• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Speaking as an American…we are apparently a country full of uneducated, greedy people.

    Can’t have my taxes to feed people because they might not ‘deserve’ it.

    Can’t have my taxes going to another country to prevent their genocide…because what are we getting out of it?

    Fucking un-empathetic people. Sure, we have problems here, and yeah, we really need to do things to make them better. But fucking destroying our government from the inside and destroying any goodwill we had with other countries…all in the name of saving a bit on taxes is…just insane. Like, I have no words for how dumb it is. It’s appalling.

  • Your mortgage payment can often be cheaper than your rent payments. If your waiting until the rates drop, you’ll be in an insane amount of competition to get a property.

    If you buy now, you can then refinance at a later date and get literally $100k’s off your mortgage. The downside is that your gambling on interest rates dropping.

  • So…I think it’s pretty self-evident that Israel knew about the plan by Hamas to kidnap Israeli citizens, and purposely let it happen to have an excuse to attack Palestine. Seeing that they’ve pretty much gotten away with genocide without too much fuss, they’re hedging their bets that they’ll be able to just steamroll Syria without any international resistance again.

    I think they’ve majorly underestimated how much the world is going to condemn this. It was one thing to “protect it’s citizens”, it’s another thing entirely to outright invade another nation.

    I’d be shocked if Europe doesn’t sanction Israel. They no longer see America as an ally. Hell, this attack is going to shut up a lot of those “Israel has a right to defend itself” chuds in America as well.

  • No, it’s intended to show their real intent. He has an entire PR team dedicated to trying to make him appear intelligent, competent, and in control. However his actions speak so much louder than words. He’s barely able to contain himself. Luckily, his living flak jacket that he wears around is learning to speak and his hilariously repeating all of the things he says in private.

  • You mean the “rights of women”? I’m sure you’ve heard all of the arguments already, but here we go:

    • 99% of pregnanies are performed before 20 weeks. Typically right around the time it’s been discovered.
    • Anything beyond that is almost always due to the loss of the child or discovery of a fetal abnormality.
    • Restricting abortion limits personal freedom, disproportionately affects low-income women, and can force individuals into unsafe medical situations or unwanted pregnancies that impact their lives, careers, and families.

    There is no good reason to restrict abortions. The world is not a better place when unwanted children are brought into it, especially when the people that are pushing to ban it don’t want to offer any sort of governmental assistance to deal with said child. It almost feels like the intent isn’t to help the baby, that it’s more of a punishment for the woman for being “immoral”.

    The reason why the “elite” want to ban it is because it easily destroys your potential to get ahead. They don’t want an educated populace, they want a multitude of dumb, cheap labor, and restricting abortion is an extremely easy way to get that. Also by getting conservatives to hyperfixate on this issue (and things like LGBTQ rights), it draws attention away from wealth inequality, labor right, and other systemic issues.

  • Alteon@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldNo Way
    19 days ago

    Per Ballotopedia: "The average turnout in the seven presidential battleground states was 70% in 2024. This was below the 2020 average, which was 70.7%. "

    One additional thing…Trump won every battleground, but somehow Democrats won pretty much every down ballot race in those states. I don’t believe for a second that someone voting Democrat down the board is going to vote Trump…a few voters will sure, but not enough to swing nearly every down ballot race…that’s absurd.