacvk to aggressor
All he has to do is show the court her post, and it’s game over. She literally admitted to premeditated harassment.
Mind posting or summarizing what she said? I can’t see the Facebook post as I don’t have an account
The whole context is getting nuked on FB and Reddit. Here’s a screen-cap of the post. Note how it doesn’t start out with, “I’m a journalist”, it starts out with “This guys sucks and I’m going to do something”.
Also here’s another comment from her and what the cops think:
Edit: Found the full full post:
In court and to any normal human this reads as looking for a fight. She cannot even explain what she wanted out of the outcome. She didn’t mention being a journalist. This is all hysteria.
Oof. I mean good for her, but she seems very unprepared and unaware of how the legal system works.
The ol’ unreliable adventurism
It’s only unreliable until it isn’t!
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C’mon, man
they’re going for the “I don’t see gender” shitbag misogynist bingo card
Transcripts of the images:
Marla Rose’s comment on her post:
Also: The cop actually had the nerve, when I asked about pressing charges, to say, “For what?” I said, dumbfounded, “For ASSAULT.” And he was like, “Well, you went to his door.”
Transcript of her post
Okay, so what would you do if a neo-Naz*, white supremacist who called on a holy war against J*ws and is a loud, proud misogynist lives in your town, you are a Jewish feminist and you know his address?
Further, what would you do if friend after friend messaged you with his address and told you that you should pop over since you live in the same town and report what it looks like from outside his home at 1826 S. Home, Berwyn, IL 60402?
Are there boxes potentially possessing dog poo? Are there boxes potentially possessing used menstrual products?
What would you do if it’s a Sunday and you’ve done your work for the day? Pop over there, you would. You’re a good friend, you’re curious as well.
So that is what I did.
I shot a short video, less than two minutes, from the public property of the sidewalk outside this address, noting that there were no boxes. As I did, a woman pulled up in her car, rolled down her window and was like, “Is this where the douchebag lives?” (Paraphrasing.) And I was like, “l think so!” and we laughed about his incel ass for a minute. Then she was like, “You should ring his doorbell and see what he has to say for himself.” (Again, paraphrasing.) And I have one serious weakness. It’s chocolate. Okay, I have two, one more relevant for this situation. I cannot back down from anything that even smacks of a dare. So I figured ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. There were no “no solicitors” signs up and, believe it or not, I would have respected that.
So I rang the doorbell, he immediately swung the door open like he was at damn Waco, sprayed me with a burning liquid (Pepper spray? Mace?) and pushed me down the stairs onto his sidewalk. I rolled into a protective position because I was anticipating kicks or stomps, he grabbed my phone, ran back inside, bolted the door and shut the blinds. Friends, it is dark in there, like a bunker.
I have video. I am holding onto that for evidence.
The woman in the car, probably feeling shitty for encouraging me to do it, called the cops and made a report. She begged me to get in the car with her because she was scared for my safety but I wasn’t going anywhere. Thanks, mysterious friend, for calling the cops because I obviously did not have a phone. We should get tea and talk about old times! You are also my main witness.
Anyway, I gave my full statement to the cop (Fuentes gave one separately and gave “no comment” as his statement) and the cop called an ambulance to check my eyes after being sprayed. (The cop gave me my phone back, which may be damaged after the incel stomped it like Rumpelstiltskin, which is why the pictures are pictures my husband took from my phone, as it’s no longer operational.) The nice EMTs took my vitals in the ambulance, too. I am a little sore on my right side, where I fell, but I’m fine.
Nicky, your little spray is as weak as you are. I hate to tell you to invest in a new brand but I didn’t even need eye wash.
Anyway, the cop, the EMTs and my husband* all asked, “Why did you ring the doorbell?!” kind of incredulously. I don’t know, why not? Again, no “no soliciting” sign and I was showing off for my new friend. Also, I think threatening women and girls everywhere deserves some kind of an explanation.
I want to make it very dear that I am not whining about being pushed down the steps and pepper sprayed by a 26-year-old who then took possession of and possibly broke my phone. I’m 57- years-old and 5’1" so it’s kind of funny that he’s have this melodramatic reaction to me but here we are. I guess thems are the breaks when you’re despised by about half the country and millions overseas as well. lid be touchy as well but, then again, I’m not making r*pe jokes or demeaning bodily autonomy.
I don’t know if he’s done this to others or I was the tipping point, but Fuentes is a little on edge.
So if you wanted to send Nicky a care package but were concerned you might not have the correct address, this is all to say, it is confirmed: 1826 S. Home, Berwyn, IL is the correct address. 💩🩸
* I have forgiven my husband. He made me a nice vegan hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows.
PS - Fuentes is a VEWY fwightened widdew man. Don’t ring the doorbell. He’s a little on edge. Go figure!
PPS - Should I file a police report? Yes, I rang his doorbell (did not hop a fence or anything) but I does that merit assault and property damage?
PPPS - Yes, I know the pictures are blurry. Believe me or don’t believe me. They are pictures my husband took with his phone camera off my phone because there was no way of sending them otherwise.
PPPPS - Please stop telling me to stop by Nick Fuentes’ home at 1826 S. Home, Berwyn. It makes him feel unsafe when people pop over. Imagine being a proud internet troll and being this scared.
Yep. They’re all like that.
When did assault become a justifiable response to someone trying to talk to you at your door (even if aggressive). It’s not like she was posing any physical threat to him, so how does that merit a physical response? Is this just something I’m not American enough to understand?
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The world where we can freely harass Nazis at their place of residence is not a world many are going to want to actually live in.
No, that actually sounds exactly like the world i’d want to live in. Not surprised somebody who’s spent all day concern trolling for Nick Fuentes disagrees, tho.
yeah i want to see them driven away and hear their lamentations, etc etc.
some good old fashioned stuff like their local communities just surrounding their houses, tar and feathering, ran out of town on a rail, etc
Eat shit Nazi lover
Thank you for the write up!
I hate that I know exactly where this is but feel powerless to do anything beyond “yeah call the local government so they can talk about how they value freedom of speech and therefore can’t do anything”
This fucking state, I stg. Two years ago, the biggest nazi metal fest in the country booked in their town, and all the local govt office could say to me instead of “yeah we gonna shut it down” was “well nazis are bad but also we value free speech so they can do what they want and we will just send extra cops.”
Wonder how many cops ended up buying a ticket.
Be real, the pigs got free tickets.
Or they worked security and got paid to be there
Nah, that absolutely was not a justified use of force.
That being said no court will hear it because as a white man he is allowed discretion in use of violence if it upholds hierarchy
Make fascists
afraiddead againnext time go strapped
This post title is a bait and switch
don’t dress up as nazis
don’t beat him up and spray paint him tan and darken his hair
don’t call ICE on Mr. Fuentes’ addressA Reddit link was detected in your post. Here are links to the same location on alternative frontends that protect your privacy.