These immigrant haters are so dumb it’s hard to get my head around. Illegals are the modern answer to slavery. They work their ass off for shit wages, pay taxes and get zero government benefits. And these rubes want to crash that system?!
Do they think Americans are going to the fields to pick watermelons?
They think the poorest Americans won’t have a choice. They dont realize theres actually not enough people to fill out all these freshly vacated “opportunities”.
Everyone will find out again what Georgia and Arizona learned and then forgot that it isn’t that there isn’t enough people, it’s that White folks are snowflakes that can’t handle the hard ass work.
Can you give me a list of other white people traits so I will know what to think of any I encounter?
Sit down this is going to take a minute, kid.
Just look at what happened the farms after Brexit. Lol. That will tell you all you need to know.
No, they don’t realize why their strawberry packages are $2.
You are right, and OP is right.
Here’s how I think this will pan out:
Step 1: Mass deportation
Step 2: Mass incarceration
Step 3: Work camps
After all, the US legal framework allows prisoners to be used as slaves, does it not? And the beauty of a fascist system is that enemies are so very, very easy to find.
Incarceration is expensive, be more financially workable to leave the system as is.
It’s only expensive if you care about prisoners’ human rights
And if they succeed in cementing the Christian theocracy they can control them through religion. They only want freedom for themselves to subjugate everyone else.
I think you misunderstand the plan. See, a good portion of other jobs will be taken by robots, offshore help, and AI. This leads to firing those employees at those companies where the jobs were taken over, and since there is no UBI and the available jobs will have massive competition, the people will have to take those jobs, be thrown in prison, or be homeless and persecuted (possibly executed) by authorities.
Thrown into private prisons then forced to work in those farm fields as a way for the private prison industry to make more profits.
Sadly, yeah. I fully expect that. Uuuuugh.
Nope, what you said is exactly what I think
Ah! I misinterpreted what you wrote. Sorry about that.
Ugh, I really hope it doesn’t turn into that at all.
The part that absolutely baffles me is that latinos shifted heavily to vote for Trump, for potentially the deportation of their own family members.
was speaking with a colleague who lives near Padre - he said he had family members that felt, ‘we’re legal, we’ll be fine, they’ll just get rid of the newcomers’
they don’t understand this is not a new thing and is racially driven, not truly an immigration issue.
Low information voters are Republican mana.
We told them the leopard was right fucking there and that it loves eating faces. They didn’t believe us.
Oh well. 🤷
I worked with a Mexican Trump supporter. He hated illegal immigrants because he immigrated legally and he was pissed they got away with it the “easy way”.
My question to that petty AF dude is, “so what? Can you mind your own fucking business, or are you a sniveling bitch?”
Mine is: My guy…Pedro hiking through the desert with nothing but half a jug of water and the clothes on his back is not the enemy. The suits shipping labor overseas and still employing undocumented immigrant labor here create this situation and hurting some poor immigrant/refugee seeker doesn’t change anything about that. Punch up not down
Or are you a sniveling bitch
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“Before you say anything, just hear me out. There’s like tons of prisons everywhere, so what if we march the prisoners at gunpoint to work the fields, for free?” ~ Trump administration, probably
100% I think a lot of people don’t realize that prisons are modern slavery. Need more slave labor? Send protesters to the gulag.
This will be the main test of whether Trumpism rules or capital rules. The rich people love Republican tax cuts and deregulation, which was the main product of his first term (coincidentally everything the rich didn’t like failed), but going after cheap immigrant labor or taxing their foreign sweat shops is going to stir up some behind the scenes conflict. Voters are stupid (e.g., “did Biden drop out” searches), they’ll be surprised when the leopards eat their face, the rich people are well aware that the leopards are dangerous and hope that their leopard control devices can get them through unscathed with an even greater piece of the pie.
Maybe they fight amongst themselves over it, wasting time and running down the clock?
Maybe some people join conservative online forums and fan those flames?? Hobbling destruction is always good.
Had this conversation with my stepmom. She is complaining that peaches cost $1 each. She thinks this is too expensive and that the cost will go down now. I’m quietly kind of amazed that she thinks that she’ll even find a peach that didn’t rot on the ground for less than $10 or whatever they will cost once the labor goes up. I didn’t say anything to her about it because it just doesn’t matter anymore. It is pointless even to converse about any topic. We experience separate realities. She believes happy days are finally here, and I just don’t care if she sees another peach ever again in her lifetime. Whatever happens to the peaches is her fault.
If she watches Faux or listens to hate radio, it’s going to be impossible to talk to them.
I consider people that let hate radio and Faux take a dump in their brain daily more or less zombies on any politically related topic.
Isn’t that funny… people who SHOULD be smarter than that… people who don’t stand outside in the rain and drown from staring at the sky… people who can string two fucking sentences together can’t see that any fucking economic policy the new regime is going to implement is going to do anything but send prices through the roof?
I hope I’m being Mr. Dooms-and-glooms… but fuck all…
You should have slapped her.
Do they think Americans are going to the fields to pick watermelons?
Yes, yes they do. They’ll cheer the new federal child labor laws that allow for it and the increased prison population that will be forced to work the fields
This defense of not deporting people just highlights our issues with labor. This acknowledges that underpaid labor is a necessary part of our economic system.
I am against the deportation of these people but I would not justify it by justifying the system that is trying to under value all of our labor.
underpaid labor is a necessary part of our economic system
It is if we want to continue our current standard of living. It’s either that or stomp the capitalists at the top of these corporations. Which do you think will actually happen?
It is if we want to continue our current standard of living
That is what the capitalist at the top say to all of us. This is the inherit problem with this argument.
If a standard of living requires people to suffer then are we right to have that standard of living. Especially since it isn’t like we can’t all have a decent standard but the rich elites want more and more wealth. They are the problem but instead we want to fool ourselves into thinking that staying in the middle class is something that is sustainable. Unless you can guarantee that you are going to enter the over valued class then you are more likely to enter the under valued class.
Also I really shouldn’t have to present it this way, we should be able to recognize that people should be paid what they are worth or at the very least a living wage.
TLDR; Standards of living is not an excuse to have slavery with extra steps
I think it’s about terrorizing their workforces. Construction, ag, meat packing, so many conservative heavy segments of the economy both import enormous amounts of labor, AND, want to legislate the threats to this population.
That is the plan. The ensuing chaos will reduce immigrants to second class almost-citizens who will work for even less.
They’ll agree to pay much higher rent to a landlord so they don’t rat them out to ICE.
Hahaha… hahaha… ha… ha…
You fucking morons. Welcome to massive cost inflation v2.
Better hope you’re going to be changing jobs in the near future, because your current boss ain’t going to be paying more despite raising all the prices because new labour costs will go up.
Also, you better not consume anything produced outside the US (even if it’s also produced in the US) because the new tariffs are going to drive up prices there too.
The only people that benefit from these policies is corporate shareholders.
Well, they will buy the same people back from the government for a penny on the dollar, and then they will own them.
If Latinos and others Democratic voters who wanted to sit on their fucking hands or vote for Trump, they can go cry to someone else when Homeland Security knocks on their door looking for their undocumented relatives (or any of the legal citizens that get swept up by mistake).
When Trump and Netanyahu turn Gaza into glass, the Michigan voters who thought they wanted to punish Democrats can go to someone else to worry about getting the broom to sweep it up.
Elections have consequences.
We warned you of the consequences. REPEATEDLY! And now you get to live with them until next time
Yup. If you voted for trump, or sat this one out, I hold you personally accountable for the deaths in Gaza and Ukraine if they get steam rolled because of trump. Especially you protesters.
Or voted for a third party candidate. That was just a vote in Trump’s pocket
until next time? these consequences are going to last far far far beyond the next election.
beyond the next election.
Assuming we have any real elections in the future.
Hahahahah next time…we all know there’s no next time
And if only Republicans weren’t so fucking gung ho about destroying the country and everyone else in it. But elections have consequences, and the voting population, turns out, the majority are straight up evil. They were also warned of the consequences repeatedly, and decided “that’s perfect for me!”
You can be mad at groups that wouldn’t have made a difference in the outcome as much as you want. I’m going to be mad at the stupid filth that are busily trying to make life worse for everyone. Every single monster that voted for him deserves to lose everything.
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According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future, this is the definition of liberalism:
Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law.
In your own words, what do you think “lib” means?
On the one hand, this would be awful.
On the other hand, this is the same group of folks who couldn’t come up with an infrastructure bill or a health care plan, which are both far smaller in scale than deporting millions of people. Trump complained about the cost of burying a soldier, just wait until he sees what it’ll cost to hire, train, equip, and manage all those stormtroopers.
There will be plenty of volunteers willing to do it for free, I’m sure. Plus if you’re not bothered about any kind of process, legal structure or anything other than “let’s racistly victimise some people with the tacit approval of the state”, and if many of them die in the process that’s actually a bonus in your view, then you can really cut down on costs.
If the deportation doesn’t have to be documented, they could just burn the people like trash, or, Jews… but apparently that never happened, and Schindler’s List is fiction.
Right, which means putting them in… let’s call them “camps,” and holding them there is cheaper than arranging transportation. This could also provide free labor… or “slaves” if you will, which has been at the top of the GOP’s… I mean, Confederate’s list of desires for centuries.
Gotta pay to build the camps, and nobody’s gonna work for Trump without getting paid up front
Well speaking of that, Trump’s not going to have to spend a dime, he will have all of America’s money at his disposal.
Oh, they will all be privatized. And the income will be from selling them as labor.
Let’s hope they don’t decide it’s too hard to depart people and just start shooting them.
This is going to happen. Whether or not it’s ever “official policy”, people are going to be killed by this.
you do realize there are still children, separated from their parents, who haven’t been reunited? even in their incompetence, it’s abject cruelty and hate.
Sweet, looks like I get to experience the schadenfreude of those young Latino men sooner rather than later.
Hopefully this “mass deportation” will be as feeble as Trump’s 2 mile long joke of a wall…
Walls require a lot more effort. Experts and architects to design the thing, land which is both expensive and sometimes tricky to acquire, and materials and hard physical labor which is also costly.
Rounding up illegals just requires some willing thugs, some weapons, vehicles, and maybe a dumpy place to drop them while you wait for them to be cleared across the border. I’m willing to bet there’s plenty out there who would do this for free, and even happily provide their own equipment.
That’s the hope, but clearly we see that hope and a quarter gets you 25 cents and that’s all
It will be incredibly brutal.
Time to stock up on chicken.