Rather inconsiderate of him
Winner gets the others leftover eggs
As God intended
Yeah nsfw mostly refers to pornographic content and nsfl being gore etc.
Buuut 99% of the time nsfw refers to it all, any sensitive content. Suicide related, pornographic, gore, even drug related and so on. Anything a reasonable amount of people don’t wanna see.
Military diet, I remember that. Did that as a kid for a month or so
Its a new company and website who have sole TV rights to a football league here and if I wanna watch (legally atleast) I’ve gotta use it. And its free so I distrust it even more
Won’t play videos as I’ve been denying it. Should probably work if I allow it
6/8, 75%. Damn barely above average even here
This meme comes straight from my soul.
Anyone wanna watch me try? Please?
Ugh fine. I’ll volunteer
The balrog has actually sued for residuals and has recently joined the screen actors guild. (Although the manslaughter case in nz is causing some issues in his career)
So by fly you fools he meant get a flight outta New Zealand, makes sense
I wonder how many oldest people die every year. It feels like a few every year
Yes the writing industry is fascinating and quite bad I’d say. There’s a brilliant podcast on it called the missing pages podcast
Yes and since op didn’t specify any medical condition I didn’t think it was a wise idea. Idk why my comment is quite so controversial.
I’m sorry for offering up the wrong kind of advice, but I would really urge you to reconsider keto. Its horrible for you. I’ve lost a lot of weight successfully and many things have worked but keto isn’t safe.
I’m not saying its life threatening or you won’t achieve your health goals. But keto is just plain bad.
Not this time. Today I just found it this way. Having said that, Ive previously been guilty of it.