Maybe the screen itself isn’t the point then?
Did people who had to write things for a living ever enjoy books when they got home?
That is deeply amusing. It’s the same instinct…
Not a cellphone in sight, just boomers living in the moment.
pretty sure those are not boomers
I bet there still old enough where I could win a fight by going up a few stairs.
please stop with the Trump insults
paper decomposes faster than plastic and actually feeds the earth
Exactly right, Joe.
When I was younger I loved tech and everything related to computers. Now I am nearly 30, and I hate tech more each day. Not only it’s a waste of time, it becomes worse and less user friendly every year, full of nonsensical problems, AI bullshit and overall less control of our devices.
I need to finally buy a fucking bicycle, and spend some more time outdoors, or I will get crazy.
I’m older than you but otherwise the same. Seems like everything is going in the wrong direction thanks to corpos trying to wring as much money as possible out of it rather than making it as useful to people as possible.
I still love tech but only because I realize that it can actually empower us. The dark patterns that corporations use (for me personally and especially when it comes to customer service) are what ruin it, but maybe I’m still naïve.
Buy 3 bicycles! 1st an electric commuter/cargo bike so you can run errands without a car. 2nd a road/hybrid bike for fun and exercise on paved paths. 3rd a mountain bike so you can enjoy more nature. (an eMTB if they’re allowed on your local trails can combine all 3 bikes if you want)
I feel you. And I work in tech (maybe you do too, idk). Point is, I’d need a bicycle AND a career change…
Just don’t make the mistake I’ve did at buying an electric bicycle. The controllers for the engines are mostly proprietary barely sewn together noname pieces of garbage, that you’d need some bullshit adapters and obscure software to flash settings in.
Also don’t dig yourself too deep into cycling. There are good quality bicycles at a cost of a motorcycle or even a used car, and then there’s aliexpress specials made of whatever was lying around, but there are very few in-between options. I’d suggest just getting the latter and throwing it out when it breaks or you get bored.
Ok boomer 😂
Send this to the guy with the blue aliens comic.
Or to Randall Munroe. Oh, wait…
Nathan W Pyle. That’s my first thought as well
Strange planet vibration
I enjoyed looking at this on my small screen while listening to something playing on my big screen.
Right, and for some reason replacing “screen” with “paper” makes it somehow not a problem?
Screens are actually bad for our health…
So is the ink on paper if you eat too much of it.
Yeah, welll… so is smoking an 8 ball of crack in 30 minutes, but that’s how long it takes.
Are they? Most studies I have read on that matter are… not good science, to put on nice words.
You guys realize there’s jobs that don’t require constant screen usage right?
Hisssss! Get away with your poison words! Leave me to my tippy tapping at my special clickety clackety keyboard!
Yes, but how will I become a furry in tech otherwise
Become a network admin and you can stare at blinking lights instead, making sure they don’t stop blinking.
What ist a blinking light if not a very low resolution screen?
It’s a balance :)
Yes, but most of them involve constant interaction with people that have forgotten how to interact with people.
Not to be the cliche guy… But trades work was my answer
I abhor interacting with people… Now I have maybe 4 people to talk to in a whole day. I just do my job and go home
Trust me, we got screens there too now.
But we do get good excuses to smash em now and then. Oopsie doodles.
And the more control you have over the work the more screen time you get. My family has a lot of contractors, and my dad left that to work trades for the government. Before my dad died he spent most of his day on his computer, even though it was his least favorite part, but he was the head of his department. My contractor uncles all spend hours a day on screens, calls, orders, book keeping, meetings, drafting, reading specifications, reading contracts, etc., now that they are the head of businesses that have younger people doing most of the physical work.
My job involves utilizing a screen all day, but I actually only tend to frequently glance up at it and don’t spend a lot of time staring directly at it. I use voice dictation software for my job so I just do quick checks that it’s working and I’m on the right screen essentially. Most of my work is with my hands and it can be pretty neat! There are a lot of kinds of jobs out there!
Yes but you get board hanging on the back of garbage truck so you take a screen with you.
(If you haven’t seen Severance yet, get on your big screen and watch it now, you won’t regret it)
I hope season 2 is good
Yes, because doing accounting on paper is the same as reading a book. And listening to your boss is the same as listening to your friends.
And rope bondage play with the wife is the same as tying down loads of sheet metal on the back of delivery truck.
I knew I should’ve talked to HR when I was told to “load her up” by my boss!
lets judge people by their screen time, i would like to callit Screen shaming
You may start with me
How about me
Although I might be cheating because I have multiple phones (for work – I assure you)
You are exactly half the man I am.
Get on my level
Yes for work, not at all for meme screening and screenturbation
You guys make me feel good!
What happened on Wednesday?
edit: also, What Happened to Monday?
Total: 46 hrs, 45 min
Average: 6 hrs, 40 min per dayAfter subtracting Maps (driving, not looking at phone) and work ticketing app:
Total: 24 hrs 39 minutes
Average: 3 hrs, 31 minutes per dayFinally a worthy opponent
Wow that’s a lot of phone time. The only time I get close to that amount of screen time is when I’m doing a long drive using maps to get there. My average looks to be around 1-3. Though mine doesn’t work it out nicely like yours.
woaah look at this score, i don’t know the average, but im sure it’s above, respect. Consider using horse blinkers, that way you optimize even more that score.
Wow how did you manage to reach almost 12 hours for a lot of those days? I consider myself chronically online, but my highest this week was just over 6 hours lol.
Balatro was yesterday. I swear!
Dont feel ashamed my comrade screen time is screen time, and yours sucks as well, like all of us
I’m okay with this, but I think my PC screen time would look pretty bad :')
what are you a phone hermit?
Yeah, that’s probably not too far off actually, haha. I just really enjoy a larger screen more. Maybe if I get one of those fancy foldable phones one day, it’ll get way higher.
deleted by creator
Size is what matters. You need to judge people by their screen sizes.
my size is like 6.5, what about you?
50 inch. Is your screen 6.5 inch or 6.5 cm? Or 6.50 m perhaps?
phone = like an hour texting, since music is screen off. laptop: all the time I don’t have to sleep in school or at home, so about 6h
that is not many hours of time :( I want a refund.
Real life is fucking depressing
As a psychiatric nurse, during my work day I watch my screen for about 1 out of 8 hours. When I come home I like to spend some time behind the screen. I sometimes wonder if it is necessary that so many people work behind screens. Shouldn’t we get more people to work as nurses, teachers but also craftsman, handyman, etc. This may sound as a naive and romantic thought, and I’m sure a lot of the work behind screens is extremely useful and efficient. But still I wonder if we haven’t somehow lost focus of what’s important. Like we’ve started to think that we can solve everything behind the computer, while simultaneously things are falling apart, people are lonely and people in need don’t get help.
That marriage is DOOMED.
such is the pixellated world we live in