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Any Pronouns, go wild I guess
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Sorry that trans people aren’t “UWU soft beans~” all the time or whatever, you don’t just get a free pass to insult people when they’re being assholes
Everything you say just goes back to “Drag doesn’t deserve to have drag’s pronouns respected”. You have yet to define what it takes to have their pronouns respected by you, always just quoting some incredibly vague troll or asshole reason.
How long is it going to take until you understand that your insistence on misgendering someone is only making you out to be a hypocrite and a transphobe at best.
By all means, tell me, do you respect my existence as an agender person because the only thing I’m seeing here is you telling me there’s some vague definition of valid trans-ness that I have no idea if I’ve managed to reach, or am even capable of reaching. And that alone should tell you enough about your behavior.
There is no winning with you, only a vague attempt at justifying transphobia, and considering you have yet to ever reply to Blaze, who’s also giving you very valid reasons, tells me a lot.
Lol, lmao. In German we don’t have they/them so xir/xer, no pronouns or neopronouns get used. Xir/xer are neopronouns too btw. Your argument is based on your own made up reality. Neopronouns are real and accepted. Maybe even in your own made up language some day
Transphobia like you apparently enjoy spreading is the last thing we need, so thank you for removing yourself from the situation, much appreciated
I am going to be honest here, I have no idea how to explain to you that using the same tactics as transphobes just because of an annoying user is wrong. You’re clearly not interested in understanding, and from what I can tell are just looking for an excuse to be an asshole transphobe yourself
Yeah, a few. Some use more out there ones too. Not my place to judge though obviously
Once again asking you at what point someone deserves to be misgendered? If it’s because of troll behavior? Congratulations, you are literally telling me basic human decency depends on if someone perceives me as a troll or not.
Is drag doing that? Or are you just trying to find a flimsy excuse to misgender someone? Because you still have yet to tell me why specifically Drag deserves to get drag’s pronouns disrespected. And being an asshole should not be a reason as stated before
I don’t get them either, but that’s the important part, just because you don’t understand them doesn’t mean it gives you a free pass to ignore/invalidate them.
I myself consider it/it’s pronouns to be extremely weird, but does that mean I misgender the people who use them? No, obviously not, because that is rude.
Even if it’s silly, using neopronouns is much less of a hassle than people think it is. Drag’s are extremely simple at that too.
Yes, because it’s still misgendering. If we allow ourselves to misgender someone because they’re an asshole, then what the hell makes us better than open transphobes? Please explain to me how misgendering drag is different from misgendering my good friend using neopronouns who isn’t a troll? How can you misgender drag, just to turn around and tell me that you respect me? If drag can somehow lose the respect to be gendered properly, what does that mean for me? At what point am I considered too much of an asshole to be given the basic human courtesy of having my pronouns respected?
Mein eigenes Problem ist dass trotz angeblicher Akzeptanz, Männer/Väter sich häufig noch der Kindersache entziehen. Oder sogar in einigen Fällen sich über Väter die sich engagieren wollen oder tuen, sich dann lustig gemacht wird.
Ich kenne selber einen Vater der derzeit aufgrund von Langzeitkrankschreibung (nein, er ist nicht stark eingeschränkt) und entsprechender Freizeit sich nen Dreck um die eigenen Kinder kümmert, dennoch aber immer davon erzählt wie wichtig es doch ist als Vater sich um die Kinder auch zu kümmern.
Desweiteren kenne ich einen anderen Vater der sich liebevoll ums Kind kümmert, allerdings dafür dann hinter seinem Rücken gelästert wird. Oft höre ich dann so etwas wie: Warum denn seine Frau nicht dabei wäre und wieso er denn immer mit dem Kind alleine unterwegs sei. Diese nervigen Kommentare kommen häufig von beiden Geschlechtern.
Wundere mich auch. Beeindruckend viele hier die denken dass Gleichberechtigung nur mit Emotionen zu tun hat.
Dass man immer noch oft genug sieht wie Frauen die einzigen sind die zum Beispiel dem Kind die Windel wechseln, weil der Vater es “eklig” findet, fällt vielen gar nicht auf.
Auch habe ich von sehr linken Männern und sogar Frauen mitgekriegt, wie sich über Männer die sich besonders engagieren um der zukünftigen Mutter zu helfen lustig gemacht wird.
Es ist eine Schande
Love how drag lives rent free in your head. Seriously, get a hobby dude, obsessing about a trans person this much is not healthy.
At any point you could have simply blocked drag, but no, engaging with drag is so much better, isn’t it? Now you’ve made posts upon posts and comments upon comments about how blahaj is weird, about how drag does not deserve to have drag’s pronouns respected, and how admins/mods/whatever on blahaj are bad.
To what end? To tell the greater user base that your opinion is superior? To make it known that drag is weird and in turn potentially cause drag to be harassed? To have the admins and mods be harassed? To have individual users with non-standard pronouns harassed?
You say you don’t care and wish Blahaj well, but your posts and comments say otherwise. My friend, it might not have been your goal, but your posts and comments are rather inciting in nature, people will get harassed because of you.
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Zum ersten Mal seit langem arbeiten die Idioten zusammen…
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Na klar, hier bitte:
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