So, if everyone died, except for one man and one woman, should their children not procreate? Inbreeding is bad and gross, but when it’s literally the only option…
But these two were made by God, you’d think their genetics would be perfect. It would take quite some generations for genetic mutation to be significant
What’s misunderstood about that study is that the women were separated by hundreds of years, they’ve just had the longest continuous chain of ancestors without their branch terminating. It wasn’t 7 pregnant women at the same time.
Okay, but that still isn’t okay. The siblings fucked each other or their parents.
“It’s totally okay, because god said to.”- Alabama, probably
“I’m just practicin wat I preach”
“Me too!”- Kentucky, maybe
Literally the central tenet of Christianity
The basis of the rejection of Judaism/the Old Testament is just “this stuff is stupid, God says to stop doing it”
I mean, when your population starts at just a pair, it’s gotta increase from there
So, if everyone died, except for one man and one woman, should their children not procreate? Inbreeding is bad and gross, but when it’s literally the only option…
If you don’t have enough genetically distant members of a species, it’s almost impossible to repopulate that species.
Estimates range between 98 people and 14,000 people as the minimum number
But these two were made by God, you’d think their genetics would be perfect. It would take quite some generations for genetic mutation to be significant
“Mutation” refers to passing down a gene you don’t have. A copying error, basically.
One would hope Adam and Eve were passing down nothing but mutated genes.
That’s my point, there’s no bad genes, and minor mutations over one generation generally don’t make a big difference.
That is NOT how genetics work, Jesus Christ, you’re talking about “genetic purity,” not a good look.
we’re talking about god, adam and eve, it’s all fantasy
i’ve read that humanity was once dwindled down to just 7 females in a genetic bottleneck study.
What’s misunderstood about that study is that the women were separated by hundreds of years, they’ve just had the longest continuous chain of ancestors without their branch terminating. It wasn’t 7 pregnant women at the same time.
interesting info! do you have a good link for casually reading about it?
Yup, but we did get close to extinction at one point. That would be an interesting alternate timeline to see.