The actual original stated history near the start of the religion is that Adam and Eve weren’t the “first people” to exist, just the first Jewish/Christian people created by God. Since it was common belief and understanding at the time that other gods also existed from the other religions and created their own peoples.
Judaism was monotheistic only in regards to following a single god, but it fully recognized other existences in a much larger pantheon.
It was only later that Jewish and Christian scholars denigrated the existence of other gods to be “demons” worshipped by pagans and thus lower than the “one true god” and all that nonsense.
Pantheons have always been cooler. Shame they ruined the lore.
Jew checking in, can confirm. You can even see evidence of this in the modern translation.
“Thou shalt have no god before me” doesn’t say anything about after
I swear it seems like 40% of Judaism is finding and exploiting loopholes
Doesn’t God mention after eve eats the fruit “they are now like us” also there’s evidence God had a consort named Asherah. The wholes a big dumb mess
The Christian answer here is that ‘us’ refers to the Father-Son-holy spirit trinity.
Minorly scholarly Jew checking in. That commandment did not exist when Adam and Eve were brought into Creation so it wouldn’t apply. The Ten Commandments, of which the first is, “Thou shalt have no god before me” also does not define belief order. Before is taken as you either follow H-shem or you follow others gods but you cannot follow both. Your confirmation is bunk. Judaism is hereditary, initally patrilineal up until about 10BCE and then it became matrilineal as Jews migrated into other nations and parts of the world.
Ignoring the fact that many of the ten sayings are mistranslated. “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” is actually the second saying in Jewdaism.
However, your view is correct. It is a prohibition on Idolatry. Many of the proto-Jews probably still worshipped other, singular gods from other religions and this was a means to get everyone on the same track. It was probably created the same time the idea of the LORD/YHWH was formed around 800BCE
YHWH is literally straight out of the Caananite pantheon. It is unlikely that they did not at some point worship multiple gods at the same time. Monotheism is introduced later.
That’s not what before means here. It means you don’t treat other gods as better than me.
Isn’t that exactly what he said? After in this case just meaning worse (translating it your way).
Which is a point I never see theist mention. It doesn’t say that there are no other gods. It says I am the one you are going to pray to. It doesn’t say that because the population didn’t believe it. They “knew” that there were other gods.
The Bible first chapters are so much different if you just admit what the text is telling you.
so… god just doesn’t want sloppy seconds…?
And youre sure its like that in all translations?
If I understand it right, the Jewish God came from a pantheon, and didn’t just respect other pantheons. Like it was equivalent to a group of people who worshipped the Roman gods and then said “Yeahhh, but we’re going to pick Vulcan as our main guy.”
Proto Jewdism was highly influenced by Egyptian religion. Many themes and plots being pulled from there. It wasn’t until these proto-Jews spent time around Zoroastrianism that the religion really took its modern form.
There is evidence of proto-Jews worshiping other gods but there is no evidence of worship of more than one God though.
Yahweh was originally part of a pantheon of gods. Specifically he was a Warrior-Storm god. Early Canaanite who became the Jews worshiped multiple gods.
I don’t think there’s much evidence of proto-Judaism being influenced by Egypt. Now Babylon and Persia, sure.
Early Judaism was henotheistic in that they recognized others believed in different gods but believed theirs was superior. They later became monotheistic and decided all truth stemmed from their god.
That was the comment I was looking for, thank you
Does it mean that no one other than Adam and Eve are 100% Jew? Isn’t Judaism supposed to be hereditary?
Neither Adam nor Eve were Jewish. Judaism starts with the Covenant of Abraham.
It is from the word Judah.
“Jew” when used as an adjective is a slur. It’s “Jewish”.
What do you mean “no”? Here’s your definition. See #4:
one of a scattered group of people that traces its descent from the Biblical Hebrews or from postexilic adherents of Judaism; Israelite.
a person whose religion is Judaism.
- Offensive. of Jews; Jewish.
verb (used with object)
- jew, Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. to bargain sharply with; beat down in price (often followed by down).: See Usage note at the current entry.
So again, “Jew” as an adjective is a slur. Say “Jewish” instead, unless you’re using “Jew” as a noun.
It literally says “Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters” in Gen 5:4. Which doesn’t improve the situation, but at least makes it biologically possible. (Except for where Cain’s wife comes from).
Cain is also worried about people killing him after he’s banished. Genesis chapter 6 talks about the “Sons of God” finding the “daughters of humans” beautiful.
The bible treats Adam n’ family like Greek demi-gods or Norse giants that mingle with humans who came from “gestures vaguely”.
It was probably intended as an origin myth just for Semitic peoples as to why they’re holier than the pagan rabble around them and it just lost its way a bit and ended up confused
Then the NT comes and doubles down on the whole human race explicitly coming from Adam. Now that I think about it, I can’t think of an OT reference explicitly saying everyone’s from Adam? Maybe the ancient Jews just always knew genesis wasn’t supposed to explain everything?
Just realized the Bible is kinda like ChatGPT drivel
People say there are two genesis creation myths “mashed” together. I think this is true, but not really giving enough credit to the people doing the mashing who I think - as the rest of the literature pans out - not generally in the habit of writing directly contradictory things (usually you have to dig deeper for mistakes, but blatant surface level ones are not so common). They didn’t have science, but they knew how stories worked. I think it’s possible the original editor, when joining the myths together, intended the “man” created in myth 1 (the sixth day) to be understood as humanity in general. And myth two following on immediately is the specific creation of Adam on the eighth day. That would at least explain why Cain’s wife is referred to so casually (as well as the implied peoples Cain is afraid of)
That’s what I mean, ChatGPT recombines existing stuff without knowing and caring about a larger context. It seems the same thing happened with the Bible, I guess other “holy books” as well. It’s not really a dig at the Bible, more like an interesting parallel between the mechanisms.
One interpretation is that 6th day creation is non adam people, and adam was created on the 8th day
They’re both biologically possible.
So, most lineages back in the day don’t mention daughters when detailing them.
However, the Bible actually says, “After the birth of Seth, Adam lived another 800 years and he had other sons and daughters.” So it does document other children. Research just for a second before posting a meme, even if it is against the great sky fairy. Most things in that book do add up somehow.
Okay, but that still isn’t okay. The siblings fucked each other or their parents.
“It’s totally okay, because god said to.”- Alabama, probably
“I’m just practicin wat I preach”
- Alabama, probably
“Me too!”- Kentucky, maybe
Literally the central tenet of Christianity
The basis of the rejection of Judaism/the Old Testament is just “this stuff is stupid, God says to stop doing it”
I mean, when your population starts at just a pair, it’s gotta increase from there
So, if everyone died, except for one man and one woman, should their children not procreate? Inbreeding is bad and gross, but when it’s literally the only option…
If you don’t have enough genetically distant members of a species, it’s almost impossible to repopulate that species.
Estimates range between 98 people and 14,000 people as the minimum number
But these two were made by God, you’d think their genetics would be perfect. It would take quite some generations for genetic mutation to be significant
“Mutation” refers to passing down a gene you don’t have. A copying error, basically.
One would hope Adam and Eve were passing down nothing but mutated genes.
That’s my point, there’s no bad genes, and minor mutations over one generation generally don’t make a big difference.
That is NOT how genetics work, Jesus Christ, you’re talking about “genetic purity,” not a good look.
i’ve read that humanity was once dwindled down to just 7 females in a genetic bottleneck study.
What’s misunderstood about that study is that the women were separated by hundreds of years, they’ve just had the longest continuous chain of ancestors without their branch terminating. It wasn’t 7 pregnant women at the same time.
interesting info! do you have a good link for casually reading about it?
Yup, but we did get close to extinction at one point. That would be an interesting alternate timeline to see.
Adam lived another 800 years… Most things in that book do add up somehow.
I’mma stop you right there.
I mean, fantasy novels still have deep lore that adds up, even if it doesn’t comply to our real world. The Bible is very much the same. It adds up in its own way. It doesn’t mean that it’s all true.
Humans lived extreamly long lives before the supposed flood.
Did they though?
I should have specified “in the Bible”
I like how you confidently state “OH YEAH, WELL HE LIVED 800 YEARS! CHECKMATE”
I think it’s funny that he said most of the things in it add up. Really?
If you take it as a work of fiction there isn’t a plot hole. Probably what they meant.
But there are many, many, MANY plot holes in it.
I mean, overall yeah but this specific example this thread is about isn’t one.
Most things in that book do add up somehow.
This is the quote this thread is talking about. They do not.
Yep. Just like how things in Lord of the Rings add up. The lore is pretty cohesive in a lot of fantasy books, but it doesn’t mean it’s true in our world.
I just quoted the book. I didn’t say that I believed it.
Because it was the origin story of their tribe. It got retroconned to be of the entire human species. You can even see the stitches. Cain is worried about being banished from his tribe because other people will attack him. There are no other people so who would attack him? As you pointed out who did Seth mate with?
Back in the day every little tribe had their own god and their own story of how they got there.
Lmao Christians are following some random tribes pagen god
If I had a time machine I would love to grab some ancient Hebrew storyteller and show him the utter chaos he is going to unleash. Oh you thought you were just going to tell some stories to kids about Adam for a few shekles? Check this out. Entire wars have been fought over this.
Imagine the horror of knowing that because you took a breath in your story, it became a pause when written down, which changed the meaning of a verse, which changed another verse, which caused a movement, which caused a counter-movement. And a million people died or were tortured.
Feels like a shittier wheel of time. They broke the world and now we all had to live through an age of madness feeling ignorant of ancient wonders as New cults are born and repeat the madness
In the end, everything considered, yes.
And it wouldn’t be the last pagan god or rite they adopted. What do you think where Beelzebub comes from? Or Moloch? Or even JHWH?
It’s called the “Mega Drive” in Europe
And Sonic said unto thee
Gotta go fast
And it was what Nintendon’t
And when the kid was done banging his mom, after the 3 seconds it took she said “now that’s some Blast Processing!”
This is a pretty fun rabbit hole to dive down. The para-biblical book Jubilees retells a lot of the Hebrew Bible stories with added details including naming the patriarchs’ wives. A more interesting reading is that because they are omitted in the Genesis account, quite possibly a lot more people were also not mentioned. This led to the “pre-Adamite” doctrine, that Adam and Eve were not the first humans. Of course there’s also the Talmudic account of Lilith which has gained a lot of popularity recently.
I believe you mean the Horadric account of Lilith. Very popular indeed.
I believe you mean the Neon Genesis account of Lilith. Super popular if I’m not mistaken.
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“…While Holy Father watches”
The aristocrats!
Those. Mother. Fuckers.
Everyone knows the first few generations god was like “I’m only dealing in ribs rn you guys but I promise I’ll get this shit worked out soon”
he developed the minimum viable product, and released it as an alpha.
he already had the reproductive system mostly done on the development branch. he just had some issues to work out, because the CI/CD pipeline wasn’t letting him push his changes (cause it kept failing some obscure unit test Satan wrote earlier)
Implying that Satan even bothers writing tests
He invented 100% implementation coverage, where each change in the code needs 10x more changes in tests. Next level is writing tests for tests, because tests are also sofware, which obviously needs testing.
Alpha Adam encouraging his three sons to have some fun with his wife.
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Damnit Freud always wins
True definition if motherfucker
I still laugh every time those nutbags yell IT’S ADAM AND EVE NOT ADAM AND STEVE!!! 😂
Like all of this shit isn’t just made up horseshit.
You know it would be Adam and Steven -David Sedaris
They all slept with their mother
We’ve all slept with your mother.
Riddles are supposed to be fun to figure out. I didn’t want this answer.
They didn’t. God also created other people.
Yeah, but Cain was sent off and ended up getting married
To who???
His sister, Awan, who was a daughter of Adam and Eve. This further proves that the cradle of mankind started in Alabama.
This completely ridiculous. The most famous inbred family isn’t even from Alabama!
Alabama: It’s quantity, not quality.
Sorry, Kentucky has that honor.
Face it, Alabama sucks even at what it’s known for.
I thought it’d be a “whom” meme or something.
I thought it’d be a “whom” meme or something.
IIRC he went to live among the people in the land of Nod, so probably one of them
To a person from another tribe. The story was originally the story of their tribe.
The OT doesn’t really deny the existence of other gods and presumably other creation stories.
Its kind of hard for mutliple gods to have independently created the earth and sun and moon and stars, animals, the seas, etc
The Greeks managed it fine. This God made the oceans and this one made animals and this one made wine.
This tribe had their story and the other tribe had their story and they were both equally true to them.
This is my rifle/deity, there are many like it, but this one is mine.